Super Monk

Chapter 1258

When Zhao Fugui jumps into the black hole, his eyes are immediately dark. Even if he opens his eyes, his eyes are dark. He can hardly see anything. I don't know how long later, Zhao Fugui's feet suddenly sink to the end.

"You immediately contact the city, ask them to ask the bus company to cooperate, urgently mobilize the city's buses to come, take all the students back to the city, go quickly!" Outside the ruins of the black house, an Xue shouts to a criminal policeman.

"And you, Andersen?" The criminal police also know that the situation is urgent. The strange situation here is beyond their understanding. They can't believe it or not.

"Give me the gun and the clip. It's our task. We can't let Zhao Fugui rush in the front. I'll help him! Ji Ling, follow him and go back to the city immediately! " An Xue takes away the Criminal Police's gun and ammunition clip, and tells Ji Ling that she jumps from the black hole without hesitation.

"Sister Ann!" Ji Ling can't stop him. He watches an Xue jump into the black hole, and then he is pulled away by the criminal police.

"Quick, inform the bus company, transfer all the buses in the city, and say that the school will have an emergency fire drill!" The vice captain of the criminal police watched two guards guarding Ma Yanyan's body being killed, and saw the horrible black hole on the other side of the black house. Knowing that the situation was urgent, he immediately ordered without hesitation.

Subsequently, the criminal police and the school security office cooperated and began to inform the students to prepare for evacuation. As for the speech, they said that it was because of the black house that the fire warning exercise was carried out, so that the school teachers and school leaders could cooperate unconditionally.

On the other side, an Xue jumps from the black hole, and her eyes are also dark. An Xue holds the gun tightly, loads the bullet, and stares around warily.

It seems that there is a huge space in the black hole, and pieces of black fog condense and float everywhere in this huge underground space. An Xue suddenly feels that it seems that there is a different space here.

An Xue tightly holds the gun and fumbles in the dark without distinguishing the direction. I don't know how long it takes, an Xue suddenly hears a strange sound.

"Richness, are you?" An Xue nervously points at the past with a gun, trying to keep her voice from trembling and yelling.

An Xue shouts twice, but there is no response at all. On the contrary, the strange voice is getting louder and louder. An Xue opens her eyes wide and vaguely sees a team coming in the black fog.

And the strange sound, an Xue tries to distinguish it, and then suddenly realizes that it's like sad music. If there is a funeral in the village, an Xue will invite a team to deliver the funeral. This is the sound that comes out when delivering the funeral.

"Whose funeral?" An Xue subconsciously raised this idea, and the team became more and more clear. It was really a funeral team blowing sad music.

A group of expressionless filial sons walk in front of the team. Several people carry a huge coffin, and the huge inscription is extremely dazzling.

The front filial son is holding a big photo in his hand. An Xue is surprised to see the photo. It's Zhao Fugui in the photo.

"How can it be rich?" An Xue feels confused. She rushes to the funeral procession to see if Zhao Fugui is lying in the coffin.

As soon as she rushed to the funeral procession, she was suddenly held by someone. An Xue was surprised and subconsciously resisted. As soon as the muzzle of the gun turned, she wanted to shoot at the person who caught her.

"An Xue, it's me. Don't go there!" Zhao Fugui's voice rings in an Xue's ear. An Xue stops fighting when she hears the familiar voice. Zhao Fugui see an Xue no longer struggle, this just let go of the hand.

"Where is this?" An Xue asked immediately.

"Ghost village, the former green water village!" Zhao Fugui said in a deep voice.

"Why are we here?" An Xue trembles to ask a way, she has already checked the data of green water village before, green water village already became a barren village 20 or 30 years ago.

Only a small part of the villagers there have records in the data, and most of the rest have no records. The recorded part of the villagers found that there was a problem in the village at the beginning and moved away with their families. Those who left early survived, and those who left late may have had an accident with the village.

"I don't know. This may be the real ghost village, or it may be just some illusions! Hush, don't make a sound yet Zhao Fugui suddenly compared a forbidden voice gesture and said to an Xue.

An Xue didn't dare to continue talking. She followed Zhao Fugui's eyes and saw that the funeral procession had come slowly.

The people in this team didn't seem to find Zhao Fugui and an Xue. They walked by them. An Xue found that the filial son holding the portrait at the front of the team was not Zhao Fugui, but a strange middle-aged man.

"Follow them Zhao Fugui pulls an Xue and signals her to follow the funeral procession. An Xue follows Zhao Fugui's steps and follows the procession quietly.

But at this time, an Xue suddenly found something unusual. She slowed down and looked at Zhao Fugui carefully. She suddenly found that Zhao Fugui's left hand was bandaged on his neck and his right hand was intact.An Xue's face suddenly changes. She clearly remembers that Zhao Fugui's right hand should be injured and fractured. Only his left hand is intact. But now Zhao Fugui's arms are adjusted one by one.

"They're going to the village. It's really a ghost village. There must be a ghost in the village. I don't know if Zhang youwan has been caught here!" Zhao Fugui doesn't seem to be aware of an Xue's change. He looks ugly and says, "let's go to the village and have a look!"

"Who are you? If you lie to me, I'll shoot at once! " An Xue opens the insurance of the pistol directly, points to Zhao Fugui and shouts harshly.

"I'm Zhao Fugui? What do you mean Zhao Fugui inexplicably back, looking at an Xue with a gun at him, unknown so asked.

"Zhao Fugui's right hand is injured, and his left hand is intact. You just made a mistake. You must be one of those monsters too!" An Xue's eyes are fierce, and she wants to pull the trigger without hesitation.

As soon as Zhao Fugui's face changes, she takes a step. Before an Xue reacts, she kills the gun in her hand. An Xue doesn't expect that Zhao Fugui's speed is so fast. She immediately reaches for another gun at her waist.

"Don't be impulsive and listen to me. I won't hurt you. This is a mirror world. You can see that my right hand is OK. In fact, my right hand is still injured!" Zhao Fugui said in a deep voice, "look at your hand holding the gun. What's the difference between peace and peace? Is it right or left?"

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