Super Monk

Chapter 1859

"Zuojun, tomorrow you will go to London International Airport to meet a man named Auerbach. After receiving the man, you will listen to his arrangement!" Zhao Fugui finished his voice, almost pressed it into a line and introduced it into his mobile phone.

"Sir? You, are you ok? " Zuo Jun received a call from a completely strange number. After he got through, he heard Zhao Fugui's voice on the phone. Zuo Jun was stunned and asked excitedly.

"Nothing's wrong for the time being. I'm in a bit of trouble. Please remember to pick up Auerbach at London International Airport tomorrow. I've already given Auerbach your phone number. He will contact you then!" Zhao Fugui said.

"Yes, sir, I see!" When Zuo Jun heard Zhao Fugui's voice, he immediately relaxed his heart. Then he quickly said, "by the way, sir, the overseas branch has been saying that the headquarters will send a new leader over these two days. It seems that something has happened in Huaxia. You should come back as soon as possible!"

"What happened in Huaxia?" Zhao Fugui frowned immediately. He was trapped in the castle for a few days. Did something happen there?

"I'm not very clear either. I just heard someone in the company saying that Mr. Lin was seriously ill and that he might be dying soon!" Zuo Jun said that he was only ordered to go abroad, and there was no intelligence source in the provincial capital of Rongcheng. In addition to Zhao Fugui's absence recently, Zuo Jun was worried that someone wanted to rob the black reef, so he always arranged the Dragon guards to maintain the highest alert, and had no time to care about other things.

It's just that Mr. Lin's serious illness has a lot to do with it. There are many people in the Lin group who talk about it. The left army overheard it by chance. As for what happened in the provincial capital, the left army has no idea and can't tell Zhao Fugui.

"Mr. Lin still has half a longevity fruit in his hand. Even if he is seriously ill, he will be OK after eating it. How can he not do it?" Zhao Fugui said that this matter is either fake, or something happened to Lin's group. Mr. Lin has no chance to eat longevity fruit at all.

If something goes wrong with Lin's group, it may not be Yamada's direct action. With Yamada's power in China, they can't move such a huge thing as Lin's group. It must be someone else's action. In this case, the problems of Lin's group are likely to affect other aspects.

Zhao Fugui thinks so, hangs up the phone and is about to make a call to Leng Xi directly. Leng Xi is his contact person. She has a dual identity. One is a member of the longquete team, and the other is a member of the central China special service bureau. She must know what happens.

Zhao Fugui is about to call Leng Xi. At this time, he suddenly realizes that a stream of ideas is beginning to wake up slowly. Lilis must have refined the essence absorbed today and started to wake up. Zhao Fugui's face slightly changed. He quickly turned off the phone, then slowed down his breathing and controlled his heartbeat, making his body react the same as when he was asleep.

Soon, Zhao Fugui felt an idea sweeping over him, and then he stopped for a while, and then it became light. But a breath of "if there is nothing" lingered on Zhao Fugui's body. As long as he had any change, Lilith would immediately find it.

There is no way to call Leng Xi. Zhao Fugui's face has changed, so he can only slowly put away his mobile phone. The mobile phone will be put back quietly after dawn tomorrow. Otherwise, if the mobile phone is lost for such a long time, it will definitely cause suspicion. When the time comes, vampires will strengthen their guard, but it will lead to some unnecessary troubles.

However, Zhao Fugui has a vague feeling that something is happening. If everything goes well, he will be able to leave here in three days, and then he will know what's going on, Zhao thought to himself.

It's not easy to do something under the eyes of a strong man whose strength has reached the peak of Skywalker and half of his feet have already stepped into a stronger realm. It's lucky that Zhao Fugui can make two calls.

The next evening, two planes landed at London International Airport one after the other. One of the two planes was a private plane. The people in the plane didn't know who they were. After getting off the plane, the people inside disappeared. Another person sitting on the plane is Auerbach. Auerbach did not hide his identity. He came to Britain with his energy and could not completely avoid the gaze of vampires.

So he didn't want to hide at all, but the vampires in charge of surveillance didn't care much about Auerbach. After all, Auerbach is powerful, but he is not the pope or the cardinal. He is just a person who stands on his own in the church, doesn't even accept the Pope's orders, and only pursues his own way.

Auerbach hasn't killed a vampire for many years, and the vampires don't care about him. They just record the news of his going in and out, report it, and then they don't continue to pay attention to it.

"Mr. Auerbach, I'm a subordinate of general manager Zhao. I've been ordered to meet you!" The left army soon found this strange old man with shackles.

"Send me to this place!" Auerbach nodded, took out a note and handed it to Zuojun. The left army saw that there was a strange address on the note and nodded without asking much. Soon Auerbach disappeared in the crowd.

Britain's dark world soon began to change the undercurrent of turbulent, but perhaps control of this land for too long, vampires did not notice the abnormal, or as usual casual management of the dark world.At the same time, on the other side of Huaxia, a Dongfeng warrior galloped on the highway at a very fast speed and drove to the direction of Chengdu.

The driver is Leng Xi, whom Zhao Fugui failed to contact. Leng Xi drives with a dignified face and tries to rush to Chengdu. Leng Xi is very quick to get information, Jingwu guild hall is closed, Wan Village food is forced to close, these Leng Xi are very clear, but the person who arranged all this is not Leng Xi can resist, Leng Xi wants to find Zhao Fugui, but finds that she can't contact Zhao Fugui at all.

But now those people have to fight against Xiaowan village. There are Zhao Fugui's parents in Xiaowan village. Leng Xi can't just sit by and ignore them. She contacts the Longque special team. Even if she can't protect Xiaowan village, she at least has to protect Zhao Fugui's parents.

Less than two hours later, the warrior drove down from the highway and immediately drove to Xiaowan village. When the warrior just drove to the urban and rural highway, Leng Xi didn't notice a big truck rushing by the road.

"Boom!" The truck slammed into the warrior. The warrior's side door was smashed instantly. The whole vehicle was knocked out of the road and overturned in the field. The whole body turned over and the wheels were still turning.

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