Super Monk

Chapter 1329

"You still want to quibble? You run to someone else's martial arts school and hurt them. Do you think it's enough to talk about it? " Director Zhang said with a sneer, "you have injured five people. If all of them are found to be slightly injured or seriously injured, you should wash your buttocks and get ready for prison!"

"No wonder Chinese martial arts are declining. You are just like those Koreans!" Zhao Fugui glanced at master Shen and his group and said in a deep voice.

Shen Changlin, the disciples behind them, bowed their heads in shame one by one. Now Chinese martial arts are declining. If they didn't really like traditional martial arts, they would have gone to learn Taekwondo and Taiquan long ago. How could they learn traditional martial arts? Shen Changlin's practice is really disgusting.

On the contrary, Shen Changlin didn't look ashamed. For them, they didn't care about Chinese martial arts. It was important for them to take more apprentices and earn more money.

"Well, what if you can fight? If you don't know what's going on, we can't let you open a martial arts school. Director Zhang, I'm going to trouble you this time. We must severely punish those who intentionally hurt people and disturb public order! " Shen Changlin said with a sneer.

"Master Shen, don't worry, I will arrange it!" Director Zhang nodded clearly and said that it's very easy to deal with this kind of thing. It's enough to detain a person with a slight injury, and it's enough to sentence a person with a serious injury. It's not easy to deal with such a lone stranger.

Even if the boy doesn't accept and delays for a period of time, the serious injury becomes slight, and the slight injury becomes better. Who dares to say that the victim was not seriously injured at the beginning?

"Come with us!" Director Zhang's rude wave, there are two policemen out of the handcuffs, ready to put Zhao Fugui handcuffs.

"Wait, which police station are you from? What's your name? " Zhao Fugui asked suddenly.

"Boy, why do you ask so many questions? Want to find a relationship? " Director Zhang disdained to say, "OK, I tell you, I'm Zhang Meian from Jiangbei Road police station. I'll see what relationship you can find!"

"Then you wait!" Zhao Fugui nodded faintly, took out his mobile phone and called song Jianping, "Director Song, do you know Zhang Maoan from Jiangbei Road police station? I compete with others. He wants to take me to the police station! "

"What? Is that the case? " Song Jianping answered the phone, his face changed greatly, and he said, "Zhang Meian, I know, the deputy director who was mentioned two years ago, bureau seat, you give him the phone, I'll tell him!"

"Put you on the phone!" Zhao Fugui directly handed his mobile phone to Zhang.

"My phone?" Zhang Maoan looks at Zhao Fugui suspiciously, and suddenly feels that this matter may be a bit troublesome. But after thinking about it, Zhang Maoan cheers hard: "I don't care who you call, I act according to the rules, and no one can help me!"

"Do you really follow the rules? By the rules, can you come so soon? " Zhao Fugui said lightly, "this call is from Song Jianping, director of your Municipal Bureau. If you don't answer it, you can wait for him to come here in person."

"Song, director Song?" Zhang Meian's face changed greatly. Seeing that Zhao Fugui wanted to hang up, he dared not answer the director's call. He snatched the mobile phone and said, "bureau, director, I'm Zhang Meian!"

"Zhang, don't you want to do it? If you don't want to do it, take off your uniform and go away. Don't harm me here! " As soon as Zhang got through, an angry roar came from the other end of the phone.

"Bureau director, I don't want to do it!" Zhang said with a sad face.

"You don't want to? I think you're the old man. You think you're too safe. Find me something, don't you? Director Zhao, how dare you provoke? " Song Jianping was angry.

"Zhao, who is also the director? But I don't know him Zhang Mao was surprised and said quickly.

"Hum, the Bureau seat is a person from a special unit, whose level is much higher than mine. Now get back to the prison immediately. How dare you manage the affairs of a special unit?" Song Jianping hung up with a bang.

Zhang looks like an stupidly listens to the busy sound coming from the mobile phone. It takes Shen Changlin a long time to react. When they see Zhang's expression, they immediately feel wrong.

Guo Xiong and Gou Yunqiao, their four masters, looking at the situation, didn't pretend to be injured. One by one, while no one was paying attention, they just slipped away.

"Zhao, Zhao Ju Zuo, I'm so sorry. This case has nothing to do with us. Let's go first!" Zhang is sweating. He returns his mobile phone to Zhao Fugui and wants to leave.

"Don't you want to arrest me?" Zhao Fugui sneered.

"It's all a misunderstanding. In fact, we don't care much about the competition between martial arts players. As long as we don't kill or maim people, even if there are occasional disputes, we usually focus on mediation! Otherwise, if there is a competition in the challenge arena, we will catch one person, and we will not be able to organize the fighting competition! " Zhang said quickly.

Fighting competition can not go beyond the law, but countries do not allow fighting competition, otherwise no competition will be held. The competition between martial arts schools is the same as this. Generally, as long as nothing serious happens, the police will not take care of it."Director Zhang, we didn't say that before!" Shen Changlin's face changed greatly and he cried out.

"What are you talking about? You fight with each other in your martial arts schools. When you lose, you call the police. What's the difference between you and asking the police to take the winner away? It's a shame that Chinese martial arts was defeated by you who are not eager to make progress but only know how to fight inside! " Director Zhang, afraid of Shen Changlin's nonsense, yelled angrily, "arrest this scum who reports false police!"

"Yes, director!" Several policemen turned around in a hurry, rushed to hold Shen Changlin down, and directly handcuffed him with cold handcuffs.

"Zhang Maoan, you son of a bitch, thanks to me for teaching you my unique skill of chanting spring, you bully master and destroy ancestor!" Shen Changlin was not willing to scold.

"Don't fart there, just your fake tricks and the unique skill of Yongchun. You can cheat the ghost! Take him to the police station! " I'm very happy.

Shen Changlin was rudely stuffed into the police car. Zhang Meian accompanied him with a smile and left in a hurry. ***

Zhao Fugui was about to leave when the disciples of the five martial arts schools suddenly gathered around him. Qi Shushu knelt down in front of Zhao Fugui.

"Master, please accept us as apprentices!"

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