Super Monk

Chapter 1824

"What is this?" The black devil looked at the things climbing out of the ruins and screamed in horror. These things climbing out of the ruins are all ugly black monsters. These monsters are basically human shaped, but their bodies are covered with scales, some with snake heads, some with snake bodies.

Some of them keep the appearance of human beings, but they grow small snakes from their bodies. Those snakes wriggle on their bodies, and they look terrible and weird.

"These monsters are the experimenters and armed guards in the experimental base. Look at the clothes left on them!" Rodriguez's pupils suddenly shrunk, pointing to the monsters.

"It's really the experimenters and the armed guards!" When the black devil saw the remaining white coats on the monsters and the uniforms on the armed guards, his face became more ugly, and he screamed in horror, "according to our information, Yamada pharmaceutical's experimenters and armed guards, as well as all kinds of logistics support personnel, the total number of these people is at least more than 2000, and the number of people in this base is even more than 3000 when the number of people is the most. Are these people All turned into this monster? "

Rodriguez shuddered at the words of the black devils. Two or three thousand such monsters are really terrible. With the power and speed shown by these monsters, if all these monsters appear, they may completely drown them.

"How can those people become monsters so quickly?" Rodriguez face ugly said, even if the laboratory is abnormal, but not in such a short period of time so many people into a monster.

At the same time, half a kilometer away, Zhao Fugui's face also showed a look of shock. The experimenters and armed men that Zhao Fugui met in the base half an hour ago were normal, and there was no tendency of alienation. I didn't expect that in such a short period of time, they all turned into monsters.

At the beginning, the laboratory in Fusang was just a leak of monsters and viruses. There was a biological disaster, so all the people in the small town became monsters. However, although there were many people who became monsters that time, the speed could not be so fast. Today's thing is not exactly the same as what happened in Fusang.

"Is it because of the pale black liquid and the giant snake?" Zhao Fugui frowned tightly and said to himself.

The only thing that leaks most quickly in the whole experimental base is the light black liquid. It can be said that all the corpses buried under the ruins of the experimental base may have come into contact with the light black liquid. These bodies are dissimilating so fast, it must have something to do with the light black liquid. On the other hand, it was the body of the giant snake, especially the eyeball of Baqi.

After the black snake died, the eyeball of Baqi snake in its mouth slowly melted and penetrated into the ruins. The melting eyeball and the alienation disaster must be inseparable from dry cleaning.

"Yamada pharmaceutical's No. 1 and No. 2, their power comes from the genes of Baqi snake, and the alienation of these corpses is also related to the eyeballs of Baqi snake. If these monsters also have part of the abilities of No. 1 and No. 2, it's troublesome!" Zhao Fugui said solemnly.

No. 1 and No. 2 have some special strength, which can easily tear apart the vigorous Qi of the master. Although No. 1 and No. 2 are already vulnerable to Zhao Fugui, they may threaten ordinary people, the strong of the general master level, and even the strong of the great master.

A number one is not terrible, but what if it's hundreds of numbers one? More ants can kill elephants, not to mention so many terrible monsters. If surrounded by these monsters, even Zhao Fugui will be trapped in it. Once they escape, they will be more dangerous than the giant snake.

"People are not as good as heaven. I didn't expect that so many monsters were created after killing that giant snake!" Zhao Fugui face some ugly murmur said.

Now Auerbach has gone. Without his help, Zhao Fugui would not kill all these monsters with his strength. Everything depends on the strength of these monsters. If the strength of these monsters is too strong, there is really no way. If they are just ordinary monsters, it would be OK, but these monsters are just ordinary monsters with low strength. I'm afraid it's impossible Not too big.

Not to mention that Auerbach has left now, I'm afraid he can't do anything even if he's still here in his state. If Auerbach doesn't cultivate for a while, I'm afraid he is unlikely to be able to continue to do it.

"Try the strength of these monsters with Rodriguez Zhao Fugui made up his mind and immediately began to observe the battle between these monsters and Rodriguez, the dark giants.

At this time, a shrill scream suddenly rang hundreds of meters away from the ruins. Zhao Fugui turned around and saw five or six figures running in panic. As soon as they ran, they immediately attracted the attention of some monsters. Those monsters quickly chased them.

"Run, run!" Chris screamed in horror. This guy is a power type blood awakener. His power speed is much faster than ordinary people, but now he is injured and falls behind several armed bodyguards."Monster, there's a monster. Jack's been bitten to death!" An armed bodyguard cried out in panic. As soon as he looked back, he saw that several monsters had rushed over.

"Give me a hand, you fools. If I didn't support the tunnel, you'd all be dead. You're my bodyguards. You can't abandon me!" Chris screamed.

Just now, before the time bomb exploded, these guys woke up. As soon as they woke up, they started to run along the tunnel for their lives. But before they ran far away, the huge explosion appeared. As soon as the explosion appeared, the tunnel began to collapse. At the same time, there were some deep cracks in the earth, one of which happened to be on their way Above the group.

Chris struggled to survive a part of the collapsed tunnel, and then they dug a crack and climbed out. But Chris should have used too much force and was seriously injured, but now his bodyguards are just trying to escape, and no one comes back to save him.

"Damn it Chris soon fell at the end, and the monster with three strange snakes all the time appeared from behind him and rushed at him.

Chris roared, turned back and hit the monster with all his strength. "Puyi" Chris broke the monster's chest with one blow. Almost at the same time, the monster bit open Chris's throat, and its three snakes also took the opportunity to bite open Chris's body and get into his body.

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