Super Monk

Chapter 1614

"The blood of the awakened is so delicious. It's a pity that so much delicious blood has been wasted!" Looking at the blood left by Ruan Chai, the handsome man, like an ancient Greek sculpture, showed a trace of greed on his face and murmured.

At this time, a burst of harsh alarm sounds, from the direction of Plymouth, more than a dozen police cars are speeding to this side.

"Boss, I'll tell you a piece of bad news. That stupid South Vietnamese monkey has died. It was a land awakener who did it. He may be an S-class land awakener!" The blonde man saw the police cars slowly turn around and walk in the dark with ease. He said on the phone as he walked.

"The awakening of the earth? Huaxia hasn't sent earth awakeners to Europe for a long time. I just need one! " On the other end of the phone, a very attractive voice said.

"But boss, Hong Gang offered a reward of one billion dollars for his head. These damned fellows are too wasteful. I'm afraid he won't live for a week. According to my information, the hand of God and the mask of death have come to Europe today. Even if this Zhao Fugui is an S-class earth awakener, I think he can hardly escape the assassination! " Said the blonde.

"I just need his blood to tell God's hand and death's mask that they can take this man's head, but his body must stay!" Said the attractive female voice.

"Yes, your majesty, I'll keep an eye on those guys and let them know whose territory this is!" The blonde man said he left the perimeter of the police blockade, and Plymouth police outside didn't seem to see him at all.

On the other hand, Zhao Fugui's motorcade returned to the building of Lin's group. Because they were abroad, almost all the employees lived in the building at night. Lin's group specially prepared rest rooms for the employees.

"Mr. Zhao, as many people died just after we came here, will Plymouth police need our help in the investigation?" Dr. Li asked anxiously about the danger of opening up overseas markets. He had known about it before he came, but he didn't expect it to be so dangerous.

The three major pharmaceutical giants in the world began to develop future drugs at the same time, and the competition among them has become white hot. Especially after Lin's group left China, the enemy hidden in the dark has begun to be unscrupulous.

"There will be a special person from Lin's group to communicate with Plymouth police. This incident should be identified as a gang attack. Don't worry about anything else. You are safe in this building!" Zhao Fugui said.

"We are very relieved to have Mr. Zhao here!" Dr. Li nodded. After all, there is a strong government in Plymouth. The dark world also has its own rules of conduct. No matter the people in the dark world or Yamada pharmaceutical, they have no courage to attack the buildings of Lin's group.

However, we still need to guard against the infiltration and assassination of Yamada pharmaceutical people or the theft and destruction of information. Yamada pharmaceutical people may be able to do everything for their long-term plan.

"Zuo Jun, are our people hurt?" Zhao Fugui arranges the people of Lin's group and asks Zuo Jun immediately.

"No, we are lucky. The people of Nanyue gang are just a mob!" Zuo Jun shook his head and said. The people of the left army are OK, but the people of the violent bear were assassinated by the snipers. However, the violent bear were not too sad. Death is a normal thing for the mercenaries.

"Lin's group needs to add another team here, and the security work here needs to be fully upgraded!" Zhao Fugui said solemnly.

"Dead, dead, many dead!" Just at this time, Lin Yue and Zhang Hu rush to the front of the building of Lin's group in their car. Lin Yue is like a woman who is almost indecent. She rushes into the building in panic and screams.

"Shut up Zhao Fugui frowned and slapped this guy in the face. Lin Yue turned around in the same place and looked at Zhao Fugui for a long time.

Lin Yue, as the security minister, is so scared when something happens. The people and employees of Lin's group will be terrified by the people affected. Everyone will doubt how such people can protect them. Zhao Fugui looks ugly and stares at Lin Yue. This guy is a real waste.

"How dare you hit me! I'll fight with you!" Lin Yue was stunned for a long time. Then he saw the contemptuous eyes around him. He jumped up and rushed to Zhao Fugui. Before the team was attacked by the Nanyue Gang, Lin Yue fainted. He didn't see Zhao Fugui get angry at all. This guy even wanted to fight with Zhao Fugui.

Everyone, including the employees of Lin's group, looked at Lin Yue with the same eyes as the dead. They were wondering if this guy was crazy and dared to fight Zhao Fugui.

"Don't be impulsive, Minister!" Although Zhang Hu also fainted at that time, he was very clear about Zhao Fugui's severity. The swelling on his face had not gone down. Zhang Hu held Lin Yue tightly and said to Zhao Fugui, "Mr. Zhao, I'm so sorry. Minister Lin was scared. Don't mind! Minister, let's go, go back and calm down! "

Zhang Hu drags Lin Yue out of the company's building. Lin Yue thinks that he is a senior member of Lin's group. He has to distinguish himself from ordinary employees. Instead of living in the building of Lin's group, he lives in the Plymouth Hotel in the city. Only when he lives in a five-star hotel can he show his identity."Zhang Hu, why did you stop me? That damned guy dares to fan me in front of so many people. I'm from the Lin family. He's just a little bastard who works for our Lin family. I'll kill him! " Lin Yue was pushed into the car by Zhang Hu, with a crazy face shouting.

"Mr. Lin, please calm down. You can see the situation after the gunfight just now. Those who attacked us so badly were all killed by Zhao Fugui. His subordinates are a group of ruthless people. In addition, Mr. Lin supports him so much. It's not good for us to have a conflict with him in the company. We have to rely on that guy to kill him!" Zhang Hu's eyes flashed and said.

"But Plymouth is so dangerous. When Zhao Fugui dies, who will protect us? The people in this place are a group of lunatics, and they shoot us with machine guns. Why the hell can't these foreign devils ban guns? " Lin Yue calmed down and said that he was afraid of the wolf before and the tiger after.

"Minister, Zhao Fugui's people all work for money. If we kill him, we can directly control his people. As long as we give money, it's the same for who they work for. In this way, we have money and people. Who else in the overseas branch dares to have trouble with you?" Zhang Hu said with a sneer.

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