Super Monk

Chapter 1503

"What? You want to learn some medicine from me? OK, I'll help you and let you have a long experience today With a sneer, Doctor Zhang walked upstairs with his hands on his back.

"Boy, you just wait for the disgrace. In front of expert Zhang, I'll see when you can pretend it!" Fang Yan stares at Zhao Fugui triumphantly, and hastens to step forward to help him up the stairs.

"False filial piety!" Zhao Fugui shook his head disdainfully and said in a low voice that Fang Yan made it clear that she was so filial because she wanted to get half of Fang's family property. If Fang didn't make conditions for Fang Jun's treatment, Fang Yan would like Fang Jun to die, so that she could share more of her family property.

Maybe she doesn't think so, but when it comes to tens of millions of Fang Yan, I'm afraid she doesn't care about her brother and sister.

In the ward facing the sun on the second floor, a man in his eighties and thirties was lying on the bed. The man had a broad skeleton. He was supposed to be a very strong man, but now he was very thin and his muscles were flabby. A nurse was taking care of him to prevent muscle atrophy.

"Dr. Zhao, this is my son Xiaojun. He is a veteran. Five years ago, he stopped a thief from stealing at the bus stop. Later, when fighting, he was attacked by a thief from behind and hit in the back of his head by a big wrench!" Fang said, shaking all over, and his wife and LAN LAN's eyes were red.

"Lan Lan was only one year old when Xiaojun had an accident. How could the thieves have the heart? It's hateful!" Mr. Fang grasped the palm of his hand tightly and said, "the skull of Xiaojun's back brain was broken. Later, he had craniotomy to remove the broken bones. Since then, he never woke up and became a vegetable!"

"Don't worry about Mr. Fang. In Mr. Fang's case, for three years at most, I will certainly have a way to wake him up slowly. Even if he can't wake up, he will feel the external stimulation. Sooner or later, he will wake up!" Doctor Zhang said confidently.

There is no accurate way to say whether a vegetative person can wake up or not. A lucky coma will wake up in a few years. A bad coma will last a lifetime. Even if the patient can't wake up, the doctor can't blame him for the bad treatment. Anyway, as long as you watch it for a few years, you can earn at least one or two million yuan. Doctor Zhang is familiar with this routine.

If the patient suddenly wakes up, he will not only get the money, but also earn Dr. Zhang the title of a famous doctor and earn both fame and fortune. Therefore, Dr. Zhang's favorite treatment is these complicated diseases. If everyone can treat common diseases, how can he make money?

"So you can't make the patient awake in a short time?" Zhao Fugui asked.

"That's bullshit. Even the best brain experts in the world can't make Mr. Fang awake in a short time. Those who can make Mr. Fang awake in a short time are liars!" Dr. Zhang said.

"Doctor Zhang, don't talk nonsense with this little liar. Please help my brother to have a look." Fang Yan impatiently glared at Zhao Fugui and said.

"Dr. Zhang, how are you going to treat it?" Mrs. Fang asked in a low voice.

"In order to recover Mr. Fang's consciousness as soon as possible, I'm going to start from two aspects. On the one hand, I'm going to carry out necessary physical therapy to keep Mr. Fang's muscles healthy and not atrophy!" Zhang said.

"What is it?" Mrs. Fang's face showed a trace of embarrassment. Previous doctors all did this, but after five years, Fang Jun still didn't respond at all. Apart from wasting money, his condition didn't get any better.

"Mrs. Fang, this is just one of my treatments!" Seeing Mrs. Fang's face, Dr. Zhang knew that the family had been cured for a long time. It was no longer easy to cheat them by ordinary means. He quickly said, "on the other hand, I'm going to use the electrotherapy invented by myself to stimulate Mr. Fang's recovery of consciousness with electric shock!"

"Electric shock therapy? What kind of treatment are you doing? Only foreign criminals are punished by electrocution. Do you regard patients as criminals? " Zhao Fugui's face sank and asked harshly.

"Little liar, you know what? This is a special treatment method invented by me. I'm ready to apply for a national patent. Except for my method, there's no way to wake Mr. Fang up!" Dr. Zhang cheered discontentedly.

"I believe Dr. Zhang's treatment is to be electrified a few times. What's the big deal? If the electricity doesn't kill people, maybe Junzi can really wake up?" Fang Yan said quickly.

"Sister in law, Junzi is your brother. How can you bear it?" Mrs. Fang asked with a sad and indignant face. Fang Jun has already done this. Mrs. Fang can't accept that someone takes him for an experiment and turns the treatment into punishment. Even father Fang was so angry that he could not speak.

"Nonsense. What kind of expert do you call yourself? You don't want to treat patients at all, but you want to take advantage of the opportunity to make money. You are a disgrace to doctors Zhao Fugui turned to the old man and said, "old man, I have a way to make the patient wake up quickly. After he wakes up, he only needs to cooperate with the physiotherapy in the sanatorium. Within three months, he can completely return to normal and live like a normal person! You'd better get rid of this fake expert at once

"Fake experts? Who do you call a fake expert? " Doctor Zhang angrily pointed at Zhao Fugui and yelled, "when I was the attending doctor in Shangjing people's Hospital, you were still sucking at home. How dare you say I'm a fake expert? It's bullshit!"Dr. Zhang graduated from a famous university and worked in Shangjing people's Hospital, a famous hospital in China. Before he went out to see a doctor, he was respectful, kind-hearted, good at wine and food. Unexpectedly, he was pointed to the nose and scolded as a fake expert today, which made Dr. Zhang feel like he was beaten in the face and became angry immediately.

"There are garbage doctors everywhere, and Shangjing people's hospital is no exception. You happen to be the garbage doctor from Shangjing people's hospital!" Zhao Fugui said coldly.

"Little liar, how dare you say I'm a garbage doctor, you Doctor Zhang was angry and furious. He was about to scold without any grace.

"Enough!" Fang shouts angrily, takes a look at Doctor Zhang, and then asks Zhao Fugui, "doctor Zhao, can you really make Xiaojun recover completely and live a normal life?"

"Yes, I can!" Zhao Fugui nodded lightly and said.

"Dad, don't believe him, he must be a liar, just want to cheat our family's money!" Fang Yan said quickly.

"Mr. Fang, I promise by my reputation that this guy is a liar. You will regret it if you believe him!" Doctor Zhang also said with great certainty.

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