Super Monk

Chapter 1604

"What?" Lin Yue's face suddenly changed. His eyelids jumped and he said, "Mr. Lin, the people of Zhanlong security company are all outsiders. How can our security department listen to outsiders?"

The security department is where Lin Yue earns money. All kinds of equipment procurement, personnel training, and vehicle procurement add up to a lot of money in a year. If he gives them all over, it's impossible for him to earn extra money.

"Fugui is also a shareholder of the company, and he is not a small shareholder. He is not an outsider. You must cooperate with him in the future. If you can't do it well, I will directly transfer you back to China or even expel you from the company!" Lin zhinuo said unquestionably.

"Yes Lin Yue Yin ruthless looked at Zhao Fugui one eye, reluctantly said.

Lin Yue's cruel expression makes Zhao Fugui see clearly, but he doesn't pay attention to it at all. This kind of small role can't threaten Zhao Fugui any more. The only thing we need to pay attention to is don't let him delay and make trouble.

"Fugui, if you have anything else to arrange, you can arrange it directly. I'll let this side cooperate with you!" Lin zhinuo said to Zhao Fugui again.

"Bear, let your people come here today, install cameras in the company, collect the information of all the people in the company, and make identity cards. Anyone who goes in and out of the company must use identity cards, no one is an exception!" Zhao Fugui nodded and said to the bear in a deep voice. Now Lin's group has become a high-end biotechnology company. Naturally, there are many things that can't be leaked, which is also a part of security.

"Yes, boss, I'll arrange someone later!" The bear said in a gruff voice. At the same time, he looked contemptuously at the people in the training room. Many security guards in the training room are contacting boxing or fitness. Unfortunately, these guys don't like the bear at all. They are all rookies.

Lin Yue's face was ugly. He winked at Zhang Hu. Zhang Hu nodded and immediately said to Lin zhinuo, "Mr. Lin, we haven't seen people from Zhanlong security company before, and we don't know how to do it. Maybe we will have some trouble cooperating in the future!"

"Who are you?" Lin zhinuo frowned at Zhang Hu and asked.

"Let's get to know each other better. What's more, if the strength of the people in Zhanlong security company is not good, I think they'd better not make trouble for us! " Lin Yue Yin said.

"Yes, Mr. Lin, you have to convince us when you arrange a group of outsiders to come, right?" The dogleg who followed Lin Yue came to him immediately.

"Mr. Lin, if they don't have the ability to protect themselves, how can they protect the company?"

Even outside the door, there are many people from overseas branches standing at the door watching and talking.

"What's the matter? People in the security department seem to be in conflict with others! " A clerk whispered.

"It's said that those two people seem to be from the Zhanlong security company. Minister Lin of the security department is very dissatisfied with the company's contracting the security work to an outside company!"

"It seems that they are going to fight. The foreigner is so strong. He is estimated to be two meters tall and so muscular. How can the person from the security department be his opponent?" A clerk shook his head and said.

"That's not necessarily. I heard that minister Lin specially recruited retired special forces soldiers from abroad. It seems that he is from some kind of seal commando team. Moreover, it is said that security minister Zhang Hu is also very powerful. He is an expert invited by Minister Lin from the United States. He is sure to defeat this muscular man!" Another clerk said.

"If Zhang Hu can beat that two meter tall guy, it must be very easy to beat another one!" There is a staff looking at the direction of Zhao Fugui said.

The people in the security room are talking, and the staff outside are also talking. Lin zhinuo also knows that to do security work, people have to be convinced if they want to cooperate well.

"Richness, you see?" Lin Zhi Nuo some hesitant looking at Zhao Fugui asked, she ice snow smart, also can see Zhang Hu these people covetous, fully prepared, Zhao Fugui their side is afraid to do nothing to prepare.

"Bear, play with them!" Zhao Fugui said casually that there was nothing to consider in this small scene. Lin Yue and Zhang Hu didn't know who was standing in front of them.

"Good boss, as you wish!" The bear strode past. He was like a walking meat mountain. The ground almost trembled with each step. "Click click" squeezed his fist twice, and the bear said with a grim smile, "who are you going to die?"

"Hum, Jack, practice with him!" Zhang Hu snorted coldly, holding his arms and not moving at all, but casually said to the people next to him. Then immediately, four Americans with lower body in military trousers and upper body in vests came over.

"I smell fish. It's you junk seals!" "Pooh," the bear said with disdain.

"Guys from the French Foreign Legion, in South Africa the year before last, you had a formed mercenary team that we killed and fed the jackals!" A seal soldier disdained to say.

"Damn it The bear roared and rushed forward like a Tyrannosaurus Rex. A member of the seal team bent down to resist the bear, but he hit the bear and hit the wall behind him. He fainted."Stop him!" The other three seals roared, one hugged the bear's waist, the other kicked the bear's leg, and the other punched the bear's head to subdue him.

This is not a fight between life and death. Otherwise, even if there are only daggers, it will certainly attack the key points of the bear for the first time, such as the heart, neck, temple and so on. Any country trains special forces to kill rather than perform. So it is not surprising that special forces' empty handed combat is not the opponent of professional players, but as long as they have a dagger in their hand, it is not surprising The situation will change completely.

Tyrannosaurus rex was attacked by three members of the seal team. With a grim smile, he grabbed his fist and "snapped" it. The member of the seal team screamed at once. Then another head hammer of Tyrannosaurus Rex hit the head of another member of the seal team. The member of the seal team directly snorted and fainted.

The third poster commando was even worse. He was lifted up by the bear and smashed on the ground. Even his bones were broken. Without weapons, these three guys don't have the ability to fight back in front of the bear, whose size is absolutely dominant.

When dealing with these seal soldiers, the bear didn't notice that Zhang Hu had thrown away his cigarette and strode past him.

"Who else?" The bear solved the three seal soldiers, turned and roared with a grim smile. At this moment, Zhang Hu jumped up fiercely, and a high whip leg kicked the bear's temple heavily. The bear snorted and fell to the ground with a look of rage.

"Waste, and you!" Zhang Hu kicks Yunyu bear and points at Zhao Fugui with his fingers.

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