Super Monk

Chapter 1561

Haicheng, more than 200 kilometers away from the provincial capital, is the economic center of Southwest China with a permanent resident population of more than 5 million. It is also a large city.

The Xue family, the last Zhenwu family in the three provinces of Zhongzhou, is located here. The Xue family manor is built on the outskirts of Lihai city. Before Zhao Fugui's appearance, the Xue family was the last Zhenwu family in Zhongzhou with a great master, and the number of people was quite prosperous.

Master Xue has three sons and two daughters, more than a dozen grandchildren, and dozens of collateral children of the Xue family. Unfortunately, most of the descendants of the Xue family are not proficient in martial arts, and there are few talents to practice martial arts. On the contrary, two of them are good at business. This situation also leads to the fact that the Xue family is almost empty.

Except for Mr. Xue, there are almost no other grandchildren of the second and third generation. The strongest one under Mr. Xue is just a half master. Most of the grandchildren have little interest in practicing martial arts and can't bear hardships. They all feel that they can't fall down with Mr. Xue in the Xue family anyway. They just need to spend freely and enjoy their life.

The decline of the Xue family's inheritance led to the fact that although the great master and the Presbyterian Council strictly ordered the families of other states not to enter Zhongzhou wantonly, there were still many aristocratic families secretly extending their tentacles into Zhongzhou. The Xue family had no way to deal with this situation, until Zhao Fugui's appearance.

"Brother Xue, it's really boring to smoke in the middle of the night. I'm not on duty tomorrow. I'd like to invite you to the imperial court club. It's said that the imperial court has hired more than ten students' younger sisters from Nanshi University for high salary. It's pure!" A hemp pole like man made a circle of cigarettes in the security room and said with a smile.

"Ma Gan, you can pull it down. As soon as you become a shareholder in the royal court club, the girls in it are even more yellow than me, and they are also the students' sisters of South Normal University. Stop talking!" A strong man with a big figure spat out his eyes and said with disdain.

The skinny man, nicknamed Ma Gan, was called Ma Ge on Haicheng road. He was a distant collateral son of the Xue family. The direct son of the Xue family was not very successful, so he won over such a group of people. Ma Gan also learned a few skills in Xue's family. He was brave enough to fight and fight. He was also well-known on Haicheng road and became a shareholder in several clubs and bars.

However, he is No.1 in Haicheng. He is a security guard in the Xue family. Every month, he comes to the Xue family to see the gate for a few days to please the old man and some of the Xue family's legitimate children. He is also a strong man. There is only the security team leader who is close to the Xue family.

"Erhu, why do you have to argue with me? I'll tell you, I went to Huangting in person when I was recruiting people at Nanjing Normal University. There were student ID cards, access cards, library library card, various honorary certificates, pure and beautiful ones, with a base salary of 20000. As soon as I put my advertisement at the gate of South Normal University, more than 100 students quietly called the imperial court that evening to apply for the job. Yishuier was a real beautiful student sister! "

"Nowadays, students' younger sisters are thinking about who they are going to sleep with for four years in college, and who they are going to sleep with for a few years with a boyfriend. They are not going to break up after graduation. They have become second-hand goods. It's better to go to work in the imperial court, get in and out of luxury cars, live in four-or five-star hotels, eat delicious food, wear famous brand name bags, and go home after graduation to make themselves more pure, Who knows what they're doing out there! "

Hemp rod disdain of stare a strong man to say.

"You have a point in saying that. Who can't live with money these days?" Erhu touched his chin and nodded.

"Come on, you don't have any more bullshit. The days of Zhongzhou are going to change. You're still bullshit!" Xue Ge, the security captain, cheered impatiently.

"Brother Xue, what can this change? We have a master in the Xue family. Who dares not give face. The big people in the province will visit the old man every new year and festival, and the top big brothers in the road will look at the faces of the Xue family. How can things change? " Ma Gan said with disapproval.

"You know nothing about Zhenwu circle. Do you know anything about Lingbao meeting in Linjiang city these days?" Brother Xue frowned and asked.

"I know. I heard that there was a fight. One of my brothers is from the Wei family. I heard that two or three masters were killed and the Wei family's manor was trampled on. I'm scared to death just by hearing it!" Ma Gan said, swallowing his saliva. He's a man who dares to fight and fight. But compared with other people, who can demolish buildings freely with their bare hands, that's nothing.

"Yes, two or three masters have been killed, especially two dead masters. One is the ghost controlling messenger of the impermanent ghost sect, and the other is the Dharma protecting heavenly king of the tiger demon alchemy sect. You know, impermanent ghost sect and tiger demon alchemy sect are the sects that oppress Liangzhou. Compared with others, our Xue family is really one heaven and one earth. There is no comparison at all! " Xue Ge shook his head and said.

"So powerful? But it has nothing to do with us, does it? " Ma Gan asked in surprise.

"It doesn't matter. It's our Zhongzhou people who killed these two masters, master Zhao Fugui of Zhongzhou! Zhao Fugui is only in his twenties. He is half younger than me. I didn't expect that he was so strong. It's impossible to compare with others! " Brother Xue said enviously.

"A master in his twenties. Master Xue is no more than 80 talents Exclaimed a group of people in the security room.

"That's true. Zhao Fugui is a genius. People can't compare with each other! However, Zhao Fugui also provoked a big hatred. He killed the master of his family. Can they not retaliate? Zhao Fugui is a great master in Zhongzhou. We Xue family are also in Zhongzhou. I'm afraid that Zhao Fugui will have bad luck. We Xue family will also have bad luck! " Xue Ge worried said."Can't, this Zhao Fugui is so strong, maybe he can destroy the impermanence ghost sect and the tiger demon alchemy sect by himself!" Ma Gan said casually.

"You think Zhao Fugui is ye Tiannan, the God of war in China. Unless he is ye Tiannan, it's possible. Now he's far away!" Xue Ge shook his head and said, "but Zhao Fugui is a real genius. If you give him ten more years, maybe he will become the second God of war in China!"

Several security guards all look strange. If the second Chinese god of war comes from Zhongzhou, they also have light on their faces.

"Is Zhao Fugui the second God of war in China Just then a voice came from outside the manor and said.

"Who?" Brother Xue, they suddenly jumped up. When was it that they were touched silently? When a group of security guards saw it, they didn't know when an old man came outside. The old man was as powerful as thunder and full of dignity.

"Zhao Fugui is a genius in Zhongzhou. As the saying goes," don't cheat the poor youth. "Ten years later, it's not known who will be on the tianbang." Xue Ge said unconvinced.

"Hum, if Zhao Fugui can escape from me this time, it's not too late to get on the tianbang!" The old man said haughtily.

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