Super Monk

Chapter 1475

Zhao Fugui stunned Ono. He looked up and saw that there was a downward passage in front of him. There were bursts of slight machine beeps in the passage. Except for these sounds, no other human voice could be heard.

Zhao Fugui takes a look at the passage and walks to the front with Ono. Behind the passage is a huge laboratory. The laboratory is divided into many areas. Computers and some office equipment can be seen everywhere.

Zhao Fugui let out his sense of vigilance and continued to walk forward. After a while, he saw the rest area of the laboratory. There were rooms with nameplates on them. Zhao opened his eyes and looked into these rooms. He found that there were many laboratory staff living in the room.

However, to Zhao Fugui's surprise, the experimenters in this laboratory live in a mixture of men and women, and almost all the experimenters in every room are like this. Zhao Fugui doesn't believe that the men and women in this base are lovers. I'm afraid the reason why these people live together is that there is too much pressure in the laboratory. In order to reduce their pressure, the leaders of the laboratory specially arranged this.

These experimenters usually live together in the laboratory. After leaving the laboratory, I'm afraid they will return to their dignified and well-dressed appearance and keep their partners outside from knowing these secrets. Zhao Fugui's mind, I'm afraid only Fusang people can come up with such a abnormal idea.

Zhao Fugui took Xiaoye to the rest area and soon found an empty room. Zhao Fugui looked around to make sure that no one had found him. He took out the ID card on Ono and brushed it on the door. The door was opened as expected. I'm afraid the guy named Ono also has some identities in the laboratory.

Zhao Fugui takes Ono's ID card and shoves Ono into the cabinet of the room. Then he takes out a white coat and a mask from the wardrobe and puts them on. Then he leaves the room and goes on.

On the wall at the end of the corridor of the rest room, there is a schematic diagram of a laboratory. Zhao Fugui carefully looked at it. The laboratory is divided into three layers. The first layer is the smallest, and gradually becomes larger downward. The third layer of the laboratory is the largest, which is more than twice the size of the first layer.

"The antidote must be here!" Zhao Fugui looked at the third floor and said to himself.

There are two elevators and a staircase at the end of the corridor on the first floor of the laboratory. Worried about the camera in the elevator, Zhao Fugui walked directly down the stairs.

"Colonel, have you entered the base? The patrol intensity inside the base has increased. Be careful to be found! " At this time, Zhao Fugui's headset suddenly rang out the voice of cold Xi said.

"I've come in. Be careful. I heard the guards in the base say that there is something wrong in the town. There may be monsters wandering in the mountains. You should pay attention!" Zhao Fugui said in a deep voice.

"Yes, Captain, be careful!" Leng Xi's voice shows a little nervous and says that there may be monsters wandering in the mountains. Leng Xi doesn't want to see those monsters again.

"When the call is over, keep the communication quiet, and let me know if something happens!" Zhao Fugui said, and then cut off the headset.

Zhao Fugui came out of the stairs, which could only go down to the second floor of the secret base, but could not directly enter the third floor. Zhao Fugui came out of the stairwell vigilantly, and immediately smelled a faint strange smell, which was like the smell of some liquid medicine, with a pungent smell.

Zhao Fugui takes a look at the second floor of the secret base, and suddenly his eyes are awe inspiring. The second floor of the base laboratory is full of huge experimental utensils.

The vessel was filled with light green liquid, which was soaked with various tissues and organs and strange shaped monsters.

These monsters have two or even three headed snakes. There's an ugly, huge monster with a lizard like head and snake like body. There are also monsters with human upper body and two ugly snake tails in the lower body.

There are also some monsters without arms, leaving only a bare body trunk. The mouth of the monsters is full of tusks, floating in the light green liquid.

Those strange creatures in the mountain forest are really related to this secret base. I'm afraid that some monsters have escaped from this base, or some viruses have been leaked.

Zhao Fugui looks at the monsters in these utensils and walks slowly through them. Just at this time, there is a sudden "bang" sound in a utensil. Zhao Fugui turns to look over and sees a monster with a snake body staring at Zhao Fugui with blood red eyes.

The monster's eyes are full of evil and cruelty, without a trace of humanity. Zhao Fugui suddenly thought, even if Yamada pharmaceutical develops what they want, how can they control these things? Or what do they use to control these things?

Although it is very likely that even the weapons that can be controlled will bring about a disaster, the weapons that cannot be controlled will certainly bring about a disaster. Yamada pharmaceutical made these monsters, but if they can't control them, what's the purpose of making them?

Zhao Fugui looks at the monster with the human head and the snake body in the vessel. The monster also stares at Zhao Fugui and uses its bald head to fiercely hit the thick tempered glass again and again, but its power is not big. The light green liquid in the vessel seems to have a strong anesthetic effect, which makes the monster unable to rush out of the huge glassware.The monster can't rush out. Zhao Fugui takes a look at the monster, and then continues to walk deep into the laboratory. Soon he arrives at the deepest part of the second floor of the secret base. There is no elevator and staircase entrance, only an alloy gate. There are two armed guards standing at the gate, guarding the gate vigilantly.

The two guards are both armed with semi-automatic rifles and wearing bullet proof clothes. Even in the early morning, they are still staring at the front.

Zhao Fugui buttoned up his white coat and arranged it a little. Then he appeared from behind the wall and walked to the gate.

"What are you doing here so late?" As soon as Zhao Fugui passed by, an armed guard asked in a loud voice.

"Cough!" Zhao Fugui pretends to cough a few times and raises his ID card. When the two armed guards see the ID card in Zhao Fugui's hand, their eyes immediately relax. Zhao Fugui takes the opportunity to quickly approach.

"No, when did you have such a big experimenter in the base?" At this time, an armed guard's face changed and yelled. He subconsciously wanted to load and adjust the muzzle of the semi-automatic rifle, but Zhao Fugui had already appeared in front of them.

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