Super Monk

Chapter 1624

In Zhao Fugui's perception, the breath of ordinary people is like a firefly in the night. It can be seen but not attracted people's attention. However, the breath of a warrior is like a candle or even a torch. The more powerful people are, the more dazzling they are in the perception. Those with strong breath can even automatically block Zhao Fugui's perception.

If forced perception is like looking at the sun, it is not only unclear, but also hurt. Zhao Fugui's perception of these two people's breath is like a candle, but it is not the breath of the warrior.

"The awakened one?" Zhao Fugui frowns, and the two awakened people hide around. Obviously, they are the killers who want to get the reward offered by Hong Gang. However, the strength of these two awakened people is not strong. They also want to assassinate Zhao Fugui with such strength. I'm afraid they want to take a risk because the reward offered by Hong Gang is too high.

"Brother Zhao, what's the matter?" Anxin noticed that Zhao Fugui frowned and asked.

"It's OK. Some little gangsters may be following us!" Zhao Fugui Yang Yang chin to the direction of the pickup truck for a moment, said.

"What?" As soon as an Xin's pretty face changed, she immediately showed a nervous look on her face. She quickly looked over there. She immediately looked back nervously and said, "richness, what should I do? Those gangsters abroad are easy to get guns. What if they have guns? Why don't we call the police? "

"It's no use calling the police. When the police come, they will leave. When the police leave, they come again!" Zhao Fugui shook his head and said, "don't worry, just a few little gangsters. It's OK. Keep eating!"

"Brother Zhao, are you really OK?" Anxin still said uneasily.

"Have you forgotten my skill? It's just a piece of cake to deal with a few hooligans! " Zhao Fugui calmly smiles at Anxin. Anxin is relieved. However, knowing that she has been targeted by several gangsters, Anxin has no appetite to eat. After a while, she says she won't eat.

"I'm full!" Anxin finished eating, took a sip of coffee, put the tableware away and said.

"Let's go. I'll take you back to school!" Zhao Fugui nods, swipes the card, and then takes an Xin to the military Humvee which is not far away.

Zhao Fugui and Anxin feel that the three thugs in the pickup truck come down from the car quickly. The three guys put their hands in their arms and come to Zhao Fugui and Anxin quickly.

"Brother Zhao, they are coming after us!" Anxin looked back and nervously grasped Zhao Fugui's arm.

"Don't be afraid, keep going!" Zhao Fugui said casually that he didn't want to do it in public. He had better lead the three gangsters to the corner where they didn't attract people's attention and solve the two killers together quietly.

"Don't move, or I'll kill you, move on!" At this time, the three black men quickened their pace and came after him. One of them took out a pistol and put it on Zhao Fugui's waist and whispered.

Obviously, these three guys all think that Zhao Fugui is the most dangerous. On the contrary, no one cares about Anxin. They all stare at Zhao Fugui for fear that he will resist.

"Don't be impulsive, we'll go with you!" Pretending not to resist, Zhao Fugui was immediately taken by the three guys to an alley on the street, which was long and narrow, and no one passed by.

"Take out your wallet and your watch. Hurry up!" Surrounded by Zhao Fugui and an Xin, three black people immediately point a gun at Zhao Fugui's head and yell.

"Don't shoot, we'll give you the money!" Anxin was shocked when she saw that Zhao Fugui was staring at his head with a gun by a black man. Except in the movie, this is the first time Anxin really saw a pistol. In China, it's almost impossible for a gangster to hang around with a pistol every day.

Anxin quickly took out her money, but it was too little. The biggest denomination was two hundred euro notes, and the rest were all ten and twenty yuan notes.

"Only this money? Give me all the money A black man snapped, "search this woman, I'll search this guy!"

"I really only have so much money. Don't mess around!" Anxin said in horror.

"Do you think we Chinese are so easy to bully?" Zhao Fugui reaches for a stop, grabs a black man's hand that reaches for an Xin, and asks faintly.

"Damn yellow monkey, raise your hand, or I'll kill you!" The black man with the gun yelled and his face was tense. It was the first time that they met a man who was robbed and pointed at his head. They were not afraid.

"Yellow monkey? You want to die! " Zhao Fugui's eyes flashed and his face became cold. Originally, he just wanted to deal with the three gangsters casually, but this guy dared to insult the Chinese people. He really wanted to die.

"Shut up and take out the money, or I'll kill you!" The black man pressed the trigger and could pull the trigger at any time. At this moment, a man suddenly appeared from the outside of the alley and yelled when he saw them.

"Stop, what are you doing?" A man in a police uniform came in from outside the alley with a pistol in his hand and yelled.

"Damn it, it's the police. Run!" The three black people's faces changed greatly. They dared to rob Zhao Fugui, but they did not dare to shoot at a policeman. Otherwise, they would have poked a hornet's nest, and the police in the whole city would look for them."Stop!" The policeman gave a sharp roar and ran after him.

"Great, the police are here!" Seeing the police appear, Anxin immediately breathes a sigh of relief.

The black man pointed a gun at Zhao Fugui turned around and wanted to run into the alley. As soon as Zhao Fugui stretched out his leg, he just tripped over the black man. The black man fell down and even the gun in his hand fell out.

"Are you all right?" The policeman rushed over and handcuffed the black man. Then he asked Zhao Fugui and an Xin kindly.

"We're fine. These three want to rob!" Anxin said quickly.

"Lady, please don't worry, I won't let these criminals hurt you!" The policeman said with a kind smile, and then said to an Xin and Zhao Fugui, "madam, please go and pick up that pistol. Sir, can you help me catch this criminal? I'll call my colleagues to come here! "

"All right, officer!" Although an Xin thinks it's strange for the policeman to ask her to pick up the gun, she doesn't think much about it and immediately walks to the gun that fell on the ground.

Zhao Fugui seems to have followed the advice of the policeman and is ready to help him control the black people. At this moment, the policeman shows a trace of ferocity in his eyes. He fiercely pulls out a silent pistol and shoots three shots at Zhao Fugui. His gun is extremely thick and obviously has been refitted. He can only shoot three bullets at a time, but it is extremely powerful.

After three shots in a row, a Black Dagger appeared on the other hand of the policeman and stabbed Zhao Fugui's heart.

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