Super Monk

Chapter 1343

The people in the box didn't respond for a long time. A few seconds later, Li Ke Chang's face changed. His white and fat face was suddenly full of flattering smile. He walked quickly to Zhao Fugui. His head bowed down and he bowed down, showing a flattering expression.

"Leader Zhao, it's really disrespectful. I didn't recognize you just now. You see, I'm blind. I've grown these eyes in vain!" Li said quickly.

"I'm just a waiter. What's the leader? Section chief Li is wrong!" Zhao Fugui said with a smile.

"That's right, Ma Weiwei has never seen the world. How can I lead you? It's all nonsense of this stupid woman!" As soon as Li Ke Chang's face changed, he turned his head and yelled at Ma Weiwei, "if you don't come to apologize to the leader, you should say that the leader is a waiter. Are you blind?"

"Zhao, leader, it's all my fault. I didn't recognize you just now. Please don't give me the same opinion!" Ma Weiwei's face changed greatly, and she came over in fear and said.

"Ma Weiwei, you really don't have any backbone. Once you get the upper hand, you will be rampant. What a villain!" Yue Yan shook his head and said.

"Yan Yan, I know I'm wrong. I'll never dare again!" Ma Weiwei said in a hurry.

"Chief Li, didn't you just say that you wanted my girlfriend to work in the land bureau? Land Bureau is a good unit, please arrange it! " Zhao Fugui said with a sneer.

"Leaders, I, I, that's all joking, what I say is farting, you just treat me as a fart!" Section chief Li has a nervous face. He just wanted to pry the leader's girlfriend, which is a big taboo.

Section chief Li's nervous whole body was shaking. He raised his hand fiercely and slapped himself hard in the shocked expression of the people in the box. He didn't leave any strength in these times. A fat face swelled up in the twinkling of an eye.

Although Zhao Fugui's identity is unknown to section chief Li, even director Wu and Minister Chen have to curry favor with each other. Can he offend him? I'm afraid that if leader Zhao makes a phone call, his little deputy section chief will be removed immediately. It took him more than ten years to get to the position of deputy section chief. If he was removed, it would be like killing him.

Ma Weiwei is also scared shivering, originally she thought that Le Yan is now a lost Phoenix, found a boyfriend is just a poor, she can enjoy stepping on, ruthlessly put Le Yan and Zhao Fugui step on the bottom of the foot.

But I didn't expect that other people's Le Yan didn't get into trouble at all, and the boyfriend she was looking for was not an ordinary person. I don't know where her level is higher than that of Ma Weiwei's little section chief's boyfriend. This step on people's face is almost swollen.

"When I think about it, I'm crazy! Ma Weiwei is a real villain. When she has no money, she flatters everyone. When she is rich and powerful, she wants to trample on others. Her character is really bad! " A classmate said gloating.

"That's right. Look at her different faces. It's disgusting. I didn't expect that she was such a person!" Another said.

"Birds of a feather flock together. You can see that her boyfriend is a bird like her. A small deputy section chief is proud of what he is like. He really takes himself as a big leader. Until he meets her real identity, he counsels instantly!"

"That's right. Originally, everyone was classmates. If we could save face and talk more about our former friendship with each other, maybe Ma Weiwei's boyfriend would ask Zhao Fugui for help in the future. Now he's stupid. What a good thigh he didn't hold, but he offended others. It's so funny!" Another female classmate said.

"In my opinion, chief Li is going to regret his death now!"

"And Zhang Tao, he thought that Ma Weiwei's boyfriend was a character, but he didn't expect that the real big man was le Yan's boyfriend. He just said that he wanted to help Le Yan. Didn't he just want to take advantage of other people's Le Yan? You see his face is scared now. It's as white as paper paste! "

"Forget it, Fugui. Let's go. I don't want to stay here anymore!" Yue Yan shook his head and said.

"Well, let's go!" Zhao Fugui nodded, Yue Yan said hello to several familiar classmates, and followed Zhao Fugui to the outside directly.

"Le Yan, leader Zhao, I'm Zhang Tao. If you need someone to run errands in the future, just call me!" Zhang Tao looked at Zhao Fugui to go, gritted his teeth, quickly took out a business card, nodded and said.

"No, it's better to keep in touch in the future!" Yue Yan doesn't accept Zhang Tao's business card at all. She says faintly, and then turns around and leaves with Zhao Fugui.

"It's too late to hold someone's thigh now!" A classmate looked at Zhang Tao and Ma Weiwei contemptuously, picked up his bag and said, "I'm sorry, I have something else to do. I'll go first. If there's a dinner party, don't drive a luxury car, don't show off, just call me, or you don't have to call me!"

"That's what I mean. Let's have a class. Don't overdo some things. I'll go too!" Another student also stood up and said.

"Let's go. Let's go too. Let's get together somewhere else." In the twinkling of an eye, the people in the box left in twos and threes, and soon there were Ma Weiwei, section chief Li and Zhang Tao."Husband, I, I really don't know that Leyan's boyfriend is a big leader!" Ma Weiwei wailed to section chief Li.

"Bitch, it's you who give me bad things. If I can't be a deputy section chief, don't think about it!" Section chief Li slapped Ma Weiwei in the face and left the box with Bao hen in anger.

"Wei Wei, don't worry. In my opinion, Le Yan won't do anything to us!" Zhang Tao carefully said that no one can afford to offend him, let alone Le Yan's boyfriend Zhao Fugui, even Ma Weiwei.

"Zhang Tao, you son of a bitch, you are the monitor of our class. You don't know that Le Yan has found a capable boyfriend. If my mother is dumped, you can't have a better life!" Ma Weiwei shrieked and scratched Zhang Tao's face. Then she grabbed her "Lv" bag and rushed to chase after chief Li.

She also has to try her best to appease section chief Li. She can't let section chief Li dump her.

"It's a good reunion. I didn't expect that it would turn out to be like this. When I was in school, everyone was not like this. I didn't expect that everyone changed when I went out of society!" Yue Yan said sadly.

"Now is an impetuous society, you don't think so much, I'll send you home first!" Zhao Fugui said.

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