Super Monk

Chapter 1600

Hongmen originally had six giants, which were located in Europe, North America, South America, Africa, Oceania and other places. Before, Hongmen had been located in Europe during the war days. As soon as he died, Hongmen's branch in Europe was immediately severely damaged, which directly brought tens of billions of dollars of losses to Hongmen. What's more, with the death of Luo zhantian, Hongmen's strength in the underground world of Europe has been sharply reduced, and it has been unable to confront with several other large forces.

It's impossible for Hongmen not to avenge such blood feuds. It's just that there is an agreement between Hongmen and Huaxia Zhenwu circle. The major giants of Hongmen are not allowed to set foot in Huaxia, otherwise they will be killed once they are found.

Therefore, Zhao Fugui killed Luo zhantian, but Hongmen could not retaliate because they did not dare to take the risk of sending experts into China to deal with Zhao Fugui. However, because of this, they missed the best opportunity to kill Zhao Fugui.

Hongmen's experts dare not enter China, but Hongmen immediately issued a wanted order for Zhao Fugui in the global underground world after Luo zhantian's death. Anyone who finds Zhao Fugui outside China can get a reward of one million dollars, and this wanted order finally played a role after Zhao Fugui appeared in Plymouth.

In a huge conference room of a secret house on Turan Island, screens light up one after another, and Hongmen's giants from all continents appear on the screen in turn.

Turan island is the headquarters of Hongmen. This island was bought directly by Hongmen as the headquarters. It has a total area of 60000 square kilometers, which is one tenth of Nanhai island. There are 5000 armed personnel resident on the island, with countless experts. There is a big mountain on the island. The inside of the mountain has been hollowed out.

A huge space has been formed, and a huge steel plate with a thickness of two meters has even been installed on the top of the space to prevent national forces from directly destroying the high-rise buildings of Hongmen with missiles. We should know that even if the great master level masters are hit by missiles nearby, there is only one way to die.

"Uncle Tang, why did you suddenly ask for an emergency meeting? I just found a Spanish girl. We are having an in-depth exchange. It's too impolite for a beauty to suddenly hold an emergency meeting!" Said a handsome man with blonde hair as handsome as an ancient Greek sculpture, with an evil smile on his face.

"Alonso, sooner or later you will die in a woman's belly!" A beautiful woman with black frame glasses, who looks like a female employee of a large company, said faintly, this woman is very beautiful, her figure is also extremely hot, very attractive, but she exudes a strong momentum, which can't be ignored.

"Miss Vera, my biggest wish in my life is to die in your belly!" Alonso picked up a glass of red wine, waved to Vera, said with an evil smile on his face.

"Maybe you can do it!" Vera said faintly.

"Damn, every time I hold an emergency meeting, I have to see these two damned guys flirting. I'm really upset!" A big black man, who was as powerful as death, clenched his fist and roared with a "click click" voice.

"Aurora, I know you have a crush on Vera. Unfortunately, Miss Vera's only happy man is me. Maybe Miss Vera and I can send you a video to watch when we have a deep communication next time." Alonso said with a smile.

"Alonso, how dare you insult me!" Aurella roared angrily and slapped the table in front of him. A strong current instantly destroyed the alloy table in front of him.

"Enough!" At this time, sitting in the center of the conference room, the old man in Tang costume spoke faintly. Alonso and aurella immediately calmed down, just like the pupils who met the teacher.

"Sorry, uncle Tang, it's my fault!" The irascible aurella apologized to the old man and said that if this scene was seen by people in the underground dark world of various countries, I'm afraid it would be eye-catching. The irascible and powerful aurella, nicknamed Raytheon, would bow to others. It's just a fantasy.

"Uncle Tang, cough!" Seeing the old man looking over, Alonso quickly put down his wine glass and sat up.

This old man seems to be old, but he is the leader of Hongmen, a global super organization. His prestige in Hongmen is higher than that of Ye Tiannan in the Chinese martial arts circle. What's more important is that the old man went deep into the battle of Ye Tiannan ten years ago and finally left. His strength is frightening.

"Uncle Tang, what on earth is there to call us for an emergency meeting?" Said pondo, the silent hand of darkness. Pengdu is a Chinese, and the surname of Peng is very rare even in China. Pengdu is also one of the six saints of Hongmen. He is known as the dark little saint. He has the strength of two great masters. He is the fifth in the six saints of Hongmen, and his strength is still above Luo zhantian.

"I just received information that Zhao Fugui was in Plymouth!" The old man called Uncle Tang said lightly.

"Zhao Fugui? Which Zhao Fugui? The names of Chinese people are really strange. It gives me a headache! " Aurora shook her head and said.

"Your IQ can be compared with that of gorillas in Africa. Of course, the names of Chinese people are not easy for you to understand. The name Zhao Fugui refers to the person's surname Zhao, who is rich and expensive, so it's called Zhao Fugui! " Alonso said ostentatiously.

"Fool!" Vera rolled her eyes and said with disdain."Zhao Fugui who killed Luo zhantian appeared?" Peng Du's eyes coagulated and asked slowly.

"Yes, it's him. According to intelligence, he's going to open a security company in Plymouth Bay area. It seems that he won't leave Plymouth for the time being!" The old man said lightly.

"Uncle Tang, let me go. I'll screw off Zhao Fugui's head and take it back to Turan island!" Aurora said grimly.

"You can't deal with him alone. You'll be sure to go with Vera!" The old man said in a deep voice.

"What? Zhao Fugui just killed Luo zhantian. It's easy for me to kill Luo zhantian. How can I not deal with Zhao Fugui? " Aurora asked with disbelieving eyes.

"According to the information we got from Huaxia, Zhao Fugui just killed Sikong Changsheng a few days ago. This Sikong Changsheng has the strength of great master yichongtian!"

"How can we have the intelligence of Huaxia? The Zhenwu circle and the government of Huaxia do not allow us to develop in Huaxia. Huaxia is our blind spot in Hongmen!" Vera asked, puzzled.

"It seems that Zhao Fugui has many enemies. Some people in Huaxia hope that he will never return!" Said the old man.

"Great master, that is equivalent to the strength of the earth awakener. How could he be so strong?" Asked aurella, startled.

In Europe, they have their own way to divide their power, and the great masters of China are equivalent to the land awakeners of Europe.

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