Super Monk

Chapter 1530

"What?" Wei Ziyu's eyes flashed a trace of ferocity, and he looked ferocious. He was the legitimate son of the Wei family, one of the youngest masters in China. No one dared to talk to him like this before he became a master, and no one dared to talk to him like this after he became a master.

I didn't expect that a guy who didn't know where to come out today would talk to him like this. Wei Ziyu was furious in an instant.

"The dead and the dead!" Wei Ziyu is furious, and he will take the first step to deal with Zhao Fugui. Lingbao assembly does not allow the use of force, but the Wei family obviously did not pay attention to this rule.

Zhao Fugui sat in front of the booth and took a light look at Wei Ziyu. He didn't even mean to stand up. This completely ignored attitude completely angered Wei Ziyu.

Wei Ziyu has no scruples about it. At this time, Zhang Beidou hurried over with a middle-aged warrior with a loyal face.

"Master Zhao, I found the blood dragon root. He has the blood dragon root!" Zhang Beidou pulled the middle-aged warrior and cried excitedly.

"What? Do you have blood dragon root Lu, who has been sitting on one side with the demeanor of a miracle doctor, burst out with a brilliant light in his eyes. He rushed up with a vigorous step to block Wei Ziyu and tightly grasped the middle-aged warrior and asked.

"Yes, I have blood dragon root. My grandfather passed it on to me!" The middle-aged warrior firmly grasped a piece of yellow silk and affirmed.

"OK, I'll sell it to you and give you 30 pieces of top quality spirit stone!" Doctor Lu said immediately.

"Do you understand the principle of first come first served? This is what master Zhao wants!" Zhang Beidou is afraid to work hard to find out. Finally, he makes wedding clothes for others and says quickly.

"I'll give you ten more top quality spirit stones. Take the spirit stones yourself and sell them to me!" Zhao Fugui didn't look at Wei Ziyu. He pointed to hundreds of high-quality spirit stones in front of him.

"Boy, do you want to compete with me Doctor Lu's face sank and his tone was cold.

"What if I rob you?" Zhao Fugui disdains to say, what miracle doctor door and Wei family, want to bully him, Zhao Fugui is not qualified.

"Hum, young master Wei and Miss Wei, the taste of blood dragon root is very important. If I can get it, I have eight levels of assurance that I can treat the disease of young master Wei!" Doctor Lu's face is ugly, but he knows that he is not Zhao Fugui's opponent. He turns to Wei Ziyu and Wei zilinglong.

"Boy, how dare you offend my Wei family? Sell us the elixir Wei Ziyu cheered to the middle-aged man impolitely.

"I'll sell this medicine to whoever pays the highest price!" The middle-aged warrior is a little afraid of Wei Ziyu, but he is not from Qingzhou, and he is not particularly afraid of revenge from the Wei family. There is only one xuelonggen. If he sells it, it will be gone. The middle-aged warrior wants to maximize his profits.

"Brother, let me say it!" Weizi Linglong stopped Weiziyu, turned his head and said to the middle-aged martial arts man in a soft tone, "well, elder martial brother, since Mr. Zhao has given us 40 pieces of high-grade spirit stones, how about our Wei family giving us 45 pieces of high-grade spirit stones to buy your blood dragon root?"

"Forty five dollars?" The middle-aged warrior clings to xuelonggen and looks at Zhao Fugui again. He seems to be honest, but in fact he is shrewd and cunning. He wants to sell xuelonggen for its rarity.

"Fifty pieces of top quality spirit stone!" Zhao Fugui does not lack the spirit stone, to the blood dragon root ambition in must have, light said.

"And Miss Wei?" The middle-aged warrior's eyes show a trace of greed, and then he looks at Wei Zi and asks Linglong.

"Fifty five!" Weizi Linglong gritted her teeth and said that the Wei family has a great career and has the magic medicine of dragon and tiger elixir. Naturally, there is no lack of spirit stone. But the Wei family relies on the accumulation of medicinal materials and spirit stone, and the master also consumes a lot. This time, the master only allowed her 100 pieces of top-grade spirit stone to buy the spirit medicine, but she does not have enough spirit stone.

"Eighty dollars!" Zhao Fugui said casually that he didn't care about the stone, but xuelonggen must get it.

"Big hand, really big hand. Although the blood dragon root is precious and rare in recent years, I remember that the last Lingbao conference, the blood dragon root only sold 50 spirit stones and 80 spirit stones, which can increase a lot!" The onlookers immediately began to "buzz" and their faces were filled with shock.

"You?" Wei Zi's exquisite silver teeth clenched, angrily glared at Zhao Fugui, and then said, "I'll give you a hundred pieces of top quality Lingshi. This is the final bottom line. Do you want to sell it or not?"

"A hundred dollars? I don't know The middle-aged warrior was also frightened by the price. He was about to agree when he heard Zhao Fugui's faint voice ring again.

"One hundred and fifty!"

"Hiss!" In the meeting hall, there was a sound of pumping air. In Zhenwu circle, even a middle-class family was reluctant to buy a magic medicine with 150 pieces of high-quality spirit stones.

"Mr. Zhao, do you mean to fight with my Wei family?" Wei Zi's pretty face sank down and looked at Zhao Fugui directly.

"Since it's natural that the price is high, the Wei family can't afford so many spirit stones, so stop talking nonsense!" Zhao Fugui said coldly that Wei Ziyu had just spoken ill to Zhao Fugui, so Zhao Fugui would not be polite to Wei zilinglong.

"Sell it, sell it. I'll sell 150 pieces of top quality stone!" The middle-aged warrior looks happy and says in a hurry. Just when he wants to give the blood dragon root to Zhao Fugui, Weizi Linglong suddenly says."Wait, one hundred pieces of top quality spirit stone, plus two dragon and tiger elixirs, the blood dragon root belongs to our Wei family!" Weizi Linglong took out a small porcelain vase. After opening it, there was a strong smell of medicine.

"Dragon and tiger elixir, the Wei family even took out the dragon and tiger elixir. It's a must for the blood dragon. The Wei family really had a big event!" A warrior said in surprise.

"Dragon and tiger elixir?" The greed in the eyes of the middle-aged warrior is more obvious. Although he can't use this elixir, the younger generation in the family may be able to use it. Although Weizi Linglong's offer is 50 pieces less than Zhao Fugui's, two dragon and tiger elixirs are also worth the price.

Weizi Linglong finish also provocative look at Zhao Fugui, if on wealth, they Weijia afraid of who?

Zhao Fugui's brows suddenly wrinkled. Seeing that the middle-aged warrior was about to promise to give the blood dragon root to the Wei family, Zhao Fugui thought a little. With a move in his hand, it was like magic, and a strange compass appeared.

"One hundred and fifty spirit stones, plus this compass of life and death, will you change it or not?" Zhao Fugui said in a deep voice. This life and death compass was obtained by Zhao Fugui after killing a warlock on the island in the middle of the lake of Ji's family. It has never been used by him and is stored in the pagoda. Today, it is just used.

"The magic weapon is actually a magic weapon. It's more rare than Dragon and tiger pill. Even a inferior magic weapon is much more valuable than a dragon and tiger pill. Master Zhao's wealth is amazing!" Someone exclaimed.

Seeing Zhao Fugui take out this magic weapon, Wei Zi Linglong's face suddenly looks ugly.

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