Super Monk

Chapter 1793

Their camp is near the controlled gold mine. The owner of the gold mine directly hired workers to build a three meter high wall, which is 35 kilometers long and directly envelops the whole gold mine. Every day, mercenaries patrol the wall day and night to prevent the gold mines from being attacked.

Although this gold mine is not the largest one in alebi, it is a rich one. It produces a lot of gold every year. However, after seven or eight years of development, the annual output of this gold mine has begun to decline. If it is unable to maintain sufficient profits, this gold mine will be abandoned in a short time, and then it will be occupied by the free army or armed elements, and become one of them Cheap sources of funding.

There are more than 1000 mercenaries and miners in the gold mine. All of them live behind the wall. Almost all of the miners are local. Only a few skilled workers are hired from abroad. Their wages are 100 or even 1000 times higher than those of ordinary miners. This is not that their wages are too high, but that their wages are too low.

"The miners here are like black slaves before the civil war. They work more than mules every day, but they can only earn five dollars a day, which is incredible. War is a damned thing. It drains human nature and turns human beings into animals! " Finding Zhao Fugui looking at the skinny black people, Rick shook his head and said.

"I heard that there are many human rights organizations in the world, many of them are staring at Huaxia. I think they should come here to have a look!" Zhao Fugui shook his head and said that after a busy day, the miners were as tired as a pool of rotten meat. Their work intensity was extremely high, but the black people, who were supposed to be stronger than other races, looked very thin.

"Those human rights organizations are just bitches employed by some countries. If they are asked to strip, they will never dare to dance in their clothes!" Rick disdained to say that these mercenaries who run around the world all the year round will not be fooled by those human rights organizations. Only they know what those human rights organizations are.

"Boss, it's good for these people to live here. They have at least a treasure for their food and safety. A little bit of this gold mine has been abandoned, and their end has really come!" Said the bear with a heavy voice.

"Mr. Zhao, bear, don't think about these things that we can't change. There are unbearable things happening everywhere in this land. Only God can save them!" Rick shook his head and said, "our camp is here, Mr. Zhao. Come in. It's too windy at night."

Reke's camp is also separated from the area where the miners live. Their camp and the miners' camp are separated by barbed wire. The mercenaries live with white engineers from abroad. Although the environment here is not very good, it is obviously much better than that of the miners.

Several mercenaries are circling around a roasted lion in the middle of the camp. They keep pouring some fat and spices on the roasted lion. The fat of the lion is very little. If not, the roasted meat will be too dry. Obviously, these mercenaries know this very well.

In China, even the great masters and the first-class strong can't eat lions, rhinoceros and elephants. But in alebi, these mercenaries can often use these things to make tooth sacrifices if they want.

"James, cut off a leg and come here. Come on!" Rick yelled directly at a mercenary.

"OK, Captain, Brown's son of a bitch wants us to send a lion leg to him and let him eat shit!" A mercenary around the roast lion scolded scornfully. He cut off a roast lion leg and threw it directly at lake. Then he cut off another lion and cut it into several pieces. Then he carried a large plate of fried steak and smoked sausage and some fruit salad.

"Mr. Zhao, this is a young lion. It's not fully grown up yet. Its meat is very tender. It's not old. Try it!" Rick found a large tray, put the only complete roast lion hind leg in front of Zhao Fugui, and said that the other roast lion meat had been chopped into many pieces and sent to the bear mercenaries to eat. The rest of the mercenaries in the lion camp had finished it.

Zhao Fugui cuts off a piece of lion meat with a dagger and takes a bite. The lion meat is thinner than the beef fiber, and tastes much better than beef. This is Zhao Fugui's first time to eat lion meat, which tastes much better than he imagined.

"Damn yellow monkey, who will allow you to eat my lion hind legs?" Just at this time, a drunk guy with a beard of lees rushed out of a barracks and saw that Zhao Fugui was eating lion meat. He immediately roared and rushed to Zhao Fugui mercilessly. He reached out and slapped Zhao Fugui on the plate in front of him. The plate was about to fall off the table.

Zhao Fugui frowned, reached for his hand and pressed it at will. Suddenly, the plate didn't move. He didn't even spill a drop of oil and water.

"Brown, you damned fellow, this is my guest. What do you want to do?" When Rick saw this scene, he suddenly changed his face and ran over with an angry face. It is more stupid than a fool that Brown should dare to roar at a great earth awakener.

"Your guest? Rick, you have to make it clear that I am the owner here. I am the director of the mine. You dare to let a group of strangers enter the mine without my permission. If they attack the mine and rob our gold, can you bear the responsibility? " Brown turned his head and growled angrily at lake. This guy tried to lift Zhao Fugui's plate, but he was stopped by Zhao Fugui without success. He immediately felt very ashamed and even more angry."I can guarantee that they are not interested in the gold in the mine and will never threaten the safety of the mine!" He's not going to give a tit for tat.

"Your guarantee is not worth an ounce of gold!" Brown said contemptuously that Rick, the head of the mercenary, is not a bird usually. Brown, the manager of the mine, who only climbed up by relying on the relationship, has long wanted to find an opportunity to teach Rick a lesson. Brown sneered and yelled, "Chinese are born thieves. How dare this damned guy steal my food? What are you doing? Get the kid out of here

Brown yelled a few times. There was not a single mercenary in the camp. He could not command the mercenaries.

"Who did you say was Huaxia pig? Who was born a thief? " Zhao Fugui slowly looked at Brown and asked faintly.

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