Super Monk

Chapter 1485

Two charred bodies were quickly carried out from the ruins of Yamada pharmaceutical secret base. Yamada 56 walked quickly.

"These damned Chinese people, they have made our decades of painstaking efforts like this!" Yamada saw the two charred corpses, suddenly his face sank and roared angrily.

Early rice wild nine male almost burned to coke, the appearance looks like a charred corpse, two snake heads on its shoulders have been completely burned, snake tail has also been burned half.

No. 2 was even worse, almost completely burned, leaving only one main trunk of his upper body. Two people in chemical protective clothing carried it like a piece of coke.

"Mr. Yamada, we are not only the loss of No. 1 and No. 2, all the experimental bodies in the base have been burnt into coke or even completely burnt out. In addition, more than half of the experimenters have died, and all kinds of reagents and experimental data that have been studied for decades have also been burnt out!" A man in a chemical suit said with an ugly face.

"Damn you, these damn chinese people should all die!" Yamada's eyes almost spit out the flame of anger, a distorted face said. At the same time, Yamada 56zhang is also secretly congratulating himself. Fortunately, Yamada pharmaceutical's secret base is not only one.

"Ah Just at this time, the two men who were carrying him suddenly screamed and almost let go with a shake. The almost charred man opened his eyes and was looking at the two people who were carrying him with evil eyes.

On the other hand, Zhao Fugui and others are ready to leave the mountain forest around the town. Suddenly, Zhao Fugui raises his arm. Lin kuangdong and Lengxi are on the alert immediately.

"Ambush ahead!" In the eye of the sky, the dark mountain forest can't block Zhao Fugui's sight as if it were in the daytime. Zhao Fugui saw a group of Japanese appeared in front of him, all hiding behind the trees, preparing to attack them.

"We can't see people!" Leng Xi is wearing a night vision device, but she looks at the darkness in front of her carefully. She can't see any ambush at all.

"Ten o'clock ahead, there is a man hiding behind the Bush under the big tree. Leng Xi, you can kill him!" Zhao Fugui stretched out his hand to the front and said.

"Behind the Bush?" Leng Xi immediately reloads Barrett's sniper rifle with ordinary bullets, and carefully looks at the position Zhao Fugui said. Except for a slightly abnormal bulge behind the Bush, Leng Xi doesn't see anyone at all, but she quickly takes aim at the position Zhao Fugui said.

"ITO, the Chinese stopped. Did they find something wrong?" The village that is preparing to sneak attack sees Zhao Fugui, they stop unexpectedly, and also hide behind the obstacle, let their plan of sneak attack fail, immediately face a heavy ask a way.

"Impossible, how can those Chinese people find us? We are ninjas who have received super military training. These guys can't find us at all!" Said ITO scornfully, lurking behind the bush.

At this time, the sound of Barrett's sniper gun rang out fiercely, a bullet directly shot through Ito's body, ITO snorted, the scornful expression on his face had not disappeared, the whole person was like a dead snake.

"Damn, fire, these Chinese people have found us!" Murakami's face changed greatly. He rolled on the ground and immediately yelled.

Tongues of fire immediately appeared from the darkness. Village leaders and Zhao Fugui were firing. In a flash, the dark woods seemed to be lit by tongues of fire. Hot shells were splashing among the trees, and the trees, soil and stones were beaten everywhere.

"These bastards are not ordinary special forces. They are ninjas. They must be ninjas!" Lin kuangdong fired a bullet, his face changed and said.

Both sides fired hundreds of bullets, except for the guy who was killed by Leng Xi at first, there were no casualties on both sides.

The half step masters shuttled through the mountain forest and changed their positions to shoot. The Japanese were no inferior to the half step masters of the special action team. They also flew through the mountain forest and fired continuously, making it difficult for the bullets to hit the enemy.

"These guys must be the ace troops of Yamada pharmaceutical. Go around and surround them. Leng Xi is in charge of sniping. Others are ready to fight with them!" Zhao Fugui said.

"The bullets are almost exhausted. Let these broken ninjas taste the power of our Chinese real martial arts!" Lin immediately nodded, threw away the M16 in his hand, pulled out a cold steel tactical dagger, and quietly touched the Japanese.

This operation only provides firepower support for the special operation team. In addition, there is no large amount of ammunition in the contact point, so the amount of ammunition is limited. Therefore, Lin kuangdong almost does not need firepower to fight against each other, and each close combat ability is very strong, so they only carry one base ammunition. Now they have killed nearly half of the bullets.

I don't know if there will be any danger in the back. Now that the bullets can't hit the enemy, it's better to save the bullets and fight close to solve these ninjas.

The members of the special operation team stopped fire one after another, and they all drew up their tactics to encircle the Ninja troops. In a short time, the village leader's men were still firing in the forest.

"Baga, how dare these damned Chinese despise us, draw out your knives and kill them!" Murakami's face sank, and he pulled out the Japanese sword on his back fiercely. The blood color of the sword immediately filled out. The face of the Ninjas around him showed a look of fear, and it seemed that there were still ghosts entangled in the sword."Hey A group of ninjas throw away their guns one after another, pull out their Japanese knives and rush at the members of the special operations team like ghosts.

"Kill Soon both sides encounter, Lin crazy East suddenly drink, body shape such as electricity quickly rushed past. The dark tactical dagger seems to be the black lightning in the dark, which instantly makes a fatal attack on the enemy.

The man in Ninja suit in front of Lin kuangdong dodged Lin kuangdong's blow at this moment. Then, with his hands raised, the Japanese chopped to Lin kuangdong with a shrill scream.

"Be careful, they are tolerant!" Lin Lin immediately warned his companion. Shangren's strength is only slightly weaker than that of master banbu. The secret biography of Yihe shenguizong and Li gaoye's cultivation, Shangren's strength is even equal to that of master banbu. The strength of these guys far exceeds that of Zhongren and xiaren, and they are not so easy to deal with.

Especially in the mountains and forests, ninjas are easy to dodge and attack, and soon the special forces members are in a hard fight.

"Go to hell, damn chinese!" Murakami, like a ghost, soon appeared behind a member of the special operations team. With a flash of light, the waist knife in his hand reaped the life of a member of the team. Murakami's strength is far stronger than those of Shangren. As soon as he joined the fighting situation, it was immediately disadvantageous to the special operations team.

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