Super Monk

Chapter 1477

"The demigods? Lord of the world? Unless all the people in this world are mentally disabled, you deserve to be the master of the world? " Zhao Fugui sneered scornfully, and then said, "what is the God snake you said?"

"Yes, yes, we certainly don't deserve it! Don't hit me, my Lord Yamada was scared to death and said, "the snake is Lu Zhi, who was found deep in the volcanic cave of futu mountain. We use its gene!"

"Eight Minamata far Lu Zhi? What is this? " Zhao Fugui frowned and thought about it carefully, but he could not remember that he had heard the name.

"Bamatayuan Lvzhi is the legendary Baqi snake. It is said that it is an ancient demon with eight heads and is very powerful. Later, it was killed by xuzuo Zhinan. These are all things in the myth. It can't really exist!" Zhao Fugui's headset suddenly rang out the voice of cold Xi said.

Zhao Fugui's headset is powerful. It can not only take pictures of the underground laboratory, but also record recordings. Therefore, Leng Xi must have heard Yamada's words through the headset.

"Eight Qi snake?" Zhao Fugui sneered and said, "isn't that Liu Xiang in the Chinese legend? Liu Xiang had nine songs. Later he was beheaded by Emperor Xuanyuan and ran away. He went to Fusang and changed his name to become Baqi snake. It's really a myth, but it's hard to say whether it's true or not! "

Zhao Fugui thought that he had found two headed snakes in the mountain forest and three headed snakes in the second floor laboratory. These things all exist, and it's not necessarily impossible to have a giant snake with eight heads. What's more, the environment of ancient times was totally different from that of today. In addition, Zhao Fugui also thought of Taiping daoshu and the ghost crown on Tao Qing's head. These should be legendary things. Since they exist, other things may not exist.

Ancient times have become history, and no one knows what existed before the long years. Maybe many things in myths and legends are true, but great changes have taken place later. Many things disappeared and fell, and most of them were submerged in the long river of history.

Today's human beings do not recognize things may not exist, compared with the whole universe, human beings are too small and know too little.

"Yes, yes, it's Baqi snake. We found a dead giant snake under the deepest cave in the crater of futushan volcano. This giant snake has five heads and three huge wounds. We think that it may be the other three heads that were cut off, so we speculate that it is the legendary Baqi snake!" Yamada said in a hurry.

"Why do you want to revive this giant snake?" Zhao Fugui frowned and continued to ask. If it's Baqi snake, this explains the source of black energy. No wonder it's so powerful. The power left by the great beast must be incomparable.

"When we first found this giant snake, we were going to send it to the museum as a huge historical archaeological discovery. But later, we did genetic mapping and found that there was still great power in the body of the giant snake. According to the gene, the giant snake had survived for more than 8000 years before it was killed! "

"It has a long life of nearly ten thousand years. The senior management of Yamada pharmaceutical at that time believed that the research on this giant snake could not only create a god warrior, a god family, but also make people immortal. So after the secret agreement was reached, Yamada pharmaceutical began to conduct top secret research on the giant snake for decades! " Yamada said nervously.

Several other experimenters in the laboratory were also stunned. Although they knew the existence of the snake, they did not know such a detailed secret. Everyone's face showed a look of panic. Knowing these secrets, Yamada pharmaceutical, in order to keep them secret, may soon make them disappear.

"Hum, you are a group of madmen. You want to live forever and become a Protoss. What a delusion!" Zhao Fugui's face sank and said angrily.

In order to carry out this research, these guys of Yamada pharmaceutical do not know how many people have been killed, and what they have researched is not a family of gods, but a complete monster. Once these monsters get out of control, I don't know how great a disaster they will cause. These guys are really complete lunatics.

And Zhao Fugui finally understood why these guys of Yamada pharmaceutical could persuade some people in Zhenwu circle to cooperate with them and live forever. It was too tempting for some dying masters. Even if they had only one chance in ten thousand, they were willing to try.

Even if they can't live forever, even if they can only live five or ten more years, they are willing to betray everything. Yamada pharmaceutical offers this condition, which makes it difficult for some people in Zhenwu circle to refuse.

Leng Xi also said before that Sikong Changsheng of Sikong family is too old and may die at any time. In this case, in order to survive, he is willing to agree to the conditions of Yamada family, even if he betrays Zhenwu circle and Huaxia.

Zhao Fugui's heart is fierce when he thinks about it. If even the head of the Sikong family, Sikong Changsheng, betrays him, then there's no reason why Sikong Changge, one of the five heroes of the Sikong family, doesn't know that this bastard is likely to betray him. If he also betrayed, then Cao man and they would be in danger.

"Leng Xi, contact Cao man immediately and tell him that Sikong Changge is a traitor. Let them be careful!" As soon as Zhao Fugui's face sank, he immediately said to Leng Xi in his headset."Is Si Kongfeng a traitor?" Leng Xi was shocked when she heard the speech, but she absolutely believed in Zhao Fugui unconditionally, so she immediately tried to contact Cao man.

Yamada's eyes turned around. He saw that Zhao Fugui was talking with a headset. He immediately approached the alarm quietly. But before he got close to the contact device, Zhao Fugui's figure flashed and he was standing in front of the alarm beside the test bed, staring at Yamada coldly.

"If you don't want to die, just listen to me!" Zhao Fugui's eyes were full of cold light and asked coldly, "since you have studied Baqi snake for so many years, it should be very clear that people injured by those monsters will be poisoned, right? Where are you hiding the antidote? "

"People injured by snake venom will be extremely violent and become crazy, especially ordinary people have little resistance to snake venom. We have no antidote, only neutralizer, which can neutralize the toxin to a certain extent, but the success rate is only 30%!" Yamada quickly stopped, did not dare to move quickly said.

At this time, Yamada and several other experimenters suddenly showed great panic on their faces. They were staring at Zhao Fugui's back.

On the test bed behind Zhao Fugui, the one meter thick giant snake slowly stood up from the test bed.

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