Super Monk

Chapter 1791

"Boss, I still have some friends in North Africa. They have already arranged to meet us at the airport at that time." The bear's face was a little pale, he said in a deep voice.

After hearing that Zhao Fugui had no problem with his body, he wanted to go to the North Africa bear for treatment. After many missions in North Africa and getting familiar with the environment, Zhao Fugui finally took the bear with him.

Zhao Fugui took the bear with him. In addition, he also brought a team of Armed Dragon guards. These dragon guards are the most trusted mercenaries of the bear. They cooperate skillfully. Although they don't know real martial arts, they are experts in firearms and special operations, even better than the Dragon finch team.

"Well, you can have a rest. It will take more than ten hours to get there." Zhao Fugui nodded and said. On the G650 of Gulfstream, a group of armed battle dragons are preparing for safety. They check their guns and arrange their ammunition. With the experience of fighting with the awakening of the Earth last night, the bear has got a batch of new equipment.

Two six barrel Gatling Vulcan, two company heavy machine guns, four individual rocket launcher combat vehicles, equipped with high explosive armour piercing projectiles and supersonic infrared laser guided missiles. It is said that the United States has developed a new type of anti awaking individual rocket launcher, which can launch hypersonic missiles.

The terminal speed of the missile can even reach five times the speed of sound, which is about 1700 meters per second. Great master's instantaneous reaction speed can exceed the speed of sound. If you can see the missile coming or detect the missile coming, you can also react. You only need to hit the hard gas to destroy the missile. Great master is absolutely at ease with the sonic or subsonic missile, even if it is careless If you don't find out in the first place, it's OK.

But in the face of this kind of hypersonic missile specially developed for the awakened, it is different. If it is attacked secretly, the missile can appear in front of the awakened in half a second or two to zero seconds. If the missile is powerful enough, even the great master earth awakened can be killed or severely damaged.

It can be said that this new type of individual combat missile is absolutely the enemy of the awakeners. Unfortunately, only a few special departments of the United States have a small amount of equipment for this kind of missile now, and the price is extremely expensive. The cost of a missile is tens of millions of dollars, which is ten times higher than that of a Tomahawk missile.

Tomahawk missiles are large enough, and it's not difficult to install missile engines to achieve supersonic speed. But shoulder mounted individual combat rockets are too small, and it's good to achieve sonic speed. To achieve five times the sonic speed, only the United States has just successfully developed them. It's not that the bigger things are, the more expensive they are. If you want to reduce some things, the price may be sky high.

The quantity and price of this new individual combat weapon of the United States are too small and too expensive. The bear can't get it even if he wants to get it. Even the rich United States is reluctant to produce too much of this weapon. It's probably impossible for the bear mercenaries to get it.

The bear went to rest and recovered as soon as possible. The other dragon guards kept silent and prepared their guns. The two private stewardess on the Gulfstream G650 nervously looked at the five big and three rough mercenaries. They all looked nervous. They had never met such a situation before. They were against so many armed men on the plane.

The private chef on Gulfstream G650 is also nervously preparing. At noon, Zhao Fugui and his family will have a meal on the plane.

Zhao Fugui didn't care about anything else. He drank a mouthful of Lingquan water from the black cauldron and sat cross legged on the plane slowly running Daoli. In recent days, Zhao Fugui felt that his strength was about to break through the realm of alchemy and Xiaocheng. Alchemy and Xiaocheng were the strength of great master Shuangtian. If ye Hongyi's powerful sword moves were used, he could even break through the great master Shuangtian At its peak, it has shown its strength to enter the great master's triple heaven.

If Zhao Fugui can give full play to the great master's strength, he can be regarded as a master in China. With his strength, once he has finished refining the spirit, he can set foot in the great master's strength. With his strength, his body and ye Hongyi's strong sword moves, Zhao Fugui is absolutely qualified to be in the top ten or even the top five of the heaven list.

Zhao Fugui felt that he was about to finish refining the spirit. During this time, he began to step up his practice and strive for an early completion of refining the spirit. Daoli washes Zhao Fugui's body over and over again. Zhao Fugui's Yin and spirit are more concentrated in the sea of knowledge. The phalanx covered by the golden pagoda has also changed. It seems that it is about to be refined.

Zhao Fugui felt that perhaps when he reached the alchemy realm, or at most the alchemy realm, this phalanx would certainly be refined. This phalanx may have an extraordinary origin, but it has lost too much strength over a long period of time. No matter how extraordinary it used to be, now it's just a dragon trapped in shallow water and a tiger falling flat. It's the wrong place to enter Zhao Fugui's body.

As time goes by, Zhao Fugui feels that his moral power is getting fuller and fuller, and his strength is also increasing. The strength of great master yichongtian is completely different from that of great master erchongtian. For ordinary martial arts practitioners, it's just that Zhao Fugui's strong moral power makes up for this gap. In addition, ye Hongyi even surpasses the peak of great master sanchongtian, and reaches the peak of Dangwu Zhao Fugui was able to kill Matsumoto Musashi, the sword sage of Fusang. If he had changed another person, he would have been killed many times by Matsumoto Musashi.Zhao Fugui sat for three or four hours until the chef cooked the steak in the private kitchen of Gulfstream G650. Zhao Fugui felt that he only needed an opportunity to formally set foot in the realm of alchemy and Xiaocheng, and enter the great master Shuangtian.

"Everyone have a meal and have a good rest after dinner. We will start our operation tonight if conditions permit after we arrive in North Africa." Zhao Fugui said in a deep voice.

"I see, boss!" A group of battle dragon security men all said. There are 50 or 60 pieces of steak in the kitchen of the private plane, each of which is 500 grams. These big men eat an average of 4 or 5 pieces of steak before they are satisfied. The private chef on the plane has never seen such a group of people who can eat.

A few hours later, the Gulfstream G650 began to land slowly and stopped at a small, rundown airport in alebi, North Africa.

"Bear, I haven't seen you for two years. How did you turn into a white face? His face is white like this A strong man with tanned skin hugged the bear tightly, then punched the bear in the chest and said happily.

"That's because my life in England is so moist. I'm like a nigger in this shit free place like you Then he pointed to Zhao Fugui and said, "this is my boss!"

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