Super Monk

Chapter 1776

"Boom!" Red Dragon Alonso as like as two peas, the flame of the fire burned directly from Alonso's body. In the blink of an eye, Alonso became a fire man. The color of the flame was not normal red, but deep black. The black flame was exactly the same as the flame on the blade of the black inflammation. The flame burned on Alonso, making him look like a giant. Big black torch.

The cement ground around Alonso's body directly began to melt under the burning of the black flame. The melted cement quickly turned red. Alonso's body did not even fall on the red and melted cement, but slightly suspended. His body was several inches away from the ground, suspended on the melted cement.

Aurella seems to be incarnated as a thunder beast in ancient times. Villa, the black widow, also shows a strange state. Alonso is a human being. His nickname should not be red dragon, but black dragon, black dragon Alonso.

"Zhao Fugui, do you think the great sage of Hongmen is such a simple person? Although Yamada pharmaceutical has some mysterious drugs, it is impossible to use those drugs to directly break the mirror if it is not the person at the top of the S-class awakener. It is not because we exclude him, but because he is too weak to be the awakener of the earth! " Alonso's cold voice came out of the black flame and said with a grim smile.

"Alonso, talk nonsense to him, kill him, we divide up the overseas branches of Lin's group and control their new drugs. Although the headquarters of Lin's group is in China and we can't get in touch with it, it's more than enough to control an overseas distribution! " Aurora said in a roaring voice.

"Kill The black widow shrieked and pressed her hands down, and a burst of fog was surging up. The fog instantly spread to a distance of 100 meters. In this range, it was like the outbreak of thick fog, even a feeling that she couldn't see her fingers.

The thick fog filled the air, but it had no effect on Zhao Fugui. As soon as his eyes opened, the black fog could no longer have any effect on Zhao Fugui. However, Zhao Fugui took a breath of the thick fog, and his heart was awed. The poisonous fog made Zhao Fugui's brain faint. Zhao Fugui's cultivation in the realm of refining body and spirit is basically invincible to all kinds of poisons, but this poisonous fog can have an impact on Zhao Fugui, which is really extraordinary.

"Zhao Fugui, try my thousand miasma The black widow gave a proud grin. The poisonous fog was like a living creature. It only surrounded Zhao Fugui, but left Alonso and aurella slightly, which had no effect on them.

"Go to hell!" At the same time, aurella roared, and a thick lightning whip tore open the poison fog and swept to Zhao Fugui. This lightning whip is all composed of materialized lightning, which contains tens of millions of volts of huge current. This strong current, let alone a person, can instantly generate coke even if it is an African giant elephant.

Aurora is not only the awakener who wakes up the lightning ability, but also the blood talent. The powerful blood talent makes Aurora like a terrible humanoid tank, which also makes his lightning ability more powerful. The lightning ability and the blood talent complement each other. If he is not in a hurry to set foot on the earth awakener this time, and uses the medicine of Yamada pharmaceutical, maybe ten times In 20 years, aurora can even become a SSS level earth awakener.

Unfortunately, he made mistakes step by step, and he will never have this chance again.

"You are the first!" Zhao Fugui stepped heavily on the concrete floor, and a huge sound wave suddenly sounded, which was the huge howling sound formed by Zhao Fugui breaking through the sound barrier. The golden light appeared in Zhao Fugui's hands. A Dao Li Long knife appeared in an instant. The golden long knife split the air and cut on the huge whip composed of lightning in an instant.

"Click!" A sound as if the metal had been cut off suddenly sounded. The long golden knife suddenly darkened, and the random golden light came out. The lightning whip containing tens of millions of volts was cut off at random. There is still an obvious gap between aurella's strength and Zhao Fugui's. If they have the same level of strength, although the quality of Daoli is higher, Zhao Fugui is not so easy to cut off aurella's lightning whip.

The golden long knife cuts the whip of thunder and lightning, and then continues to cut aurella's body without stopping. The fierce light of the knife almost instantly devours aurella.

"Damn it Aurella's face changed greatly, her legs pushed fiercely on the ground, and her figure suddenly retreated. Although aurella looks rough and crazy, he is not stupid. He knows that in the face of Zhao Fugui's fierce and peerless knife, he can't touch it hard. He must withdraw immediately to let the black widow and Alonso have time to support him. Aurora did not expect that Zhao Fugui was so strong that he could cut off his lightning whip with a knife.

Aurella is extremely strong, but his speed is also very fast. Almost in an instant, he retreated more than ten meters away from Zhao Fugui. Almost at the same time, a black fire dragon pours down from mid air and collides with Zhao Fugui. The fire dragon does not want to hurt Zhao Fugui, but to stop Zhao Fugui for a moment and let aurella escape safely.

Fire dragon pours, but Zhao Fugui stops and cuts the black fire dragon with a backhand knife. Zhao Fugui chopped the fire dragon. He didn't mean to pursue aurella. Instead, he stopped and looked at aurella coldly."Hum, Zhao Fugui, it's not so easy for you to kill me. Aurora is a giant of Hongmen, one of the twelve main gods of Greece. How can you kill me easily?" Aurora gave a grim smile and laughed wildly, but he just laughed twice and spewed a mouthful of blood from his mouth. A huge pain spread from his body.

"What's the matter?" Aurella looked down in disbelief, and saw that a terrible huge wound had appeared in his body. Zhao Fugui's knife had been pulled obliquely just now, which had been completely cut off from the shoulder to the abdomen. Even the internal organs in his body could be seen to have been completely cut off one by one.

"How can it be? I've obviously dodged this knife. Why is it like this? " Aurella's face showed an unbelievable expression, a grudging roar, and the faces of black widow and Alonso were at the same time. Their faces always began to become extremely cautious. Zhao Fugui seemed to be much stronger than they estimated. The information Yamada pharmaceutical gave was a huge mistake.

"Let's go together and kill him. We'll use whatever means we have!" Alonso's face changed greatly. He yelled that Aurora, one of the twelve main Greek gods, was killed by Zhao Fugui. Zhao Fugui is too strong.

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