Super Monk

Chapter 1634

Zhao Fugui directly used the Yin God to lock the position of gangsek and strode from the crowd to the banquet hall of the manor. All the guests at the banquet were celebrities, rich businessmen and aristocratic descendants from the northern county. Zhao Fugui could see that there were many security personnel in the crowd, many of them carrying guns, and even security guards with long guns in remote places. It is obvious that the recent situation in Plymouth has greatly upgraded the security situation of the banquet.

"Sir, may I have a dance with you?" A blonde in her twenties saw Zhao Fugui and immediately walked over to him to invite him. The blonde is wearing a sexy evening dress with a large back and slender legs, which are straighter than the average supermodel.

"Sorry, I have something else to do!" Zhao Fugui couldn't understand what the blonde said, but seeing her holding out a hand, he probably understood what the blonde meant. He shook his head and passed by the blonde.

"What a beautiful Chinese, who would refuse the invitation of our lady!" Said a French woman in her thirties, carrying a glass of red wine.

"Maybe he has something to do with it. He's not wearing a dinner dress!" The sight of blonde beauty follows Zhao Fugui all the time. Zhao Fugui is big and handsome, and he has a lot of charisma when he walks. The little girl may not be able to see it, but she is very attractive to the lady of the Lord.

"It's a pity that I didn't get to know you!"

Gang SEK noticed the feeling that had just enveloped him. He didn't expect that Zhao Fugui could catch up with him here. This guy took the initiative to cut off contact. He didn't know that Plymouth's killer had become a prey and had been cleaned up by Zhao Fugui. He thought that hiding here would not be discovered. He didn't expect that Zhao Fugui would find him so soon.

While pretending to be drinking red wine, gonsek looked around alertly. Soon his pupils suddenly shrank, and he saw the amazing Zhao Fugui in the crowd. Zhao Fugui came directly to him, and he knew immediately that he must have been exposed.

"Honey, look at that man. I think he may be the terrorist in today's city!" Gang SEK's blonde and blue eyes disguised as a blonde. If he disguised as such, I'm afraid that a blonde has died.

"What?" Just next to SEK, a middle-aged man with big stomach, gray hair and a tuxedo looks back in surprise. When he sees Zhao Fugui, his face changes. "I didn't invite Chinese people to come here at all. Why is this guy here?"

"That man is not my guest. He is a terrorist. Arrest him quickly!" The big bellied middle-aged man yelled at the bodyguard nearby.

"Stop, put your hands up, let me see your hands!" Two bodyguards immediately stood in front of the middle-aged man and took out a pistol to point at Zhao Fugui.

That know Zhao Fugui didn't stop meaning, continue to stride forward, a few steps came.

"Shoot!" Fearing that Zhao Fugui was a human bomb, the two bodyguards immediately changed their faces and pulled the trigger.

"You dare to shoot in the crowd, you're not a coward!" Zhao Fugui's eyes flashed, his body appeared in front of the two bodyguards, and took the gun from them.

"Bang bang bang bang!"

"The party is over!" Zhao Fugui holds a gun and pulls the trigger directly at the sky. The dull sound of the gun is emitted without fear, which immediately suppresses the noise of the banquet.

"Someone's shooting. Run, run!" The crowd was silent for a few seconds, and then bursts of screams rang out. Just now, the celebrities and rich businessmen who were still in a bad mood ran to the door in panic.

"Run, run, call the police!" Fortunately, the manor was large enough and there were many entrances and exits. There was no huge chaos and stampede. Soon most of the guests escaped.

"God, how could he be a terrorist?" While the Baroness was taken away by the bodyguards, she looked back and murmured to Zhao Fugui.

"Gunseck, you are one of the top 20 killers in the list of killers. You are one of the trumps of the hand of God. You will disguise yourself as a woman to hide. I didn't expect that you almost escaped!" Zhao Fugui stares at Gang SEK and says coldly.

"What are you talking about? Damn chinese, I'm a Plymouth Councillor. How dare you come to my villa and make trouble! " The big bellied middle-aged man's eyes turned around. Seeing that his bodyguard had surrounded the place, he immediately yelled.

Zhao Fugui didn't understand what the fat man said, and he didn't care at all. He didn't know that the guy he was trying to sleep at night was just wearing a beautiful woman's skin, and then used a little mental illusion as a disguise. In fact, there was a man inside, and he was also a killer. What would he think.

"We killers only ask about the result, not the process, as long as we can successfully complete the task, what is it to be a woman?" Just say of the gram disdain.

"Hands up, come on, let's see your hands!" At this time, Mr. member's more than a dozen bodyguards all gathered around, pointed the gun at Zhao Fugui and yelled.These bodyguards not only hold pistols, but also many directly hold assault rifles. All of them point their guns at Zhao Fugui.

"Even a land awakener, as long as it's not defensive, it's a bit troublesome to be pointed at by so many guns. I'd like to know if your hard body can block so many bullets!" In the eyes of many security guards, Zhao Fugui has become a terrorist with a long beard and full of explosives, and is preparing to detonate the bomb.

More than a dozen bodyguards didn't understand why Zhao Fugui had suddenly changed. However, seeing that the "terrorist" was about to detonate a bomb, the situation was urgent, and more than a dozen bodyguards immediately opened fire.

"Kill him!"

"Dada, dada, dada!" All the muzzles of the guns spewed out tongues of fire, and all the bullets of more than a dozen guns gathered fire at Zhao Fugui.

Gang SEK looked at Zhao Fugui with a sneer, but he didn't expect that Zhao Fugui didn't move. He didn't even mean to escape. He let all the bullets shoot at him.

More than ten seconds later, the bodyguards emptied all the bullets in the gun, and all the twisted bullets fell at Zhao Fugui's feet, which could not cause any damage to Zhao Fugui, even the bullets of the assault rifle.

"God The Councillor and his bodyguard were all stunned, looking at Zhao Fugui in shock and fear.

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