Super Monk

Chapter 1472

"Don't shoot for a while!" Zhao Fugui calmly said that there is no movement in the secret base for the moment. Once Barrett shoots, it will be like the thunder in the silent environment. The people in the secret base will surely find the movement here. I'm afraid it will be a chaotic battle at that time. It's hard to say whether they can get the antidote.

No. 2 grabs Zhao Fugui's heart in an instant, and his blood red snake eyes show a look of incomparable cruelty. Zhao Fugui turns his body, uses a chopping saber to make a move, and blows his fist at No. 2's chest, and his powerful fist bursts out in an instant.

Zhao Fugui's fist, even a piece of hard granite will be broken, but his fist fell on No. 2, and No. 2 burst out a thick black light. Zhao Fugui's fist hit on the black light like a bull into the sea, and he didn't do any harm to No. 2.

"I said, how can you mortals hurt our Protoss? We are the sons of God!" With a smirk, the second one wrapped his paw around Zhao Fugui's arm as if he had no bone. He firmly controlled Zhao Fugui. Then he grabbed Zhao Fugui's eyes with his other hand.

"I've never seen such an ugly son of the divine family!" With a sneer, Zhao Fugui quickly dodged the other paw of No. 2. With a fierce lift, he directly hit No. 2's chest with a knee full of strength.

"Boom!" Zhao Fugui's Dao Li on his knee burst out on No. 2's chest. The black power resisted the erosion of Dao Li, and was suddenly darkened by Dao Li. No. 2 was suddenly knocked out with a scream.

Zhao Fugui catches up with him step by step. The second fist of Qibu bengtian boxing, Duanhe, rushes to No. 2's head. There is a trace of panic on No. 2's snake eye. He suddenly opens his mouth and spits out a dark green liquid to Zhao Fugui.

"Poof The liquid burned the air in the air. Zhao Fugui just smelled the smell of the liquid, and then he got dizzy. His heart was fierce. It was absolutely poisonous. Zhao Fugui's body flashed and quickly avoided the liquid.

the dark green liquid fell on a stone behind Zhao Fugui, and the stone was thrown into the king's water as if it were thrown into the king's water. There are still a few drops of liquid picked up, to the side of a too late to react to the Kyushu special team members fell.

"Get out of the way!" As soon as Zhao Fugui's face changed, he quickly waved his hand and hit Daoli. Daoli waved away a few drops of liquid, but still a drop of liquid fell on the player's face.

"Ah The team member uttered a half shrill scream, and then the scream stopped suddenly. The soldier's face was corroded into a big hole, and he died in an instant.

"Zhang Dong!" Several members of the Kyushu special forces immediately became red eyed and pulled the trigger hard to shoot at No. 2. However, No. 2 twisted his body a few times to avoid these bullets. The remaining bullets were quickly ejected from him, which did not work at all.

"You can't even kill this monster with armor piercing bullets!" A group of Kyushu special team members finally realized that the monster in front of them could not be understood with common sense.

"Gaga, everyone dies, only our Protoss will live forever!" No. 2 gives out a proud laugh and stares at Zhao Fugui coldly, looking for an opportunity to attack.

The genes inherited by No. 2 are constantly giving out the desire to devour Zhao Fugui. Those genes have already detected Zhao Fugui's extraordinary. As long as they devour him, No. 2 can be more powerful, or even surpass No. 1, so no. 2 is reluctant to leave.

"Protoss? You are just an ugly monster Zhao Fugui's face sank, his eyes flashed a trace of anger, and he left a clear footprint on the hard stone. Then he rushed to No. 2.

"How dare you insult the great Protoss! Our Protoss will surely rule the world in the future!" No. 2 roared angrily, wriggled and rushed to Zhao Fugui as well.

The powerful Daoli formed a three foot air wall on the whole surface of Zhao Fugui's body. The huge chopping saber appeared again, and the golden chopping saber directly cut off the head of No. 2.

No. 2's body twisted strangely in the air, avoiding the chopping saber, and his two claws immediately grabbed Zhao Fugui's strength wall.

"Chi La" black light collides with the air wall of Daoli, and is torn apart in a twinkling of an eye. Zhao Fugui's face suddenly changes. If we say that Zhao Fugui didn't use all his strength in the first battle with No. 3, but this time the Daoli was three feet thick, and Zhao Fugui was already using Daoli with all his strength. Unexpectedly, Daoli was still unable to stop the attack of No. 2.

"The black energy of this monster is even higher than my Daoli level!" Zhao Fugui's face changed greatly. He immediately thought that the quality of Daoli of Zhao Fugui's bone refining realm was far better than that of ordinary masters, and the quality of black light was even higher than that of Zhao Fugui's bone refining realm.

Although the amount of black energy of No.2 hand is not too large, its quality is very high, which poses a great threat to Zhao Fugui. The black power of this monster must have a special source, which is not simple.

"Mortal, be one with me!" No. 2 tears open Zhao Fugui's body protection power, and the snake's eyes show a cruel and proud expression. His claws continue to exert force, and he wants to take out Zhao Fugui's heart."Instructor, be careful!" Around a group of members of the Kyushu special corps face changed, panic cried, but the battle between the masters is not they can intervene, although this No. 2 is not the master, but the strength is still prosperous ordinary master.

Sharp fingernails tore Zhao Fugui's skin, and a strange force quickly entered Zhao Fugui's body. In an instant, Zhao Fugui felt a tyrannical and incomparable breath impacting his meaning. Zhao Fugui didn't dodge and cut the horse's saber and cut the head of No. 2 without hesitation.

"Go to hell!"

No. 2's sharp claw has penetrated into Zhao Fugui's chest. Zhao Fugui's strong body in the bone refining environment has brought great obstacles to No. 2's claw. No. 2 can use all his strength to make his claws continuously penetrate into Zhao Fugui's body, but this affects the speed of No. 2.

No. 2 didn't expect that Zhao Fugui didn't dodge and directly used the same move. If he wanted to grasp Zhao Fugui's heart, he would be cut off by Zhao Fugui.

"Damn mortal, you dare to compete with the great Protoss for courage. I'll kill you!"

No. 2 thought that Zhao Fugui would not dare to die with him. He would shrink back. He tried his best to grasp Zhao Fugui's heart, but Zhao Fugui didn't hesitate. His saber appeared in front of him in the blink of an eye.

"Damn mortal, you are so bold!" No. 2 was shocked and angry. He didn't expect that Zhao Fugui's courage was so big. He didn't want to die.

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