Super Monk

Chapter 1842

"What? Zhang Wan and Qin Lu become monsters? What kind of monster is it? " Zhao Fugui had just finished his practice and went to bed. After receiving a call from an Xin, he immediately sat up, took a piece of clothes and went out.

"I don't know. They have long teeth. It's like they want to eat people!" Anxin said in horror. She shrunk on the bed and shivered. She couldn't get out of bed for a long time.

"I'll be right there, you hide!" Zhao Fugui's face is dignified. At the first time, he suspects that this matter has something to do with Elvin. Qin Lu and Zhang Wan follow Elvin. This matter has nothing to do with him.

Zhao Fugui quickly comes out of the room, finds the bear and asks him to step up his patrol. Now the defense forces of the overseas branch are armed to the teeth. Even if the three earth awakeners come back, it's not so easy to enter the building. If they want to forcibly enter the building, they will pay a heavy price.

Zhao Fugui is not very worried about the defense of the overseas branch building. It is almost impossible for Yamada pharmaceutical people to forcibly enter the building, unless Yamada is willing to sacrifice at least two or three earth awakeners.

After giving an account of the bear, Zhao Fugui jumped directly from upstairs, opened the door, sat in the military Humvee, and drove the military Humvee to Plymouth University. It's midnight now, and there are no cars in the city. Zhao Fugui's military Humvee is very fast. He can get to Plymouth University in a few minutes.

"Hey, is anyone there? I seem to have heard someone scream just now. Is there a problem? " At the same time, in the student dormitory of the University of Plymouth, a boy came to the door of Anxin's dormitory, knocked on the door and asked.

"It's OK, no one screams!" When Anxin heard the sound, she immediately jumped out of bed and quickly took a back chair behind the door to prevent anyone from coming in, she said. Zhang Wan and Qin Lu can become monsters. Anxin doesn't believe anyone except Zhao Fugui. She will never let anyone in.

"Are you sure it's ok? Where's your roommate? " The boy outside asked suspiciously, but he didn't try to break in.

"She went to the beer patty, I'm sure it's all right!" Anxin said nervously.

"Well, if you are in trouble, please shout for help!" The boy outside turned around and was ready to leave. As he turned around, he suddenly vaguely saw a man standing at the end of the corridor. But when he looked carefully, there was nothing there. "Strange!"

The boy rubbed his eyes and looked around strangely to make sure there was no one in the corridor. Then he went back to his dormitory room and closed the door.

Anxin is relieved when she hears the boy leaving. She nervously turns around and leans against the door. She resists the door and tries to light the window in a hurry. The doors and windows must be closed, in case there are monsters that can't let them in again. But when Anxin turns around, she suddenly finds a person standing in the shadow of the room behind her.

"Who are you? Get out, or I'll call the police Seeing the man standing in the shadow, Anxin shouts nervously.

"Miss ANN, long time no see!" The man in the shadow came out slowly, showing a bright golden hair and a smiling face. The man was Elvin.

"You, why are you here? Get out of here, brother Zhao will be here in a moment Anxin is more nervous when she sees Elvin. She clearly remembers that Zhang Wan and Qin Lu said just now that Elvin turned them into monsters.

"Miss an, I won't hurt you. I'm glad to see that Mr. Zhao cares about you so much. I'll worry if he doesn't care about you!" Elvin said with a smile. As he spoke, he walked slowly to Anxin.

"Don't come here. I have a cross. Zhang Wan and Qin Lu have been destroyed by the cross!" Anxin grabs the cross in horror and shouts. Behind her is the blocked door. There is no place to hide.

"This cross has disappeared for many years. I didn't expect it to reappear in the hands of a Chinese!" Elvin looked at the cross with a look of memory in his eyes and said, "more than 100 years ago, a missionary named tiffana set out from the Vatican to preach in Europe. She found that the land here was covered with darkness, demons mixed in the crowd, and the ruler of the country deviated from the bright side. So she decided to let the glory of God spread over this abandoned land!"

"Unfortunately, she didn't know herself very well. She was not a person who could sacrifice herself for the sermon. A year later, she found that there were too many dark races here, and there were too many powerful people, even the will of God could not be carried out here, so she ran away. She ran away in a merchant ship, and this cross was what she took away at that time. I watched her leave. I thought she would die in the Vatican, but now it seems that she didn't get back alive! "

"More than a hundred years ago?" Anxin's eyes widened, and she felt that with Elvin's approach, the cross in her hand was getting hotter and hotter, and even there were bursts of strong holy light from the cross.

Elvin watched the master of the cross leave Europe more than 100 years ago. Today, more than 100 years later, he still looks so young, at most in his thirties. He has lived for at least 100 years. What kind of monster is this?"What kind of monster are you?" Anxin asks in a frightened voice. She wants to attract the attention of the students in other dormitories, but her voice doesn't seem to be able to pass from the room.

"Monster? In fact, human beings are monsters, and we are gods. Of course, maybe God doesn't like us very much! " Elvin walks directly to Anxin. The cross in Anxin's hand is so hot that she can't hold it. Anxin screams. Her palm is scalded and she has to release the cross, but the cross falls into Elvin's hand.

The holy light is boiling. It is aware of the powerful evil. It wants to eliminate the evil. But Elvin slowly holds the cross, and the holy light on the cross is compressed a little, and slowly integrates into the cross. Finally Elvin firmly holds the cross, but the holy light of the cross has been squeezed back into the cross.

Elvin's hands were burned black, but in addition, the powerful cross could not hurt Elvin at all.

"Miss an, Zhao Fugui has come, so we should leave too!" Elvin looked into the distance, threw the cross aside and said to Anxin with a smile.

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