Super Monk

Chapter 1335

"Take a few minutes off first!" Zhao Fugui finished the needle, not looking at Su Yi, opened the curtain around the bed and was ready to leave.

"You stop, and you just leave?" Su Yi pays attention to the warm feeling of her abdomen, and suddenly sees that Zhao Fugui is going to leave. She is surprised and says quickly.

"What? Now you don't want me to go? Would you like me to watch it a little longer? " Zhao Fugui turned around and asked.

"Hooligans!" Su Yi quickly grabbed the sheets on the hospital bed and covered her chest. She said angrily, "I'm asking you when the needle on my body will be pulled out?"

"The nurse will come and pull it for you in a few minutes!" Zhao Fugui then lifted the curtain and went out. Su Yi was stunned. Unexpectedly, Zhao Fugui didn't take advantage of the opportunity to see her more. Instead, she asked the nurse to take the needle later. If other doctors had to take it by themselves 100%.

When Su Yi recovered, Zhao Fugui had already gone out. A beautiful nurse came to have a look, and then sat outside.

"The new students don't have too many requirements. Try to run with the team. The old students should run at least 10000 meters. Pay attention to safety and start!" Zhao Fugui took off his white coat, revealing the martial arts uniform of Jingwu guild hall, yelled at the students, and then took the lead to run outside the commercial street.

No. 1 or no. 200 cadets run forward with Zhao Fugui. Zhao Fugui's speed is neither fast nor slow. He is at the forefront of the team. After running less than one kilometer, some cadets start to fall behind. Zhao Fugui doesn't care whether he continues to run.

These laggards are all new students who have just come. They are all ordinary people's physique. They are lack of exercise. After running for one kilometer, Zhao Fugui is not surprised.

Those who have practiced in other martial arts schools before can still persist, but when they run three or four kilometers, they also start to fall behind. When they run more than five kilometers, only 34 students with good physical strength are left.

At this time, the advantages of breathing internal method are reflected. Several disciples who have learned breathing internal method with Zhao Fugui breathe smoothly and feel very relaxed.

"Master Zhao, you have good physical strength!" Zhao Fugui and his team are returning in a circle when a brown Passat comes over and the window comes down. Passat follows Zhao Fugui slowly. Su Yi's face comes out of the car and says to Zhao Fugui.

"You have no stomachache?" Zhao Fugui looked at her and asked.

"Yes, I didn't expect that master Zhao's medical skills are really good!" Su Yi nodded and said to Zhao Fugui, "let's get to know each other again. My name is Su Yi, a reporter from the provincial capital daily. I want to interview master Zhao!"

"You go first!" Zhao Fugui waved to the disciples behind him, slowly stopped and asked, "Miss Su, what do you want to interview?"

"Our newspaper wants to do a column of traditional Chinese martial arts, so I want to know about master Zhao's Jingwu guild hall!" Su Yi stops Passat at the side of the road, walks down from the car and says.

"Yes, what do you want to know?" Zhao Fugui nodded and asked.

"What kind of boxing did master Zhao teach? In recent years, our Chinese martial arts are quite famous. They are basically Yongchun, Sanda and Baji boxing. Does Master Zhao teach this kind of boxing Su Yi directly took a small book out, looking at Zhao Fugui asked.

"What I teach is seven step boxing. It's a boxing skill of both inside and outside. It's a secret. It's not very famous!" Zhao Fugui said.

"Seven step boxing? I really haven't heard of it. Do you think it's Secret boxing? " As soon as Su Yi's eyes brightened, she quickly asked. Secret boxing is always the favorite of readers. Many people like these mysterious things.

"Yes, it's Secret boxing!" Zhao Fugui nodded and said, "basically, it's better than all the boxing methods you mentioned, or better than all the boxing methods you know!"

"Better than the boxing we know?" Su Yi looked at Zhao Fugui in surprise, then immediately lowered her head and wrote this sentence in a small book. Obviously, this sentence will appear in the newspaper tomorrow. "Can you prove it? Is there any famous achievement in this boxing, or was it created by an ancient martial arts expert? "

"It's not a long time since this set of boxing appeared, and the people who invented it are not well-known!" Luo zhantian's name is well-known in Zhenwu circle, but few people in the ordinary world have heard of it. Zhao Fugui shook his head and said, "what do you want me to prove?"

"It's just to prove that this set of boxing is very strong, or that master Zhao's strength is very strong!" Su Yi said. The roadside cars come and go. As she talks, she follows Zhao Fugui to a small garden by the roadside. There are lots of weeping willows in the garden. Even in late autumn, the leaves of weeping willows are still green.

"Proof?" Zhao Fugui nodded slightly and raised his hand in an instant. Su Yi only felt that Zhao Fugui's fist seemed to have wiped her cheek, but it didn't bring a trace of prestige.

Su Yi Mingming feels that Zhao Fugui's fist is very fast, fast even she did not see clearly, but such a fast fist did not bring the slightest wind, which makes Su Yi feel very strange.

Is his fist a mere empty expression, with no power at all? Su Yi's heart suddenly rises such an idea.

"Miss Su, if you have anything else to ask, you can go to Jingwu guild hall to find me. In addition, your acupuncture treatment needs to be treated twice. You can come next week. If you have anything else, you can go to Jingwu guild hall to find me!" Zhao Fugui put away his fist, turned around and ran slowly to the direction of Jingwu guild hall."What, a random punch and run away!" Su Yi pouts her lips discontentedly and subconsciously looks back at the big willow tree behind her, which makes Su Yi stare big. "How can it be? Is this what he just left behind? "

An inch deep clear fist seal suddenly appeared on the willow behind Su Yi. Zhao Fugui could not know that Su Yi would catch up with him here and make a fist seal on the willow ahead of time. The whole seal could only be left by Zhao Fugui's seemingly light fist.

Master, the real master, this idea suddenly rises in Su Yi's mind. She subconsciously turns around to chase Zhao Fugui, but stops abruptly, runs back to Passat in a hurry, takes out a camera from Passat and takes several pictures of the fist print on the willow tree.

"Tomorrow's column is available, and it's not a small page. We must let the chief editor make a large page to report!" Su Yi looked at the photos taken by the digital camera and said excitedly, "go to the Jingwu guild hall to take a picture for Zhao Fugui, and take two pictures of the situation in the guild hall. A large page of news will come, and the news will certainly cause a small sensation!"

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