Super Monk

Chapter 1315

No.3 food shop in Wan Village, Chinese Martial Arts Association and traditional Chinese Medicine Museum began to make final preparations at the same time. Wan Village No.3 food shop makes menu, trains waiters, and makes simple transformation to the kitchen.

The Huaxia Jingwu Association printed advertising leaflets, the medical center handled all kinds of certificates, and put them on record in the Health Bureau. Three days later, all the three stores were ready.

In the early morning of this day, Zhao Fugui invited the lion dance team to hold an opening ceremony outside the Jingwu guild hall. Firecrackers are not allowed in the provincial and urban areas. Previously, boss Liu even helped Zhao Fugui contact ten firecrackers to make a big noise.

However, Zhao Fugui didn't want to break the rules, so he declined boss Liu's proposal. He only danced lion, didn't set off firecrackers, and didn't salute. Just make it a little more lively, and didn't make so much noise.

As soon as the plaque of the Chinese Elite martial arts association was unveiled, people gathered around half of the commercial street to watch the excitement. Many people who were still shopping did not buy it. The three shops on Zhao Fugui's side became the only protagonists in the commercial street today.

"Jingwu guild hall, hum, this guy thinks he's Chen Zhen. After beating away a few Korean guys, he thinks he's so powerful!" The manager of the CK brand store next door saw that almost everyone was watching outside the Jingwu guild hall. He said discontentedly.

"Manager, these people are blocking at the door, and they are lion dancers and advertisers. They are really pushing down the level of our store. In the past, the Taekwondo Hall next door was so fashionable that they did not feel ashamed of their low level of traditional martial arts. What a nuisance A heavy make-up shop assistant said.

"These guys really don't know their faces. The new comers don't know how to keep a low profile. Don't worry, the city management team leader in this district is my brother. I'll call him and promise to tear down their desks!" The manager sneered, then took out his mobile phone and made a call to the city management team leader.

"All right, it's done. My brother will bring people here right away. If this guy doesn't know his face, he will smash all his things!" The manager hung up and said.

On the other side, in the courtyard of the urban management brigade, a guy with a face full of flesh and blood, holding a cigarette, is calling the urban management team to get on the bus and go out to work.

"Today, someone in the business street influenced my brother's business. After a while, he smashed all his things to me!" The city management team with a face full of flesh cheered as it grew up.

"I know the captain. Someone dares to offend even the brother of the captain. I don't know what to do!" A few cars of Chengguan yelled.

A few cars roared out of the courtyard of the urban management team. After a while, they heard the outside of the commercial street, and dozens of urban managers walked in the commercial street with a ferocious face.

Just at this time, a Rolls Royce came in, followed by several staff members carrying a few luxurious flower baskets trotting behind.

"Richness and honor, I don't say in advance for opening today. I'm in a hurry and I'm not prepared!" Wang Yuanming came down from Rolls Royce and said with a smile to Zhao Fugui.

"If you have anything to prepare for, it's not a big deal to start a business!" Zhao Fugui said with a smile, "brother Wang, sit inside. Upstairs, it's No. 3 restaurant of Wan village now!"

"I haven't had any delicious food in Wan village for a long time. I'd like to have a good taste today!" Wang Yuanming nodded and walked upstairs accompanied by bodyguards and staff.

"Take everything away!" Just at this time, a group of Chengguan came over, and a very bad Chengguan went up and cheered.

"Look, my brother has brought people here. Someone in this commercial street dares to get in my way. I have plenty of means to punish him!" CK store manager said triumphantly.

"The manager is so powerful. We are CK's exclusive shop, world famous brand. It's a shame to put them together with their outdated traditional martial arts club. If only we could drive them away!" The shop assistant with heavy makeup said coquettishly.

"I'll get rid of them when I get a chance!" The manager swore.

At this time, the head of the city management team, who was full of flesh and blood, suddenly changed his face and grabbed his men who were going to smash things and drive people.

"Captain, what's the matter?" An urban management team member asked with unknown reasons.

"General manager Wang of Dongsheng Group, general manager Chen of Beijiang group and Minister Chen of the city all came to celebrate in person. What's the origin of this Jingwu guild hall?" Looking at the guests outside the guild hall, the city management team leader with a face full of flesh said suspiciously.

"Captain, you see, director Song of the Municipal Bureau is also here. He is also here in person!" Another urban management team member was surprised and nervously pointed to another person who had just come.

"What? Director Song is here, too! " The urban management team leader's face changed again. As soon as he turned his head, he saw that director song also came with two flower baskets. Moreover, when he came to Zhao Fugui's face, he even gave Zhao Fugui a salute. The urban management team leader was confused and didn't know what was going on.

"Don't salute in front of others. Don't make such a high profile in secret keeping units!" Zhao Fugui said to Director Song.

"Yes, you are right!" Director Song quickly nodded, feeling that the "Bureau seat" was not right to be called in public. He quickly changed his words and said, "I will call the Bureau seat boss Zhao in the future!""Well, go up and sit down!" Zhao Fugui nodded and invited director Song in.

"Captain, what shall we do? Are they going to dismantle the lion dance team and the platform? " A city management team leader asked, confused about the situation.

"Take it down? You're trying to tear down my platform, aren't you? They're either the boss or the leader here. You're trying to make me uncomfortable, aren't you? " The city management team leader's face sank and yelled.

"Yes, yes, we listen to the captain!" Several city management team members said in a hurry.

At this time, Zhao Fugui also saw the group of urban management, immediately frowned and came over.

"What are you doing here?" Zhao Fugui asked with a frown.

"Boss Zhao, we are here to help maintain order!" The captain of the city management team tried to make his face full of flesh look kind and said with a smile.

"Then keep order!" Zhao Fugui waved and said lightly.

"Yes, yes!" The city management team leader quickly nodded, turned around and yelled to the city management team members, "hurry up and help maintain order. If there is any trouble today, be careful I'll clean you up!"

In the blink of an eye, the city management, who was just like a wolf, immediately went to maintain order honestly. The manager of CK's franchise store suddenly looked ugly. He just wanted to ask the city management team leader about it, but saw that the team leader glared at him.

The manager immediately cried bitterly in his heart. It seems that there is something inside this matter today. He has to break some money to appease the city management team leader.

On the other hand, Zhao Fugui's three stores have been completely lively.

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