Super Monk

Chapter 1338

"Master, look, you are in the newspaper!" In the early morning of the next day, Lin Xiaoxiao bought a stack of at least dozens of newspapers and went back to the martial arts school in high spirits. She would send newspapers whenever she saw people. If she didn't have so many, she would like to send one every time.

"Is it really in the paper?" Zhao Fugui was slightly stunned. He didn't expect that Su Yi was really a reporter from the provincial capital daily. He came to interview him yesterday and let him appear in the newspaper today.

When Zhao Fugui opened the newspaper, half of the pages of the 25th edition of the provincial capital daily reported about the Jingwu guild hall. Su Yi did investigate. She wrote all the details of the Jingwu guild hall in the newspaper, from the conflict between Zhao Fugui and the Korean in the Taekwondo Hall to the punch Zhao Fugui left on the willow yesterday.

Su Yi's report has not only words, but also three photos. The fist seal left on the willow tree is one. The second one is a martial arts practice of the disciples in the Jingwu guild hall. The third one is a profile of Zhao Fugui. Zhao Fugui's face is not photographed, but if he is an acquaintance, he can still be recognized.

In the provincial capital daily, Zhao Fugui was described as a master of inner martial arts. When he came to the provincial capital, he first played Taekwondo and then traditional martial arts schools, so that all the signboards of the central China martial arts association were removed.

Generally speaking, the newspapers are realistic according to what has happened, but they only describe what has happened, which is not unreasonable.

Zhao Fugui didn't care, so he put down the newspaper. However, the students of Jingwu guild hall were very enthusiastic. Su Yi's report was very good, which made them feel like they were on the spot, kicking the hall with Zhao Fugui to defeat the Koreans.

"There are also news on the mobile phone. This reporter named Xiaoyi is very good at writing. She has almost made her master the best in the world. Even if she is not the first, she can rank in the top three!" After reading the newspaper, Lin Xiaoxiao turned to his mobile phone and quickly turned to the electronic version of the provincial capital daily. After reading the electronic version of the news, Lin Xiaoxiao immediately widened his eyes.

"Let me see!" Zhao Fugui takes Lin Xiaoxiao's hand, sweeps a few eyes and shakes his head helplessly. In the electronic news, it's obvious that there are all kinds of exaggerations.

It describes Zhao Fugui as a descendant of some mysterious martial arts family. It's nothing to say that he can kill a cow with one blow. He can fly on the eaves and walk on the wall.

It seems that the paper news story and the electronic news story are the same thing.

"This Su Yi is really good at writing!" Zhao Fugui shook his head helplessly and said that although Zhao Fugui wrote better than Su Yi in the electronic news, Su Yi didn't know that she was just making up a story.

"Shifu, I think this reporter Su's writing is really good. Ha ha, now the reputation of our Jingwu guild hall will be improved a lot!" Lin Xiaoxiao said happily.

"Master, can you really kill a cow with one blow?" In the martial arts school, some students read the report on the mobile phone and asked curiously and suspiciously.

"In the movie, there are people who shoot a horse with one punch. I haven't seen anyone who can shoot a cow with one punch!" Another student also asked excitedly.

"After you have finished the seven step boxing, you can try it yourself!" Zhao Fugui said noncommittally.

Zhao Fugui taught martial arts in the martial arts museum for a while. In the afternoon, two more patients came. They were both older patients. The young people didn't trust Zhao Fugui's traditional Chinese Medicine Museum very much.

One of the two old people is a precursor of stroke, the other is gout, which is very difficult to cure in the hospital. Zhao Fugui gave them acupuncture and prescribed some medicine to let them go back to have a good rest. The disease of the two old people is to support, and it is difficult to cure.

After Zhao Fugui went to the provincial capital daily, he really had some influence. In the afternoon, many people came to consult him, and even some people from other martial arts schools came.

Zhao Fugui can clearly see that some people have also practiced. Most of these people are from Taiquan hall, Sanda hall, karate hall, and even Taekwondo Hall opened by Chinese people.

These people don't have the courage to challenge. They are still waiting to see. They don't make trouble and Zhao Fugui doesn't bother to pay attention to him. However, in one afternoon, Jingwu guild hall received more than 30 students. It's estimated that it won't take a few days for Jingwu guild hall to be filled.

In the evening, Le Yan called Chen Xi Xi to the No. 3 restaurant of Wan village. She told Chen Xi some arrangements and things to pay attention to, and then ran down from the upstairs.

"Fugui, it's almost six o'clock. If you're OK, let's go!" Yue Yan looked at the time and said.

"Well, it's all right now!" Zhao Fugui nodded and yelled to the people in Jingwu guild hall, "Zhang Chunhua, Li Zhaoji, Cheng Dalong, pack up your things and close the door!"

"Yes, master!" The three men agreed to close the martial arts school immediately. The martial arts school usually closes before 8 o'clock at the latest. After practicing boxing for a day, there is no need to practice it too late. That's why it's too late.

"Let's go!" After Zhao Fugui's arrangement, he said to le Yan.

Le Yan happily picked up the car, driving Lamborghini with Zhao Fugui to xiangjuge. The commercial street is located to the east of the provincial capital, and xiangjuge is located to the west of the city center. Zhao Fugui and his family have to go through the city center."Why so many cars? If I had known, I would have started earlier! " Lamborghini just drove out, less than half an hour into the rolling traffic, can only turtle speed forward, Le Yan said helplessly.

"It's the evening rush hour. There are too many cars in the city now. The reasonable planning of roads can't keep up with the changes of the times. There's no way. It's estimated that we'll be late!" Zhao Fugui said that it would be good if they could get to xiangjuge in two hours.

Fortunately, it's only six o'clock now. Even if it's two hours late, it's only eight o'clock. It won't be too late.

Lamborghini, a high-end sports car, was caught in the traffic flow and had no choice but to follow other cars. Fortunately, after passing through the city center for more than half an hour, the traffic condition was better. Zhao Fugui and Le Yan finally arrived at xiangjuge at 8 o'clock.

"Oh, sure enough, all the distinguished guests are the last to arrive, and we are here at last. I thought you were too expensive to forget things, and forgot the Party of our old classmates!" Le Yan and Zhao Fugui find the big box. As soon as they knock on the door, they hear Ma Weiwei's sarcastic voice.

"Here comes Yan Yan. Come and sit at our table!" Zhang Tao, the monitor, immediately stood up and said, "but their table is full. Zhang Tao turned around and said to one of the girls," Wang Li, go to another table and make room for Le Yan! "

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