Super Monk

Chapter 1323

"Ten kilometers. It's amazing. They've run ten kilometers!" A lot of people are driving their cars and riding their electric bikes with the veterans. They are shocked to see Zhao Fugui run ten kilometers directly.

"It's nothing to run ten kilometers. You can run a marathon farther. But you can see that most of them run ten kilometers without blushing and panting. It's too awesome. It's absolutely a combination of internal and external training. This Jingwu guild hall is really capable!"

"Yes, although young people are not physically strong now, there are still many people who can run ten kilometers, but few of them can do it so easily!"

"I was a layman and an expert. I went to the mountain to be a layman for two months during my summer vacation. I learned martial arts with my master. I asked myself that I had a little insight. This Jingwu guild hall definitely has real skills!"

"I've heard my father say before that strength is the foundation of martial arts training. He used to come out of the army and learned from experts in the army, so he's also good at it. The disciples of Jingwu guild hall run ten kilometers at a time. They are so relaxed one by one. Even the professional long-distance runners don't have this ability. They must have their own way of practicing Qi. I'm afraid the masters in the guild hall have real kung fu. This kind of master is rare these days! "

Zhao Fugui and his friends began to run. Not only did they follow, but they even took out their mobile phones to shoot. After shooting, they sent them to the circle of friends.

"With the rise of Chinese martial arts, there are masters who take their disciples in the martial arts school for a long run of ten kilometers. After running, they don't blush and gasp. It's so awesome!"

"The real master appears. I can't run down this empty kilometer. I'm going to learn from master!"

"Follow the master to keep fit. When I meet a hooligan and beat a hooligan, my girlfriend keeps me from getting out of bed. Cool!"

All kinds of long and short videos were shot and sent to the circle of friends, and immediately exploded in the circle of friends. There are not many young people who can run ten kilometers at a time, and it is even more rare that they can run so easily after running. Just showing this skill, we all think that Jingwu guild hall has real skills.

The members of the longquete team practice the true legend. It's easy to run 10 kilometers. Usually, they run with a load of 10 to 20 kilometers in the field. Now they don't have to carry a load. They run with a broken face and a short breath.

Li Zhaoji is the only one in the whole team. Several of their fitness coaches can't run for five kilometers. They have no choice but to go back to Jingwu guild hall by themselves.

"Master, you are back!" When Lin Xiaoxiao saw Zhao Fugui and their return, she was immediately excited. Then she said happily, "Zhao Fugui, we are finally open. Just now a student came to sign up!"

"New students? We don't take what we shouldn't take! " Zhao Fugui said.

"This must conform to the rules of our martial arts school!" Lin Xiaoxiao patted his chest and assured, then a man who had changed the martial arts uniform of Jingwu guild hall came out and called to Zhao Fugui.


"Chen Xi? I also said that if you didn't show up for such a long time, you didn't want to learn martial arts! " When Zhao Fugui saw the new student, he was stunned and then said with a smile.

This new student turned out to be Chen Xixi, the daughter of Chen island Master Zhao Fugui met in the island. Zhao Fugui had promised to accept Chen Xixi as an apprentice before, and now she's here.

"It's a waste of time arranging things at home!" Chen Xi said happily.

"From today on, you should learn martial arts with Lin Xiaoxiao. I'll pass on your dragon sparrow training skill later." Zhao Fugui said that Chen Xixi was originally a person in half of the real martial arts circle, certainly not like an ordinary martial arts school disciple.

"Instructor!" When people from the longquete team stop in the martial arts school, the martial arts school is occupied by less than half. Fortunately, the original Taekwondo school is not small, but now it becomes larger after it has been expanded.

"If you have any questions, you can ask me now!" Zhao Fugui said.

"Instructor, what martial arts do they practice?" Lin suddenly pointed to Zhang Chunhua and Cheng Dalong and asked. Originally, Lin's boxing skills were just ordinary, but the more he looked at them, the more surprised he was. This kind of boxing seems simple, but in fact, the more he looks at it, the more extraordinary it is. It's almost comparable to the family martial arts of many Longque special forces soldiers.

You should know that the martial arts of the soldiers of the Dragon sparrow special corps are only ordinary, otherwise it would not be so difficult for them to enter the real martial arts circle. Compared with the moves, the seven step boxing is not much worse than their real martial arts moves.

"What they practice is seven step boxing!" Zhao Fugui casually said that although the seven step smash boxing is not bad, it is far from the real powerful and real martial arts skills. Zhao Fugui did not expect that Lin kuangdong would care so much.

"Instructor, can you teach us this boxing skill?" Lin kuangdong asked.

"Yes, instructor, we also want to learn!" Other people also asked with envy. The first punch of seven step boxing is not so simple. It must be more extraordinary. The members of longquete team also want to learn.

"You want to learn this boxing?" Zhao Fugui thought for a while and said, "this boxing method is enough for ordinary people, but it's only average for you. Well, I'll revise this boxing method these two days, and then pass it on to you!""Thank you, instructor!" A group of members of the Dragon finch special team were very happy and excited. They said that this is the treatment of a master level master as the chief instructor. He can modify his martial arts easily. How can a master half step have this ability.

"Excuse me, do you accept apprentices here?" At this time, a thin and weak young man with glasses came in and asked nervously. "I haven't been in good health since I was a child. I want to practice martial arts to strengthen myself!"

"Yes, we do. Do you have a proper job?" Lin Xiaoxiao rushed up and asked excitedly.

"I, I work in the provincial capital and have a proper career!" The young man was startled, subconsciously stepped back, and then saw Lin Xiaoxiao's cute and beautiful face, suddenly blushed and whispered.

"Well, you can sign up. It's 8000 yuan a year. You can pay 800 yuan a month first." Lin Xiaoxiao said with a small hand.

"That, students you accept or not, I am still in school!" Another boy came in and asked.

"Yes, but it's OK to practice martial arts. You can't hit people at school unless someone bullies you!" Lin Xiaoxiao said aloud.

"I also want to sign up for ten kilometers. When can we sign up?" Asked another.

"If you practice hard, it's absolutely easy to run ten kilometers in half a year!"

"I want to sign up, I want to sign up too!"

In the blink of an eye, one after another people came to the martial arts school. After a while, dozens of people came to sign up for the martial arts school. Zhao Fugui didn't expect that such a good advertising effect could be formed just by a long run.

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