Super Monk

Chapter 1317

Zhao Fugui glanced at his business card, which said that the provincial capital of China and Western medicine wholesale company, concurrently engaged in all kinds of medical equipment, consultation with domestic and international well-known experts.

"I'll see if I need to!" Zhao Fugui didn't care too much. Now there are more people who come to sell things, and the quality of things is uneven. Zhao Fugui doesn't believe these people very much.

"I'm not suggesting that if your Chinese drugstore wants to run smoothly in the provincial capital, you must purchase from our company, otherwise you can't afford the consequences!" The middle-aged woman cheered with pride.

When Zhao Fugui heard this, he immediately frowned and was quite upset. The water in the provincial capital was still very deep. As soon as his shop opened, all kinds of ghosts and ghosts came to his door. There was something strange about the appearance of the inexplicable city management outside, but they kept order honestly, and Zhao Fugui didn't bother to talk nonsense.

Now a door-to-door sales of medicinal materials are so bullish. Do these guys really think Zhao Fugui is a bully?

"I'd like to know what consequences I can't afford!" Zhao Fugui sneered and said lightly, "take your business card and get out of here now. Don't come to my shop in the future!"

Zhao Fugui directly threw his business card on the middle-aged woman's face. The middle-aged woman's face suddenly changed. She screamed sharply, "you wait. I think you can open this shop for a few days. At that time, even if you kneel down and beg us to sell you herbs, we won't sell them!"

The middle-aged woman glared at Zhao Fugui. Without picking up the business card on the ground, she turned around and left angrily.

"Dr. Zhao, are we going to be in trouble? This kind of drug company usually has a lot to do with each other. In the past, there were people in our medical college selling some teaching tools in medicine every year. If we didn't buy them, the evaluation and some aspects of the school would be affected!" A special care beauty worried said.

"The more related people are, the worse the quality of the products they sell. If they use their products to treat patients, there may be serious problems, and I'm even less likely to buy their products!" Zhao Fugui shook his head and said, "and I'm not a bully. I'd like to see who supports these companies again!"

While talking, a new military off-road vehicle came directly. The door of the off-road vehicle was opened, a long leg appeared from the off-road vehicle, and Leng Xi in casual clothes came down from the vehicle.

"Drillmaster, why don't you inform me of your business opening? I'll give you my congratulations!" Outside, Leng Xi didn't salute Zhao Fugui, and said directly.

"It's just a little thing. Why bother you? Since you're here, you'll stay for lunch!" Zhao Fugui said.

"Well, Wan village is famous for its delicious food. I'm going to try it today!" Cold Xi out of the army, also did not have the appearance of Lengyan, appears kind and lovely, smell speech nodded to say.

Just at this time, two official cars suddenly came and stopped outside the traditional Chinese medicine center. One of the two cars was a fire truck, the other was an industrial and commercial car.

"Who is the owner of this shop?" Seven or eight people, dressed in casual clothes and not even in uniform, came in and yelled loudly.

"I am. What can I do for you?" Zhao Fugui feels these people's intentions are not good. He frowns and says that Leng Xi was about to go upstairs, but he stops when he sees these people.

"Give me your business license and medical license!" The official authority full this person said.

"And fire acceptance certificate, together with out!" The fire department also cheered.

Zhao Fugui has a business license, but Zhao Fugui doesn't have a medical qualification certificate. Moreover, the traditional Chinese Medicine Museum is just a small shop, and it doesn't need any fire acceptance certificate at all.

"The business license is hanging there. Our small shop doesn't need fire inspection at all. I've called your fire station before!" Zhao Fugui said.

"I don't care if you have asked. I said that if you need fire acceptance, you need fire acceptance. If you don't have fire acceptance certificate, you will be fined 30000 yuan and shut down for rectification until the fire acceptance is qualified!" Yelled the fire station.

"Thirty thousand? Can you punish so much? What's more, I don't have a qualified fire department here? " Zhao Fugui frowned and asked, "the traditional Chinese Medicine Museum has only one front room. The front door goes in and out. There are no back doors in the buildings here. Let alone there is no fire, there is a sudden fire. People run out in two steps. How can they fail to pass the fire inspection?".

"You don't have a fire passage here, dare you ask me where the fire is unqualified?" Yelled the fire station.

"There is only one door here. Do I have to separate a fire passage? The stores in this street are all in this layout. Why don't you ask them to close down for rectification? " Zhao Fugui's face sank and asked.

"Others are others, you are you, pay a fine quickly, or your shop will be closed now!" Said the fire station impatiently.

"In addition, the medicinal materials in your shop are not purchased through regular channels. We want to seal them up and take them away. You must purchase through regular channels!" People from the health bureau also said.

"All my medicinal materials are sold in the market. If the market is not a regular channel, why don't you close the market?" Zhao Fugui glanced at the people of the health bureau and said with disdain."Boy, you dare to talk to me in a weird way. Do you believe I'll arrest you now?" The official of the Health Bureau barked.

"This is director Qin of our health bureau. Dare you talk to director Qin like this, don't you want to be confused?" A minion behind director Qin clapped the table and yelled.

"I think you don't want to mix up. How dare you talk to our leaders like this!" Leng Xi said with a deep dissatisfaction. Zhao Fugui is not only the commander-in-chief of their Longque special team, but also the deputy director of Zhongzhou special service bureau. He has a special identity. A director of the Health Bureau dares to talk to him like this, which is just like eating a bear's heart and a leopard's gall.

"Leadership? Such a young leader? " Director Qin looked at Zhao Fugui suspiciously, sneered and said, "hum, you dare to pretend to be a leader in front of me. Don't talk nonsense. You don't have regular purchasing channels for medicinal materials. You don't have a medical qualification certificate. I'm going to arrest you as a fake doctor now! "

"Brother Zhao, the chief said that in order to make it convenient for you to practice medicine, he specially gave you a military medical certificate. I almost forgot it just now!" Leng Xi takes out a certificate from her body and hands it to Zhao Fugui.

"Who said I didn't have a medical certificate? Now I have one!" It's really troublesome to have no medical qualification certificate. Without this, many people don't believe that Zhao fuguikong has a sound ability.

"Military doctor?" Director Qin looked at Zhao Fugui's certificate, and his face suddenly changed.

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