Super Monk

Chapter 1508

"Ah Jun!" With a scream, Mrs. Fang rushed over and held Fang Jun tightly in her arms. Fang Jun's body was as cold as a corpse.

"Xiaojun, Xiaojun, what's the matter with you?" Mr. Fang also walked over shivering, trying to reach out and touch Fang Jun's breath, but he didn't dare.

"Junzi is dead. This swindler and quack doctor has killed Junzi. Call the police and arrest him. Don't let him run away!" Fang Yan has an excited look in her eyes, but she screams with a sad look on her face.

As soon as Fang Jun dies, Fang Lin and Fang Yan will be the only sons and daughters left in Fang's father's son. At that time, Fang Yan will be more attentive and grieve a little at Fang Jun's funeral. The father will surely forgive her, and the family property will still have her share.

A group of security guards outside the building heard the news and rushed up the building. Seeing the situation in the ward, these security guards changed their faces and immediately surrounded Zhao Fugui.

"I'll go and catch him later. What are you going to do?" Fang Yan yelled.

"Quack, it's really quack. Ah, it was not a fatal illness. I was killed by this swindler quack alive!" Doctor Zhang also pretended to be hypocritical.

"Boy, you've cured the dead. Don't move. Wait for the police to come!" Several security guards look bad at Zhao Fugui and reach out to catch him.

"Who told you something happened to the patient?" Zhao Fugui took a disinfection towel to wipe his hands, light said.

"People are dead, and you said nothing happened? What do you mean by that is the patient's accident? " Doctor Zhang said sarcastically.

At this time, Fang Jun in Mrs. Fang's arms made a low groan and slowly opened his eyes. Doctor Zhang suddenly opened his mouth, and his sarcastic voice suddenly stopped.

"Ah Jun, ah Jun, are you awake? What do you think? " Mrs. Fang's face suddenly showed a look of ecstasy, hugged Fang Jun's shoulder tightly, and asked with tears of joy.

"Xiaojun, are you really good?" Fang Laozi also excitedly grabs Fang Jun's hand and asks. Seeing Fang Jun open his eyes and recover his consciousness, Fang Laozi's heart is finally released.

"Dad, Xiaomin, I'm ok, I wake up, I want to drink water!" Fang Jun said weakly.

"OK, water, water, pour the water quickly!" Fang Laozi rushed to pour water for Fang Jun. Fang Lele saw that Fang Laozi's hand was still shaking excitedly. She rushed to help pour water. Her eyes were full of wonder when she looked at Zhao Fugui. Zhao Fugui, a vegetable who had been in a coma for five years, pricked several needles and unexpectedly recovered. This is a miracle.

"How can it be, how can it be, it's impossible!" Doctor Zhang's face completely changed, and he murmured with a dull face. This situation has gone beyond his medical knowledge.

Fang Yan's face is also as pale as ashes. Fang Jun has been in a coma for five years, and the feelings between her sister and brother have been gone for a long time. When Fang Jun is dead, she can make some contribution to Fang Yan. If Fang Jun is not her, I'm afraid she can't share any real property.

"Nothing is impossible. What you can't do doesn't mean others can't do it. Don't forget our gambling appointment!" Zhao Fugui took a look at Doctor Zhang, then turned to the other man and said, "Fang Jun's intestines and stomach haven't recovered yet. During this period, he can only drink water and eat liquid food. After a week, he is slowly getting back to his normal diet!"

"Doctor Zhao, I know. Thank you so much. We Fang family will never forget your great kindness." Mr. Fang nodded and said.

"Dr. Zhao, although I was in a coma just now, I know what you've done. I can wake up. I hope you can make a comeback. You are the benefactor of our army to live again!" Fang Jun even struggled to get out of bed and would kneel down to kowtow to Zhao Fugui.

"Dr. Zhao, thank you, thank you!" Mrs. Fang is also excited and doesn't know what to say. She wants to kneel down to thank Zhao Fugui for pulling LAN LAN.

"Mr. Fang, Mrs. Fang, it's our duty to cure and save people. We don't have to do that!" Zhao Fugui quickly reached out his hand to hold the two people, and did not let them kneel down.

"Dr. Zhao, we Fang family will never forget your kindness. You must accept this consultation gold!" Fang put the one million check into Zhao Fugui's pocket and said.

"Then I will not be respectful!" Zhao Fugui nodded and did not refuse. He used the nine turn golden needle technique and combined with Daoli to get through Fang Jun's sea of knowledge. He didn't get more than a million yuan.

"Coincidence, it's just coincidence. This swindler is just in time for the patient to wake up!" Doctor Zhang said, looking at the check jealously with angry eyes.

"This expert really doesn't have the demeanor of a doctor. It seems that he is the only one who can cure a disease in the world. It's just lucky for others to cure the disease. What a joke!" Outside the ward, the family members of another patient immediately began to talk.

"Yes, this kind of people feel so good about themselves that they can't see others. Now there are too many such doctors, so the contradiction between doctors and patients is so sharp! "

"Doctor Zhao is a good doctor. If only there were more such doctors. It seems that I've heard the name of Zhao Fugui somewhere. By the way, I remember that the Jingwu guild hall on the other side of the commercial street is owned by him. Mr. Zhao is a doctor and martial arts practitioner. He's really an expert! " The other said."You know what? This guy is just lucky!" When Doctor Zhang heard the discussion outside the ward, he suddenly roared angrily.

"People are lucky when they do well, and they are not as lucky as you are!" Someone whispered sarcastically.

"Dr. Zhang, I'm willing to accept defeat. It's just an hour now. I've sobered the patient up within an hour. Now it's your turn to admit your mistake to me!" Zhao Fugui looked at Doctor Zhang and said faintly.

"I'll give you a fart apology, psycho!" As soon as Doctor Zhang's face changed, he turned around and yearned to go outside.

"You really don't apologize?" Zhao Fugui's face sank and he apologized coldly.

"I'm not going to apologize to the swindler. You're just lucky Dr. Zhang sneered, showing a look that I don't apologize to you. You can't do what I look like.

"It's a shame. It's a shame if you dare to gamble or admit it!"

"That is, such shameless people deserve to be doctors and slander traditional Chinese medicine. What's that?" The patient's family members outside the Ward said discontentedly.

"If you don't know what you've said, there will be retribution. Do you think you've done those things before?" Zhao Fugui said lightly.

"I don't know what you're talking about!" Doctor Zhang's face changed, he looked at Fang Jun in fear, turned around and hurried downstairs.

Zhao Fugui said that Fang Jun became a vegetable only when his soul could not control his body. Is there really a ghost in this world? Dr. Zhang thought of a cold sweat, and he had done a lot of bad things before.

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