Super Monk

Chapter 1598

"Of course, boss, we are definitely worth the money!" The bear clapped his chest and said, "we have more than 50 fighters in the bear security company. We also have all kinds of guns. We have all kinds of heavy and light weapons, and the procedures are legal. In addition, we have a training ground. Thirty million pounds is very cheap!"

"Boss, you come with me!"

The bear took him to the back of the warehouse and opened a metal door. Behind the metal door was a small weapons warehouse.

"My God, these weapons are enough to fight a small war!" The left army saw the dense weapons behind the metal door and said in surprise.

This armory is full of long and short guns. There are all kinds of guns, not only pistols and assault rifles, but also class light machine guns. There are other kinds of guns, such as shoulder mounted missile launchers, grenade launchers and anti infantry mines. As for bullets, there are several big boxes, which are absolutely impossible to see in China.

The left army was still surprised to see these weapons. On the contrary, Zhao Fugui thought, it seems that the public security here is really not good. Since the bear can get so many weapons, others can.

"These weapons are only available in some small arsenals in China, and there are not so many US made equipment yet!" Zuo Jun calculated and said, "if it's in the black market, these weapons can be sold for about one million dollars, even if it's in the normal way, it's worth hundreds of thousands of dollars. Guns are not worth money. After a war, these American rifles are sold by tons, and those shoulder mounted missiles are worth money!"

"Well, these weapons are worth a million pounds, more than US dollars. What else do you have?" Zhao Fugui nodded and said.

"I've met someone who knows how to use these weapons. The last time you came here, you gave me five million pounds!" Violent bear grumbled discontentedly, but he couldn't help it when he met someone who knew the market. "Come with me and show you some real guys!"

"Who did you give so much money when you came last time?" Zhao Fugui asked in surprise as he followed the bear. An extra four million pounds would be forty or fifty million yuan, half a billion, but a lot of money.

"Our military identity is not easy to deal with many things. Some sensitive things are entrusted to some overseas holding companies. Many of them, even though they have received certain training, are not professionals after all. They are easy to be fooled. I don't know. We are often regarded as big wrongdoers in the international market these years!" After all, Huaxia has only started this aspect of international affairs these years. Playing with those old slickers in Europe and America, they have to spend money on teaching.

"Look at all kinds of American made equipment. The Americans are not good at fighting. If a few people die, they have to cry at home. It's all up to us mercenaries, but those guys don't have the equipment to say!" The bear opened another armory and said loudly, "these are all the latest models of Kevlar ceramic bullet proof clothes. Even the sniper rifle bullets can be blocked from 50 meters away. Besides, these armor piercing incendiary bombs and individual auxiliary combat equipment can directly switch the night vision and infrared vision modes, which are specially prepared for those who are not human beings."

"You Chinese are still the first brothers in the international security market. I tell you that I have encountered many things that can't be killed by ordinary bullets during the war years. Boss, you'll be the boss in the future. I'll direct the work, so that you younger brothers won't have to pee your pants when they go to the battlefield! " "These things must be worth at least eight million pounds. They are not boastful at all," said the bear

"All right, these things are not bad, two million pounds for you!" Zhao Fugui's face was full of laughter and tears. On this point, bear wanted to scare him. Bear probably didn't know that there was one in front of the people who couldn't kill him with bullets in his mouth.

"Two million, I'll lose it!" The fierce bear murmured discontentedly, but seeing his eyes turning around, it was obvious that he didn't lose anything at this price.

"How many people do you have now?" Zhao Fugui asked.

"Now there are thirty-six people, all 101 airborne division, French Foreign Legion and blue Beret retired players, fight behind you like this one can fight a dozen!" Violent bear stretched out a stout finger and pointed to the left army behind Zhao Fugui. They said.

The soldiers behind the left army were expressionless and didn't seem to hear what the bear said.

"Really, Zuo Jun, you ask someone to practice with the bear!" Zhao Fugui also wants to try the level of his future subordinates, he said directly.

"Tension, step out and practice with this fierce bear!" Zuo Jun said immediately.

"Yes A strong black guy came out immediately. He was muscular, but not tall. He was more than 1.7 meters tall. He stood in front of the bear like a child.

"Jack, show our future boss your hand. Don't use guns, don't use knives, and God bless you, don't hurt the future boss's people!" Cried the bear.

"The devil doesn't like us. Can he count on God to protect us? Hey, little man, I don't want to hurt you! " Jack shakes his head and comes over. He's more than one meter nine. Standing in front of the tension, he feels like bullying others.Jack doesn't like to go to Zhang Li. He reaches for his huge fist and hits Zhang Li. At this moment, Zhang Li comes close to him fiercely, one hand blocks his fist, the other hand hits his throat with one elbow. When Jack sits on the ground, his legs soften and he can't breathe for a few seconds. His face turns red instantly.

"At this level, I can only give you five hundred pounds a day when you have a task!" Zhao Fugui shook his head and said that the combat literacy and gun use of these guys must be better than that of them, not only because they retired from the most famous special forces in the world, but also because they have experienced real combat.

Huaxia can provide them with the same strict training, but it can't let them exercise in actual combat. That's the gap. But when it comes to melee ability, the Chinese special forces have never been afraid of anyone.

These mercenaries retired from the lethal special forces can earn up to 1000 pounds a day. After all, they work with their heads pinned on their waistbands, but they can't get that price unless they are working in war-torn areas.

"In addition, in three days, I need to prepare all my people's legal documents, passes, extended passport time, legal gun license, and attach them to the name of bear security company. Of course, from now on, the name of this security company is Zhanlong security company. If you do this, your broken warehouse, plus you people and weapons, I'll give you 10 million pounds. If you don't do it, you can continue to tease mice here! " Zhao Fugui said.

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