Super Monk

Chapter 1751

"I'm at the peak of the holy land of sword. It's only one step short of me to become the God of sword. In the past 100 years of Fusang Empire, there are only a few people who have become the saint of sword, and few of them have become the God of sword. Since ancient times, no one has been able to achieve the realm of sword God. Now I have seen the road to the sword God, and the water cut will surely achieve a flourishing age in the hands of Matsumoto Musashi

"Zhao Fugui, you don't know the significance of Jiansheng peak, but I still want to thank you. For this, you can die!" Matsumoto Musashi takes a proud look at Zhao Fugui. His eyes are like gods looking at ordinary people like ants. Then Matsumoto Musashi raises his sword high and a bright sword light appears again.

"Sword God, Matsumoto Musashi saw the road of sword God. How could it be? How could it be? Why is Tianzhao so unfair? What qualification does Matsumoto Musashi have to see the way to the sword God? " Matsumoto's face was not willing, and his whole face was twisted. He was not at all pleased with Matsumoto Musashi's strength. Instead, he wanted to kill Matsumoto Musashi immediately and cut off his way to the sword God.

Matsumoto Musashi has seen the way to the sword God, and Matsumoto harahara thinks of himself. He was very happy to become a swordsman, but now he is full of hatred for his identity as a swordsman. There is a big difference between the sword master and the sword God. I don't know how far it is from the sword God. Matsumoto Musashi refuses to teach Matsumoto Hara wholeheartedly. Matsumoto Hara can't even set foot in the holy land of sword, let alone the sword God.

In this case, Matsumoto Musashi himself found the way to the sword God. How could Matsumoto Hara be reconciled? He would never be reconciled.

It's a pity that in front of Matsumoto Musashi, Matsumoto is just a mole ant. Even with a sword, Matsumoto can't resist. Even if Matsumoto is unwilling, he doesn't dare to go near there.

"It turns out that you Fusang people have added a realm division of sword God behind the sword saint. The sword God should be the strong one of the great master's triple heaven, but what if you see the way to the great master's triple heaven? Now you are just the peak of the great master's double heaven. If you don't enter the triple heaven, you will always be the double heaven. It's too far from the great master's triple heaven! " Zhao Fugui shook his head and said.

"Yes? Zhao Fugui, your realm is nothing more than a great master. With your training as a great master, you have the strength to fight with me. But now that I am in the battle, you are not my opponent. I'll show you how powerful my Kendo is Matsumoto Musashi raises his sword high and cuts it down with one sword.

In the dark, the sword Taiji appears again, and the Yin and yang fish composed of sword light rotate, with the momentum of smashing everything to Zhao Fugui.

"Heaven Zhao Fugui roared like a dull thunder, and once again blasted the seventh fist of seven step Kungfu into the sky, and his powerful fist force blasted into the sword Taiji.

"Boom!" It seems that the huge sword tai chi is going to be broken by Zhao Fugui's fist as before. But this time, the sword tai chi is only slightly dark, and then it lights up again.

"Wuji gives birth to Taiji, Taiji gives birth to Liangyi, Liangyi gives birth to Sixiang, Sixiang gives birth to Bagua, Bagua gives birth to all things, and all swordsmanship in the world is in the hands of Matsumoto Musashi!" Matsumoto Musashi has a confident smile on his face. His sword light suddenly changes and he is about to kill Zhao Fugui.

Sword Taiji changes again with Matsumoto Musashi's voice. Taiji wheel gives birth to Liangyi. Liangyi's mutual care makes four images. The four images are transformed into eight trigrams. It seems that there are thousands of swordsmanship in the eight trigrams. These swordsmanship are extremely powerful. Even if Zhao Fugui is a great master of physical training, his body will be smashed in the sword light.

Matsumoto's whole body shuddered when he saw the sword. If it wasn't for him to grasp the ground, I'm afraid he couldn't control his idea of turning around and running away.

On the other side, the snake's eyes flickered and zigzagged on the ground, avoiding the black snake's sniper bullets. He quickly swam to Zhao Fugui and Matsumoto Musashi. He wanted to take advantage of the decisive battle between Zhao Fugui and Matsumoto Musashi and attack Zhao Fugui and kill Zhao Fugui.

"I didn't expect that your Kendo came from my Chinese book of changes!" Zhao Fugui's Kungfu power suddenly broke up in the eight trigrams evolved from sword Taiji. He immediately took back his arm, looked at the sweeping sword eight trigrams, and slowly pointed to the dark night sky, forming a mysterious sword decision. "Then I'll show you my real Chinese Kendo!"

"I like to learn sword. I have lived in cold pool for ten years, but I haven't tried frost blade yet. Please watch it today!" Zhao Fugui whispered.

"The Qi of the sword stretches thirty thousand li, and the cold light of the sword shines on Kyushu!"

These are the words written on the front page of the secret legend of Ye Hongyi's Kendo, and they are also the general outline of Ye Hongyi's kendo. Maybe she also said that to Lei BA at that time. With such a mind and intention of dominating the world, who can't cut it?

In the dark starry sky, with Zhao Fugui's voice falling, the whole darkness seems to shake up. A trace of sword Qi falls like raindrops. These sword Qi vibrates and condenses in the dark, and then converges into a huge sword light falling from the void.

"God, the stars have fallen!"

"There's a meteorite. There's a meteorite falling in Plymouth!" Countless Plymouth people rushed in from their homes, looking up at the sky and gaping at the scene. Under the starry sky of England, there are countless strong people who have feelings in their hearts and look up at the same time. Even the most powerful people see the burning flame of the sword light, and their eyes show strange light."Mysterious Chinese, really interesting. Is he really only twenty years old?" Murmured the strong who ruled the darkness.

Later, some reporters came to Plymouth to investigate, but everyone saw a meteor falling in the dark, but they couldn't find where the falling meteorite was.

In the sky, the sword light burns the air, forming a flaming tail flame, which is like a meteor falling through the atmosphere, tearing up the darkness and the void.

Matsumoto Musashi's face turns pale in an instant. Hayao Nodo's whole body trembles wildly, and his eyes show deep fear. He wants to run away, but he can't control his body completely. It's like a dead snake with broken bones limping on the ground.

"Kill Matsumoto Musashi knew that he could not escape, and that escaping was death. With a fierce roar, the blood red sword light almost reddened the darkness, and the bright sword light was also stained with a ferocious blood light. Matsumoto Musashi's wrist trembled, and the sword light turned back to meet the sword falling from the sky.

In the blink of an eye, the blood red sword gossip collided with the huge sword light falling from the darkness, and the bright light suddenly lit up the night sky.

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