Super Monk

Chapter 1285

In the sky, a military transport helicopter slowly flew low, and then landed on the threshing ground of Houcun village in Wangjia village. This is the first time that such a big thing has appeared in Wangjia village for so many years.

Some villagers of Wangjia village run home and secretly hide behind the windows to peep. Not only they, but also the criminal police brought by an Xue's eyes changed when they looked at Zhao Fugui.

They knew that Zhao Fugui was a powerful man, but they didn't expect that Zhao Fugui could even call special forces. These soldiers had camouflage on their faces, and the weapons they wore were very advanced. There was no sign on the camouflage uniform, only a sword sign on the armband.

I'm afraid it's not only the special forces, but also the mysterious special forces. It's estimated that they are all confidential.

"The boy Wang Dajiang is finished. He usually looks up to the sky in the village and town. He has offended the wrong person today!" A villager of Wangjia village whispered.

"Yes, who would have thought that Zhao Fugui had so much energy. I thought he was an upstart before, but I didn't expect that he was so powerful!"

"Wang Dajiang is very powerful in our village. When he meets someone like Zhao Fugui, he's done a lot of corruption, bribery and bullying in the countryside. I think it's hard for him to get out of here!"

"Their family has made a mistake this time. The black workshop alone stinks our village every day. No one dares to offend them before. It's only because the black workshop estimates that Wang Dajiang and his family will not be able to get away with it!"

The people in Wangjia village talked about it and looked at them in awe.

"Fugui, I'll take these people first. After I arrange for people to take photos and leave evidence, I'll have them sent to you!" An Xue said.

"Well, you can arrange it!" Zhao Fugui nodded and said.

"Boss Zhao, I really have eyes and don't know Taishan. If you don't remember villains, please forgive me this time!" Boss Wang recalled that he was about to be pressed away by the criminal police when this guy suddenly hugged Zhao Fugui's leg and wailed.

"Don't you want to kill me? I thought you were a great man. It turned out that you are such a waste. Go to prison and reflect on yourself! " Zhao Fugui said with disdain.

"Let's go, let's go, just because you still want to fight against the law violently. If you don't want to show us some strength, you don't know our strength!" A criminal policeman pushed boss Wang hard and put him in the police car.

Director Du and two policemen in Sishui town have long been scared. They dare not walk in the corner and show their faces. When an Xue was surrounded just now, director Du didn't say a word for an Xue, and officials and businessmen colluded with each other. He can't explain this matter alone.

"Director Du, give me your gun. You are suspended now, waiting for the investigation of the bureau!" An Xue looks at Du Suo Chang that shrinks head to sink a voice to say.

"Ann, it's none of my business." Director Du's face was wronged, but he didn't dare not give up his gun. Otherwise, it would be bad luck if he was suddenly attacked by these soldiers.

"it doesn't matter if you has the final say, grab it and take it away!" An Xue waved and said.

"Go The two criminal policemen were not polite to him. They even arrested him and put him in the police car.

"Then let's go first!" An Xue said to Zhao Fugui, and then nodded to Lin Hongdong. Three police cars left one after another, pressing the group to leave Wangjia village soon.

"Brother Zhao, when do you have time to go to our base?" When an Xue and they leave, Lin kuangdong asks Zhao Fugui.

"Now it's midnight. I'll go later. I'll go back to the village first. There are two injured people over there!" Zhao Fugui raised his wrist and looked. It's only three or four o'clock in the morning. It's too early.

"Well, we'll go with you, brother Zhao!" As soon as he waved his hand, several special forces immediately returned to the military transport plane, followed Zhao Fugui to Xiaowan village with Knight 15. It looked like he was accompanying Zhao Fugui to protect him.

Zhao Fugui drove Knight XV back to Xiaowan village. The people who were awake in the village were shocked when they saw a large helicopter landing in the village. Fortunately, it was still early in the morning, and almost no tourists got up. Otherwise, I'm afraid there would be onlookers everywhere on the third floor.

"How's uncle Niu?" When Zhao Fugui returns to the village, he immediately goes to the sanatorium and asks Chen Yihan.

"Nothing's wrong. The special care workers have already wrapped him up. Both of them are OK. Now they are resting inside!" Chen Yihan said, and then she looked at Lin kuangdong and the special forces and asked curiously, "who are they?"

"It's a friend in the army who invited me to visit their base. I'll go there later!" Zhao Fugui said.

Zhao Fugui went into the ward and looked at Niu Laohan and another worker. Both of them were asleep with bandages on their heads, but the injury was not serious. They should be OK after a few days' rest.

"Take good care of them and let them rest here these days!" Zhao Fugui said to the special care beauty.

"I see, Dr. Zhao!" Several special care beauties on duty nodded and said."Fugui, have you found the cow? You're not in trouble, are you? " Chen Yihan followed Zhao Fugui out of the ward and asked.

"It's no trouble. An Xue will send someone to deliver the cattle later. It's going to light later. You can go to sleep for a while. I'll go out with them!" Zhao Fugui pointed to Lin crazy East, they said.

"Well, be safe!" Chen Yihan has also seen the world. After a few eyes, she knew that these soldiers should be secret units, so she didn't ask much. He and Lin kuangdong nodded and went to the Farmhouse Inn.

"Let's go to your base!" Zhao Fugui takes Chen Yihan back to the Farmhouse Inn, and then walks to the transport helicopter with Lin kuangdong.

"Let's go!" Several people all got on the plane, and the transport helicopter began to take off slowly and fly into the sky in the dark.

Central China is mountainous and hilly, and some mountains can stretch for hundreds of kilometers. Zhao Fugui has heard that there are secret units in some mountains before, but this is his first time here.

The transport helicopter had been flying for nearly an hour until the horizon began to brighten slightly. A base hidden in the middle of the continuous mountains appeared in front of them.

There are nine special combat teams in Kyushu of China, each team has less than 100 people, and so is the Dragon sparrow team. However, in order to ensure the supply logistics and base security of the Dragon sparrow team, there are nearly 1000 people around the Dragon sparrow team, which is composed of military talents from the three provinces of central China. These people together form a base in the middle of this mountain.

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