Super Monk

Chapter 1801

"Damn it, hands up!" A group of Chris' bodyguards' faces changed greatly, and a "crash" sound of loading sounded. These armed security guards quickly took out their guns and pointed at Zhao Fugui and other Zhan long security guards one after another.

"Put the gun down!" Zhan Long's security guard was not willing to be outdone. He also pointed his assault rifle at the armed bodyguards. Neither side would give in to each other, and no one would put down his gun.

"Hum!" Zhao Fugui snorted coldly, and the strong voice of Daoli burst out at the armed bodyguards. All the armed bodyguards screamed, threw themselves out, hit the wall hard, and the corners of their mouths were bleeding. A group of big European men looked at Zhao Fugui in horror, with cold sweat on their heads.

Zhao Fugui can hit them hard with a dull hum. Doesn't it mean that Zhao Fugui's attempt to kill them is just an easy thing to do? Thinking of these armed bodyguards, they dare not move. Even those who have the strength to stand up dare not stand up.

"You damned fellow dare to offend me. I'll tear you to pieces and feed my lion!" At the same time, Chris didn't notice the situation in the room at all. With a roar, his whole body muscles suddenly expanded, and the twisted green tendons like snakes beat on the muscles. Even Chris's clothes were burst by the strong muscles.

Chris supports himself on the ground with both hands and tries his best. He's like an enraged bear trying to stand up, but the golden giant palm on him doesn't move. Chris can't stand up even if he tries his best. His blood talent is a joke in front of Zhao Fugui's absolute strength.

Zhao Fugui made another effort, and the floor of the room gave a "click" bang. Chris's whole body was heavily pressed on the ground, and even there was a clear huge handprint on the ground, and Chris's body was almost crushed.

"You dare to be rampant in front of me with your insignificant strength. Are you convinced?" Zhao Fugui, with both hands on his back, looked at Chris and asked faintly. There is a huge gap between the S-level awakeners and the earth awakeners. This is the distance between the great master and the great master, not to mention a small B-level awakener. If Zhao Fugui didn't need Chris, Chris didn't even have the qualification to speak in front of him.

Chris's face suddenly became very blue. He was a B-class blood awakener, and he had a group of armed bodyguards. He was walking sideways in this small town, but I didn't expect that he was slapped on the ground today and couldn't even stand up.

"Chris, it's no more difficult to kill you with Mr. Zhao's strength than to trample on an ant. You'd better be honest!" Said lake.

"I take it, Mr. Zhao, I take it!" Chris is very clear that people's lives are not as good as dogs in alebi. If Zhao Fugui wants to kill him, who dares to say no? In addition, he is deeply shocked by Zhao Fugui's strength and says without hesitation.

With a wave of Zhao Fugui's hand, Daoli dissipated, and the huge golden palm disappeared, as if it had never appeared. Chris got up shivering, looked at Zhao Fugui in awe, and stood aside honestly.

"Mr. Zhao can blow up a T72 with one blow. If you get angry with Mr. Zhao, even if you are a class B awakened person, you will turn into meat mud. Mr. Zhao looks up to you when he finds you. Don't trouble yourself! " Said lake.

"Yes, yes, I see!" Chris this strong man now honest like a little girl, hurriedly nodded.

"Are there any bombs or secret passages?" Zhao Fugui asked in a deep voice.

"Yes, yes, I'll get ready right away!" Chris said quickly, and he wanted to go out.

"Let your hands down. If the news leaks, I'll kill you immediately. Do you understand?" In Zhao Fugui's eyes, there was a flash of lethality. The cold lethality instantly lowered the temperature of the room several degrees. Chris had a cold war, and then he realized that Zhao Fugui was not without lethality, but that he could completely restrain his lethality like those real top killers, making others look as harmless as human beings and animals.

"Yes, Mr. Zhao. I'll send someone right away." Chris didn't have the last chance to escape, but he didn't dare to object. He quickly said to his confidants, "you two go to move out the bombs in our ammunition depot and make them into bombs. Hurry up!"

"Yes, boss!" The two confidants dare not pretend to be comatose again, quickly got up and said.

"Mr. Zhao, the temperature in North Africa is too high. Our weapons are basically stored underground. Otherwise, we will all have to go to God if we bask on the ground for a day!" Chris arranged the arrangement and explained to Zhao Fugui that if those solid explosives were put on the ground in North Africa, they would explode within a few hours.

Chris's two confidants ran to the back of the house. These guys didn't dare to store all kinds of ammunition in the place where they lived. These things were hidden in another house not too far away. Under the house, they dug something as deep as 10 meters, which was similar to a cellar. Soon, the two guys ran over with TNT.

The TNT that these two guys brought back turned out to be a solidified solid, like a lot of hardened toothpaste. It's a real military grade high explosive."Are you familiar with bomb making? Give you half an hour to make at least 50 five kilogram time bombs for me Zhao Fugui looked at his watch and said that there is still more than an hour to go before his attack time. Before the town is attacked, they should at least enter the tunnel. And Chris has a lot of people. These guys are free labor. They can help the Dragon guards carry more explosives.

"No problem, why are you still in a daze? Hurry up and put out the smoke. Don't blow us up!" Chris nodded quickly, then immediately yelled.

A group of strong European men were ordered to start immediately. They skillfully cut solid explosives, inserted wires, connected timers, and soon time bombs were made.

A kilogram of TNT can shatter a two-story building. A military grenade only contains 50g of TNT. In theory, the power of a kilogram of TNT is equivalent to that of 20 grenades. Five kilogram of TNT is equivalent to 100 grenades. Zhao Fugui is ready to bring 50 such bombs into Yamada pharmaceutical laboratory.

Even if this laboratory is really a fortress, Zhao Fugui will blow him up.

At the same time, Bao Xiong is also nervously looking at his watch. He is waiting for the attack time arranged by Zhao Fugui. As soon as Zhao Fugui leaves, some of these damned freedom forces are unstable. Once these guys rebel, they can't be suppressed by the three or five dragon guards he is carrying.

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