Super Monk

Chapter 1494

All the three masters of the Sikong family died in the battle, and the two third-generation five element arrows were also killed by Zhao Fugui's words. Tonight, the Sikong family died in the battle in a small town, a strong master of the double heaven and two third-generation legitimate sons, and the backbone suffered heavy losses.

"Won, Colonel Zhao won, and killed three great masters in a row. After this war, Colonel Zhao will be the first young great master of China!" Hiding outside the yard to escape the flames of several special action team members watching Zhao Fugui holding Cao man out of the flames, shocked said.

"The first person in the Chinese Zhenwu circle under the age of 30, and Colonel Zhao is definitely the strongest one under the age of 30. Ye Tiannan, the Chinese god of war, did not do that at that time!" Another special operations team member murmured.

"Yes, although ye Tiannan was also a young master at that time, he didn't even kill a master in his twenties. He started to work hard in his thirties. He demonstrated the great master's realm at the age of less than 40, killed Dugu bajue, and became the first person in the Zhenwu circle of China!"

"If you say that talent makes you famous, I'm afraid that in recent decades only Dugu Ba has such domineering power. He even killed several masters and great masters to achieve the highest prestige!"

"Although Dugu bajue's talent is amazing, it's unbelievable, but he's a peerless devil. How can he compare with colonel Zhao? Captain Zhao's life and death for his mission can't be compared with that of Dugu bajue!"

"That's right. Dugu Ba is so miserable and inhuman that he can't be compared with colonel Zhao. However, I didn't expect that the Sikong family would become a traitor if there were a great master in charge. Today, if it wasn't for Colonel Zhao, we would be poisoned by the Sikong family!"

"The Sikong family is really ambitious. They will cooperate with Yamada pharmaceutical to carry out this kind of inhuman biological experiment. Fortunately, we have captain Zhao to lead us this time, otherwise I'm afraid this secret will be hidden by the Sikong family!"

"When we return home this time, we must expose the Sikong family and let the Sikong family pay for their rebellion." The members of the special operations team were full of shock and admiration, but they paid too much attention to the situation inside the building, and didn't realize that there was a hidden murder in the building.

"Ah A member of the special operations team who was hiding on the edge suddenly uttered a shrill scream, which immediately awakened others.

"What's the matter?"

"Enemy attack

Other members of the special action team immediately looked over and saw that a group of staggering shadows fell directly on the screamed members of the special action team. The members of the special action team flew two shadows with real force, but then they were crushed by a group of shadows. The thick blood soon poured out, and soon they lost their voice.

"What is this?" Several members of the special operations team turned pale and looked at the shadows in horror. They even forgot to shoot.

"Take Cao man and follow me!" Zhao Fugui crushed a shadow's head and threw Cao man to two members of the special action team.

"Colonel, they've surrounded us. What are these monsters?" The remaining members of the special operations team looked at the shadows piled up on the road outside the courtyard in horror and said.

These shadows don't know when they have occupied the road, and there are at least hundreds of them. These things are densely piled up in the streets. The whole town is full of these things. Zhao Fugui and they seem to have intruded into the nest of these monsters unconsciously.

"These are the monsters of Yamada pharmaceutical research. Maybe the virus leaked and infected all the people in the small town. The number of them is more than 1000. We have to kill them!" Zhao Fugui said in a deep voice. He looked to the other side at the end of the road. Leng Xi and they also heard gunfire. They also exchanged fire with the monster.

Almost all of these shadows maintain human shape, but their physical characteristics are snake like. Some of them have snake faces, their pupils stand up and their tusks are exposed. Some of them are covered with snake scales and their mouths are full of sharp tusks. What's more, their legs degenerate into snake tails. Some of them grow a snake head from their chest and stare at people coldly.

The strength of these monsters is far less than that of No. 1 and No. 2, but they have a large number, and they won't die if they don't hit the head. Zhao Fugui's face is dignified. They have been delayed in the town for too long. If they continue to be delayed in the town, they will be in trouble when Yamada pharmaceutical's troops appear.

It can be seen from the previous Apache and the two armed helicopters that Yamada pharmaceutical is not just a private enterprise. If it is really trapped here by a large army, Zhao Fugui is strong, but he may not be able to kill, and other people are even more impossible to rush out.

"Follow me!" Zhao Fugui's Dao power soared, and the golden Dao power condensed to form a huge chopping sabre. Zhao Fugui took the lead in directly facing these monsters.

"Kill, follow Colonel Zhao out!" Two members of the special action team were carrying Cao man who was seriously injured. The others followed Zhao Fugui and fired wildly around, killing him outside the town.

Armor piercing bullets hit these monsters, but as long as they were not hit in the head, even if their legs were broken and their hands were knocked off, these monsters still bravely rushed to the soldiers.Zhao Fugui cuts the two monsters into two parts with a chopping saber. He steps on their heads and rushes forward. These monsters don't have much black energy on them. They can't threaten Zhao Fugui for a while. They are killed by Zhao Fugui and rush through directly.

"Ah At this time, a member of the special action team on the periphery suddenly screamed, and the member was dragged out by several monsters directly. After a few seconds, he was dismembered by these monsters.

"Hit them on the head, the head is the weakness!" Zhao Fugui cut off a monster's head with a knife and turned back to roar.

"Kill them, eat their flesh and blood!" Some monsters keep rushing over, even spitting out people's words, making a cold hoarse voice.

"They have wisdom, they can speak!" Several members of the special operations team cried out in horror, intelligent monster, which is more terrible than the monster relying solely on instinct.

"Don't care if they have wisdom, come with me!" Zhao Fugui cheered.

"Captain, get out quickly. The evacuation convoy can't carry it. They're going to retreat!" Perhaps because the distance is close, communication suddenly restored, Leng Xi's rapid voice rang up and said.

"We have the wounded here. Let them rush to meet us!" Zhao Fugui orders in a deep voice.

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