Super Monk

Chapter 1265

"What's the matter?" As soon as their faces changed, they rushed to the back of the statue. Several other members of the Dragon sparrow team also followed them.

Several members of the Longque special team rush to see an Xue's face pale and looking at the back door of the small temple in horror. The back door of the small temple has been opened by Zhao Fugui. Zhao Fugui is frowning at the outside of the back door.

Lin kuangdong and Dage looked back at the courtyard. They only looked back, and their faces changed immediately.

"Zuowei, Pegasus?" Lin crazy East and big face big change, lose voice exclaim a way.

"Found Zuowei and Pegasus?" As soon as Xiang Qiang's face tightened, he rushed over with his sword. But seeing the situation in the backyard, Xiang Qiang's face changed completely.

There are five bodies hanging upside down in the backyard of the temple. These bodies are very familiar to Xiang Qiang, because they are the missing members of the Longque special team.

"Why are they here?" Xiang Qiang's face is very ugly and says that five players have died, and none of them can explain the past. Xiang Qiang can almost see his end.

Zhao Fugui walked into the backyard and took a close look at the five corpses. All the corpses were young men, and their clothes and equipment were similar to those of Lin kuangdong.

"The blood has been drained and the internal organs have been emptied. I've been dead for a while!" Zhao Fugui looked at the bodies and said.

"How do you know their bodies are here? Did you do it? Did you do everything here? " To strong fierce rush past, a grasp Zhao Fugui's collar, sternly ask a way.

Seeing these corpses, Xiang Qiang knows that he's playing. He must find a ghost to replace the dead and find a backstage agent. Only in this way can he reluctantly explain. Otherwise, he will be expelled from the Dragon finch special team. Zhao Fugui, a man of unknown origin, is obviously the best ghost to replace the dead.

"I want to kill you for ten seconds. Why bother? If you don't care about your mouth, I don't mind discipline it for you!" Zhao Fugui grabs Xiang Qiang's hand and pushes it away. The strength of Xiang Qiang's seventh change is not enough for Zhao Fugui.

None of these five people has the strength of a half step master. The five people are even weaker than the three of them. Even if Zhao Fugui has only one hand, it's easy to solve them.

"Ten seconds to kill us? You're not afraid of the wind. I'd like to learn from you The young man with two knives said eagerly.

"Fugui has been with me all the time. We haven't seen you before you entered the temple. These people must not have been killed by Fugui. Don't treat good people wrongly!" An Xue says in a hurry.

"Who knows if you're a gang? They've been harmed by the gang!" Shuangdao man said with a sneer.

"Don't quarrel. It's not the time for internal strife. Those things can easily kill Zuo Wei and they will surely kill us easily. We don't know if we can go out. What is internal strife now?" Lin's face sank and he said coldly.

When Lin kuangdong gets angry, Shuangdao man refuses to shut his mouth. Lin kuangdong is the strongest among them, and he can't afford it. However, Shuangdao man is very unconvinced with Zhao Fugui. He can't feel Zhao Fugui's anger at all. He doesn't even have a little anger. How can he defeat Lin kuangdong.

Lin said that, I'm afraid it's just a gold medal for Zhao Fugui's face.

Zhao Fugui didn't bother to pay attention to these self righteous guys. He walked directly to the wing room behind the courtyard. There are three rooms in the back of the courtyard. Zhao Fugui pushes the room aside and looks inside.

There is an earthen stove in the wing room. There is fire under the earthen stove. There is something boiling in a big black pot. An Xue follows Zhao Fugui. No one cares about the black pot. You don't need to know that it must be the internal organs of the bodies in the courtyard outside.

"Something Zhao Fugui glances at the wing room, and suddenly makes a no sound gesture to an Xue. Then he points to the wing room next door. An Xue also hears the fragmentary sound coming from the wing room next door. He nods, and an Xue points the shotgun in that direction.

Zhao Fugui slowly retreated from the wing room and was about to go to the door of the next wing room to block the things next door. This thing might be the reason why those monsters did not dare to enter the temple.

But at this time, in the courtyard, a dragon finch special team suddenly screamed.

"Ah! Zuo Wei is alive A member of the Dragon finch team is walking through the five corpses and towards the wing room. But he just passed by Zuowei's corpse, and Zuowei's corpse suddenly moved, opened his eyes and strangled his neck.

The members of the Dragon finch team were so surprised that they even lost their sword in their hands. They didn't know how to resist.

"Lynch!" As soon as Lin's face changed, he rushed over immediately. But at this moment, the other four bodies all survived. All the four bodies seized Lynch.

"Ah Lynch uttered a shrill scream. He was torn apart by several corpses. One body tore Lynch's face, another body tore off Lynch's arm, and the other two bodies ripped Lynch's body. In the blink of an eye, they split him up."Lynch!" Lin kuangdong's eyes turned red instantly, and the sword in his hand flickered wildly. In the blink of an eye, he cut off all the limbs of the corpse. But by this time, Lynch had already died. He opened his eyes wide and was unwilling to stare at the sky. The bloody scene stunned all the other members of the Dragon finch team.

A few seconds ago, just at the moment when Lynch screamed, Zhao Fugui moved. He had no time to block the door of the wing room and hit the wall in the middle of the room.

"Boom!" The wall was smashed in an instant. Zhao Fugui rushed directly into the next room. In the next room, five or six monsters with black body, long tail and no eyes and nose were chewing around some viscera. Beside the monsters, there was a paper man who was feeding them viscera. The appearance of the paper man was three points similar to that of Zhang youwan.

"Roar!" As soon as Zhao Fugui rushed in, the dark monsters turned around and roared in the direction of Zhao Fugui. Then they all rushed towards Zhao Fugui.

"To die!" Zhao Fugui gave a sharp drink and directly met him. With one blow, a black monster was blasted by Zhao Fugui.

The second black monster pours on Zhao Fugui's face. Zhao Fugui kicks the monster and grabs the third one by the neck.

"Click!" A bang, directly pinch the monster's spine, but the remaining three monsters also rushed at the same time.

"Boom!" An Xue even fired two shots. The shotgun directly opened the bodies of the two black monsters. As soon as the ash touched their bodies, it immediately began to corrode. The two monsters rolled on the ground in pain.

The monster stopped Zhao Fugui but didn't bite his neck.

An Xue pulled the trigger hard, and there was a sound of air crash in the chamber of the shotgun. There was no bullet in the shotgun. Her shotgun could only fill two bullets at a time.

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