Super Monk

Chapter 1297

"Master Jin, I'm sorry to disturb your class!"

Boss Liu took Zhao Fugui and Le Yan to the Taekwondo Hall. Twenty or thirty students were kneeling on the ground to listen to a Korean speaking Korean. Next to him was a flattering translator.

When Zhao Fugui saw this scene, he thought that these sticks had come to China to make money, but he didn't even learn a word of Chinese. If Zhao Fugui had paid a lot of money to learn things, and other people were still talking about birds, he would have gone up in the palm of his hand. It's really spineless for these students to come here to cheer.

No wonder some sticks are like dogs in China. When they come to China, they are scared to death. This is entirely due to the failure of some Chinese people.

"Mr. Liu, don't you see the owner of the gold museum in class? Why bother the owner of the gold museum? " The Korean took a look at boss Liu and didn't say anything. Instead, the flattering translator jumped up and questioned discontentedly.

"Well, I've come to inform you that your rental contract is about to expire." Liu boss's kind words explained.

"It's due when it's due. Do we owe you that little money? You go and get the contract ready. We'll meet you when the golden master has time! " The translator cheered with pride.

"There won't be any contract. I'm here to inform you that your Taekwondo Hall will be moved to me in two days. I've rented this place!" Zhao Fugui was very upset that he felt so superior when he was a dog. He didn't wait for boss Liu to speak to them in a low voice. Zhao said with a sneer.

"What? Without our permission, who allowed you, a damned Chinese, to rent out the house? " Jin Jianxiong stood up fiercely and yelled. It turns out that this guy doesn't speak Chinese, but pretends not to.

"You're just a bunch of renters. Is the house yours? Why do you want your permission to rent it or not? Who are you Zhao Fugui said lightly.

"Damn it, how dare you talk to coach Kim like this, apologize, apologize at once!" A female student in a taekwondo suit stood up angrily, pointed at Zhao Fugui and yelled with the same excitement as her dead parents.

"It's really a lack of quality. It's a shame for us Chinese people. You must immediately apologize to our coach Jin!"

"Disgraceful guy, this guy is a country bumpkin at first sight. He really has no culture and quality!"

The group of Taekwondo students all jumped up, surrounded by Zhao Fugui angry accusations.

"Shut up, a group of things that worship foreign countries and flatter foreign countries. Who is humiliating the Chinese people?" Zhao Fugui gave a sharp drink, and it sounded like a thunder in these guys' ears, which scared them down.

"Boy, I'll tell you one last time. You'll all go away in two days, or you'll bear the consequences!" Zhao Fugui pointed to Jin Jianxiong and said faintly.

"Hum, humble Chinese, you'd better terminate the contract with boss Liu immediately, or you'll be in big trouble!" Jin Jianxiong looked at Zhao Fugui contemptuously and said haughtily.

"I'll see who's in big trouble when I see it!" Zhao Fugui glances at Jin Jianxiong and turns to walk outside the Taekwondo Hall. Now there are two days left before the contract expires. Zhao Fugui gives these clubs two days.

Le Yan and boss Liu follow Zhao Fugui to leave the Taekwondo Hall. The group of students were scared by Zhao Fugui just now, and they didn't dare to stop them.

When Jin Jianxiong sees Yue Yan, he suddenly sees a bright spot in front of his eyes. The beauty of Le Yan is not common even in the provincial capital.

"Hello, miss. I'm Kim Kin Hsiung from Seoul. Nice to meet you. I wonder if I have the honor to treat you to Korean food?" Jin Jianxiong stopped Le Yan and said with a gentle expression.

Jin Jianxiong is full of confidence in himself. After he came to Huaxia, he found that many women in Huaxia are very good at it. As long as he reported his identity as a Korean, there is no need to waste his mind at all, and countless women will be easily hooked.

"Sorry, I have a boyfriend!" Le Yan disdained to look at Jin Jianxiong, deliberately embracing Zhao Fugui's arm said.

Yue Yan hugs Zhao Fugui's shoulder tightly and leans his body on Zhao Fugui's body without any hesitation. Jin Jianxiong's face changes greatly and his eyes radiate with envy.

"Miss, what's the future with this guy? If you follow me, I can even help you get the nationality of the Republic of Korea and take you to live in Seoul!" Jin Jianxiong said in a deep voice.

"Sorry, I'm very satisfied with my Chinese nationality. What's more, the Republic of Korea still depends on your father's face. How much is your nationality worth?" He said sarcastically.

"How dare you so slander our great republic of Korea!" Kim Kin Hsiung's face sank and he yelled angrily, "I will tell you that in Asia, the men of the Republic of Korea are the strongest men!"

"Zhixiu, teach me a lesson about this arrogant boy!" Jin Jianxiong could not bear to lose his temper with Le Yan. He pointed to Zhao Fugui with a ferocious face and said, "boy, you dare to make trouble in our Taekwondo Hall. I'll let you know the strength of our Korean men!""Yes, curator!" A Korean man in his twenties stood up with a black belt around his waist.

"Wow, brother Zhixiu is going to do it himself!" A female student suddenly screamed like a flower maniac.

"Brother Zhixiu is so handsome. Teach this country bumpkin a lesson!"

"Brother Zhixiu, come on, taekwondo is the first in the universe!" A group of female students are looking at the Korean with their eyes and heart full of excitement.

"Brain is a good thing, but some people don't have it!" Le Yan looked at the group of female students, helpless shook his head and said.

"You want to do it with me?" Zhao Fugui picked eyebrows and asked with a funny expression.

"For the sake of your disability, we can spare you a small life. You just have to kneel down and kowtow to me to apologize and go away!" Jin Jianxiong cheered with a sneer.

"The master of the gold museum is so kind-hearted that he can let this villain go. The villain, don't you kowtow and apologize to the master of the gold museum!" The sharp mouthed translator made a disgusting flattery to Jin Jianxiong, then turned his head and yelled at Zhao Fugui.

"Quack When Zhao Fugui's eyes were cold, he slapped his hand on the face of the interpreter who liked to be a dog. The interpreter suddenly screamed, turned around in the same place, spat out a few bloody teeth from his mouth, and sat down on the ground howling.

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