Super Monk

Chapter 1757

"Mr. Zhao, Kangjian is only a second-class pharmaceutical company in the UK. Kelke is a first-class company. Do we really want kelke to do it?" The Secretary said quickly.

"In general, they may not be willing to ask those sales giants to help us sell drugs, but now the situation is different. Our drugs are good enough and have caused a sensation. Now it's the pharmaceutical companies who ask us to buy our drugs in their own channels. For us, there is no difference between Kangjian and kelke. On the contrary, Kangjian and kelke can make use of our new products "We need to expand our influence!"

"As far as health is concerned, it used to be a second-class pharmaceutical company, but as long as we give them the right to sell new drugs, they will soon be able to use the exclusive right to sell new drugs to become a first-class pharmaceutical company!"

"It doesn't make any difference for us to choose Kangjian or kelke, but Kangjian's boss is a Chinese and everyone is Chinese. It's nothing to help them. Why should we leave all the benefits to the British?" Zhao Fugui was in a good mood when he saw the great influence of the new drug. He explained to the female secretary in detail.

The success of new drugs not only has great help to Lin group, but also has a strong impact on Yamada pharmaceutical, seizing the market of Yamada pharmaceutical and reducing the market share of Yamada pharmaceutical, which is equivalent to rapidly reducing the profit of Yamada pharmaceutical.

If Yamada pharmaceutical is not carrying out the God making plan, the impact on them will not be seen for a while. But now Yamada pharmaceutical is fully promoting the God making plan. The God making plan is a bottomless pit, and the funds needed each year are more than tens of billions of dollars. The key is whether the plan is in or out. At present, it is impossible for Yamada pharmaceutical to feed back. This is tantamount to Yamada pharmaceutical Tian pharmaceutical is constantly giving blood to Zaoshen plan.

When Yamada pharmaceutical was strong, it could not be seen that once Yamada pharmaceutical began to weaken, the God making plan would immediately become a heavy burden, and even drag down Yamada pharmaceutical. But Yamada pharmaceutical would never abandon the God making plan. Now even if Yamada pharmaceutical wants to abandon the God making plan, the people behind the God making plan will not allow it.

Once the profit of Yamada pharmaceutical falls sharply, it will enter a vicious circle and gradually begin to die chronically. Yamada pharmaceutical's headquarters are in Fusang, with the support of rigono and Jiahe ghost sect inside, and the shadow of the military outside. It's impossible to kill Yamada pharmaceutical's headquarters directly and destroy it at present. It's a good opportunity to deal with Yamada pharmaceutical from the outside.

"Yes, boss, I see. I'm going to inform the representatives of Kangjian and kelke now!" The Secretary nodded happily and turned to walk outside. Lin's group is now the pioneer of the world's Pharmaceutical Group, walking in the forefront of the world, and their employees in these companies have a bright face.

"Mr. James, I'm sorry to inform you that Mr. Zhao has decided not to cooperate with kelke company for the time being. I'm very sorry. I hope we can cooperate next time." The female secretary told the medical representative of kelke company in English.

"Miss Li, can you ask Mr. Zhao to reconsider that kelke pharmaceutical company has the most perfect pharmaceutical sales channels. We only have 1200 pharmacies in the UK, and we also have contracts with thousands of private doctors. We can definitely sell all the drugs produced by your company as soon as possible!" Asked the pharmaceutical representative of kelke.

"Mr. James, I'm sorry. This is the decision of president Zhao. Maybe we can cooperate again when we have a chance in the future!" Secretary Li said.

"All right then!" James shook his head disappointed, but did not dare to offend Lin group, the rising star of the pharmaceutical industry, so he had no choice but to leave.

"Miss Li, I don't know which pharmaceutical company Mr. Zhao decided to cooperate with. We are all Chinese. Now business is more and more difficult. I hope Mr. Zhao can consider our company!" Li Daguo, the boss of the health pharmaceutical company, nervously looked at the female secretary and said that in order to get the right to sell the new drugs of Lin group, Li Daguo, as the boss, went out in person and tried to get the right to sell the new drugs as much as possible.

The sales right of this new drug is very important to the health pharmaceutical company. As long as you can get the sales right, you can not only earn a share, but also expand the influence of the health pharmaceutical company, so that the health pharmaceutical company can be qualified to be a first-class pharmaceutical company. This is a business with huge profits. It's a pity that the health care company is not competitive compared with kelke, except for the Chinese company.

Therefore, Li Daduo was very uneasy and didn't know what decision Lin Group's Zhao association would make.

"Mr. Li, Mr. Zhao has decided to cooperate with the health company. We are all Chinese. Although the conditions of the health company are not outstanding, it is not easy for us Chinese to start a business overseas. Therefore, Mr. Zhao has decided to give Mr. Li's company the right to sell new drugs in the UK." The Secretary said with a smile.

Li Daduo was stunned. He did not expect that Zhao Fugui would really give his company the right to sell new drugs in the UK, which is more precious than sending charcoal in the snow.

"Great, great, I want to thank Mr. Zhao. Mr. Zhao is really a good man!" Li Daduo stayed for a long time to respond, and then incoherently said, "I'm going to meet Mr. Zhao. I must thank Mr. Zhao!"

Li Daduo was so excited that he ran directly to Zhao Fugui's office. He pushed open the door of the office and ran into the office. He was so excited that he nodded and bowed to Zhao Fugui and said, "Mr. Zhao, thank you so much. I, Li Daduo, am in Britain and my heart is in China. The country has not forgotten me. Mr. Zhao, thank you so much!""We are all Chinese people, and we should help each other. We Chinese people are often discriminated against overseas. I hope that in the future, when Li always meets Chinese people who need help, he can help as much as he can!" Zhao Fugui said.

"Sure, sure, I will!" Li Daduo nodded and promised.

"I have something else to do. Mr. Li, go and sign the contract." Zhao Fugui said that as soon as he saw Li Daduo's face, he knew that he was more philistine and belonged to a businessman who didn't get up early without profit. However, seeing that he was a Chinese, Zhao Fugui didn't intend to change his mind. This kind of person is everywhere now, and there's nothing to say.

"Good, good, Mr. Zhao, you are busy!" Li Daduo nodded and bowed, then left with a look of excitement.

"Mr. Zhao, I just received a call from Plymouth municipal government that a business reception will be held in Randall this evening. The mayor hopes you can also attend it!" At this time, the Secretary said.

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