Super Monk

Chapter 1496

Just a few seconds after Gatling's cease-fire, the SUV behind Zhao Fugui was surrounded by dozens of monsters. In a twinkling of an eye, the windows of the SUV were smashed, and the soldiers inside fired madly at these monsters. For a moment, the shells were flying, and the blood of these monsters was everywhere.

"Roar!" A monster roared and frantically got into the window. Half of its skull was blown away, but it didn't die until it climbed into the car and bit a member of the team and ate a bite of flesh and blood.

"Boom!" In the twinkling of an eye, the SUV was overturned. A group of monsters were like ants who found food. They soon piled up on the SUV. One monster frantically got into the car, and the shrill scream sounded. After a few sounds, they lost their voice.

"Bang!" Leng Xi put Barrett on the back of the car seat and shot the SUV in the compartment. The SUV turned into a crazy burning flame. A group of monsters howled in the flame. Leng Xi yelled, "break it and rush!"

The SUV roared wildly, bumped into the burning car, pushed the car out for a few meters, then smashed it away, and the cars behind immediately rushed to catch up.

"Keep going, I'll make the way!" Zhao Fugui pinched the head of the monster in the car, climbed out of the roof of the SUV and jumped onto the hood of the SUV.

"Hiss!" These monsters see living people appear, immediately began to go crazy, the accumulation of monsters crazy to Zhao Fugui rushed over. Zhao Fugui's golden light flashed, and a group of monsters on the front of the car were directly cut off, and then he jumped directly in front of the SUV.

"My God, is he crazy? So many monsters, he's dead!" Driving SUV agents see Zhao Fugui do so, scared cried.

"These monsters can't stop Col. Zhao. Col. Zhao is on the way. Keep up Lin kuangdong yelled, these monsters can't stop Zhao Fugui, but they can easily drown them. If it wasn't for them, Zhao Fugui would have been out of the siege long ago.

"Go The driving agent roared and stepped on the gas pedal to the end. He didn't believe that anyone could punch through these monsters with a pair of meat palms, but he had no other choice.

Zhao Fugui appeared in front of the car with a fierce look. He stamped his foot like a giant. A clear footprint immediately appeared on the concrete floor. Then Zhao Fugui was like a heavy truck crashing into the monster group in front of him.

"Boom!" With a bang, these monsters hit by Zhao Fugui are like a group of discarded dolls. All of them fly up. In the blink of an eye, a large piece of monsters is missing, and a large blank appears. Dozens of monsters are directly hit by Zhao Fugui and fly out.

Zhao Fugui is just like a humanoid tank. The numerous monsters can block the powerful SUV, but they can't block Zhao Fugui at all.

"Who is he? What are you doing? " The agent driving with Zhao Fugui was shocked and asked. Zhao Fugui, the secret level of their mission is very high, and these agents do not know what mission they are carrying out.

And if they didn't see it with their own eyes in this small town, these agents would not believe the existence of these monsters in the small town. Everything tonight made these agents feel incredible.

"He is Zhao Fugui, the great master of Zhongzhou!" Lin said in a deep voice.

"Zhao Fugui? Is that Zhao Fugui who killed Hongmen master Luo zhantian with one blow? " The driving agent was shocked to say that most people in Zhenwu circle didn't know that Zhao Fugui killed Luo zhantian because of the Lei family's order to keep it secret, but Luo zhantian was Hongmen's master and one of the top figures in Hongmen after all.

It's impossible for Hongmen not to respond to the death of such a person. In fact, Hongmen has been collecting Zhao Fugui's information for revenge all this time. Hongmen was unable to go deep into China, so it commissioned many Asian gangs to investigate Zhao Fugui. These things could not escape the eyes of these overseas secret agents.

Therefore, the driving agent has heard about Zhao Fugui's prestige, but he did not expect that Zhao Fugui was the top strong man who appeared today.

"With master Zhao here, we can go back alive today!" Knowing that Zhao Fugui was the one who took the shot, the secret agent driving had a strong confidence in him. How could these monsters stop the master.

Zhao Fugui step by step in front of the road, dense monster crazy rush to Zhao Fugui, but these monsters can not stop Zhao Fugui, Zhao Fugui was killed out of a way.

But at this time, the last SUV above the Gatling God of fire also finally flameout, this Gatling God of fire also ran out of their own bullets.

"Go, go, follow them out!" Without this Gatling God of fire, although the monster in front was blocked by Zhao Fugui, the monster behind began to close quickly.

At last, the driver of the SUV stepped on the accelerator, and the huge SUV ran over the monsters. More and more monsters were involved under the wheels of the SUV. After a while, the SUV rolled over and fell down.

"It's over!" The agents in the SUV and the members of the special operations team showed a look of despair, and soon the monsters flooded the rollover SUV.But on the other side, under the leadership of Zhao Fugui, the last three SUVs finally saw the end of the town road, and the end of the town road was right in front of them.

"Mr. Yamada, those people were led to the town by our design. Now they are trapped in the town. We hear that there is a fierce exchange of fire in the town. Even if they are not killed by the monsters in the town, as long as they delay for a period of time, they will be eliminated when our army and the people of the Yihe God and ghost clan arrive!"

On the other side of the forest, someone reported to Yamada in a hurry.

"Did you find Mr. Murakami?" Yamada 56 asked with an ugly face. Yamada 56 was an expert trained by the Yihe God and ghost sect. Unexpectedly, when he was photographed to stop those damned Chinese, he disappeared.

"Sir, we have found Mr. village, but!" The reporter hesitated for a moment. Seeing Yamada's eyes sweeping, he quickly said, "but Mr. Murakami has been killed, and the magic sword passed on for decades has broken!"

"What?" Yamada 56's face changed greatly, and he yelled, "this Zhao Fugui destroyed our Yamada pharmaceutical base and killed my Yamada family. He didn't pay attention to our Yamada family at all!"

"This damned Chinese, the Revenge of Cun Zhengjun must be avenged!"

"Where is his body?" Yamada asked grimly.

"It has been delivered!" After a while, a transport plane brought Yamada Murakami's body. Yamada rushed to see the body, but he just met the body, and the body suddenly changed.

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