Super Monk

Chapter 1449

The screen behind Ou Zhihai suddenly began to appear. It looked like a surveillance video. As soon as the video started playing, Zhao Fugui looked at it.

There is no sound in the video. The environment in the video looks like a laboratory, just like that in the movie. People in complete chemical protective clothing come in and out of the video everywhere. Almost all the laboratories are white, everything is white.

There are a lot of experimental equipment in the laboratory, and there is a bed in the middle. The first half of the video is very normal, that is, some experimenters are preparing for going in and out, but after a while, some changes begin to appear in the video.

"Metal coffin" Zhao Fugui saw some people in chemical protective clothing carrying a rectangular metal cabinet into the laboratory. His eyes were frozen and he said to himself.

"Yes, this is the metal cabinet captured from Chengdu. Inside is the living body of the monster!" Ou Zhihai nodded and said, "after this living body was intercepted by Colonel Zhao, it was soon transported to the national top secret laboratory code named Room 101. This laboratory is what you see!"

"They seem to be ready to open this metal cabinet!" Someone in the meeting room suddenly said that this is the first time that we have seen the living body of this kind of monster, and we all looked at it carefully.

In the video, the staff of two laboratories are operating a machine, which contains a lot of liquid and seems to be ready to enter the monster's body.

In addition, two other staff members were soon ready to open the metal cabinet after being instructed. The heavy metal cabinet was slowly opened. Through the video, Zhao Fugui could feel the tension of those laboratory staff.

The heavy metal cabinet was slowly opened and stopped for a few seconds. A staff member who opened the cabinet raised his hand and gave a thumbs up to the direction where the video could not be shot, indicating safety.

Two minutes later, an important person in the lab came in and directed the lab staff to lift the monster out of the metal cabinet.

"It looks like a disgusting snake!" Cao man looked at the picture in the video, suddenly murmured.

"Those Japanese don't combine the genes of human and snake. Is this snake man? What a pervert Another Kyushu special corps chief instructor also murmured.

"The Japanese are really Japanese. This idea is really different from people. These guys can do everything!"

"They pulled out those needles!" Zhao Fugui looks at the video picture, his face suddenly changes and says in a deep voice. There are powerful anesthetics in the needles in the metal cabinet. They just pulled out all the needles. It was careless.

"The people in the laboratory have made preparations. Look at that machine. It contains liquid anesthetics. Even an elephant can fall into a deep coma with an injection!" Ou Zhihai's face was ugly and he said, "but they didn't expect that this anesthetic would not work on this monster. The Japanese were afraid that this monster would fall into other people's hands, so they kept it!"

Sure enough, as Ou Zhihai said, the lab staff pulled out all the needles on the monster, and then immediately connected the lab machine.

After connecting the machine, there are several straps under the bed of the laboratory. The straps are quickly fixed on the monster by the laboratory staff.

"This kind of tie is specially made. It is developed with 20 times the strength of the strongest ordinary people. Even if you use it to pull a big truck, it won't break easily!" Ou Zhihai explained.

"Has the gene of this monster been analyzed? Is it the product of the combination of human and snake genes? What is its weakness? " A priest from the Coordination Bureau asked, if the monster can even tear up the master's vigorous Qi, you must understand the weakness of the monster, otherwise if you encounter it later, you may be killed if you are not careful.

"But I don't think we've started analyzing their genetic weaknesses yet!" Ou Zhihai did not look back, staring at the video screen said.

The monster was fixed on the hospital bed, and anesthetics were constantly injected into its body. Obviously, the staff of the laboratory thought it was safe, so they quickly removed the metal cabinet, and several important experimenters came in under the leadership of one person.

"He is Zhang Haijiang, the most famous biologist and geneticist in China. He is in charge of laboratory 101!" Ou Zhihai pointed to the person walking in the front of the video and said.

Zhao Fugui looked at the man Ou Zhihai said. He was not tall, and his face was covered in his chemical protective clothing. He could not even see how old he was.

After the core personnel of these laboratories entered the laboratory, they began to prepare for the inspection of the monster. Zhang Haijiang stood there to command. It was obviously the first time that he saw this kind of monster, and he was very surprised.

"That monster's hand seemed to move just now!" A special service's offering suddenly frowned.

"Is that powerful anesthetic useless?" The person of Coordination Bureau also doubts to say.

"If you look carefully, it seems that the monster is secreting some kind of liquid, which is eroding its binding band!" A master's face changed, and suddenly he stood up and said."No, this monster wants to escape. He must inform the laboratory immediately!" Someone's face changed greatly and said aloud.

Zhao Fugui's heart moved. He found that Ou Zhihai was helpless and didn't respond to the master's discovery at all. Zhao Fugui immediately understood that this video didn't happen in real time, but had happened, so Ou Zhihai didn't respond because something had happened in the laboratory.

Soon the binding band on the monster was corroded and broken. An experimenter was recording the data of the monster. He soon found out this and immediately pointed to the monster and cried out. Although no sound can be heard in the video, the experimenter's action undoubtedly shows that he is shouting.

Another experimenter immediately rushed to the instrument beside the hospital bed when he heard the cry. He seemed to want to increase the input of anesthetic. But at this time, the monster on the hospital bed suddenly opened his eyes, and the monster broke away from the broken tie with a wave of his hand.

The whole laboratory was in chaos for a moment. Some people immediately turned around and tried to escape from the laboratory. However, the monster was faster than them. Instead, it gave priority to attacking the moving people. Soon, the video became a killing ground. The white laboratory was soon filled with blood, and the experimenters fell down.

Don't know why, Zhao Fugui see this bloody killing picture, but the heart is ready to move, seems to want to join in this kind of killing, this moment Zhao Fugui suddenly aware of the wrong.

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