Super Monk

Chapter 1863

"Why are we wanted? Those people rush into our village and smash up. They are all gangsters. Besides, they are not injured by us. Why do they want to arrest us? " When Liu Erjie heard the call, she was puzzled and angry and said, "no, we haven't even entered the police station in our whole life. Now we are wanted. What do you think of us? I'll go to them and make it clear! "

"What's the point? It's clear that someone wants to harm the rich. Even if you go, you can't make it clear! " Zhao Hongqi squatted in the back house of Zhao Jiagou's old relatives and smoked in silence. After a while, he said. Zhao Hongqi usually doesn't talk much, but he knows better than anyone. He can't say it clearly at all.

"I don't know what happened to Fugui. I can't get in touch all the time!" Liu Er Jie anxiously turned around and said, "why don't we go to the girls of the Lin family? They are such a big enterprise. Can't they have an accident?"

"No matter who we go to, we are all wanted now. If we go, we will cause trouble to others." Zhao Hongqi took a puff of smoke, then stood up and walked out.

"What are you doing?" Liu Erjie asked quickly.

"I'll go to the police station and make it clear that whether it's useful or not, we can't let them abuse it. You stay here for the rich. If the rich know something's wrong, they will come back! " Zhao Hongqi said.

"That's no good. Let's go together. If you go, I'll stay. The police station says we are guilty of theft. I'm going to ask why so many scoundrels come to our village to beat people and smash things. In the end, we become bad people! " Liu Er Jie also hastily followed up to say.

Two hours later, Zhao Hongqi and Liu Erjie were put into the police station. The people in the police station didn't embarrass them and politely recorded their confessions. However, they didn't express any opinions on their confessions or explain what happened to the people who went to smash Xiaowan village. It seemed that there was no such thing at all.

Zhao Hongqi and Liu Erjie are very dissatisfied, but they can't help it. In the police station, they can't do anything but wait. The rest is not something they can change.

"Young and old, good news, Zhao Fugui's stupid parents turned themselves in. Now they have been locked up!" Li Wu soon got the news and excitedly reported it to sun Cheng.

"Well, I didn't expect that these two old people still have some backbone. They will regret it later! You go to say hello, fix the evidence for me, and enter the judicial process as soon as possible. I'll let these two old men go through the prison! " Sun Cheng said with a sneer, "there are still some people in Chengdu who are waiting for Zhao Fugui to come back, but they are not satisfied with my words. I have to clean up these things sooner or later. They want to wait for Zhao Fugui to come back. I want to see if Zhao Fugui has the courage to come back! "

"Yes, young and old. I'll arrange it right away." Li Wu immediately nodded and quickly walked out of the room.

"Xiaowan village has been smashed, your parents have been arrested, and your people have been killed and injured. If so, you will not appear. Zhao Fugui, I'm afraid it's not just that you don't dare to appear, but that you can't. It's better if you die in England. Although it's a bit cheap for you, I'll get sun Cheng's face back when you die! " Sun Cheng thought of the place he was proud of, and burst into laughter.

About Zhao Fugui's current situation, sun Cheng has collected a lot of intelligence, but all the intelligence can't show Zhao Fugui's specific situation. Sun Cheng just knows that Zhao Fugui disappeared suddenly, and no one can contact him. There are only two possibilities for this situation, either Zhao Fugui is arrested, or Zhao Fugui is dead.

Sun Cheng believes that Zhao Fugui is mostly dead, because with his strength, there are not many people in the world who want to catch him easily. The events of these days confirm sun Cheng's conjecture. He believes more and more that Zhao Fugui is dead. As long as Zhao Fugui is dead, who can stop him?

Just as sun Cheng became more and more proud, a phone call suddenly came over. Sun Cheng picked up the phone and looked at it. A sneer suddenly appeared on his face. The phone call was from Xu Feng.

"Sun Shao, old man Lin is dead. I just watched him die by the hospital bed." Xu Feng's voice is full of uncontrollable excitement, hastily said.

"I said he was going to die. Who dares not let him die? Now you believe me?" Sun Cheng sneered and asked scornfully. Xu Feng is just a villain. Sun Cheng doesn't like him at all. However, this guy is still valuable now. Sun Cheng still has to use him to do things. It's hard to say what happens after the work is done.

"Yes, yes, young and old. I used to be younger brothers. I have eyes and don't know Taishan!" Xu Feng's tone was full of flattery and said, "little, what should I do now?"

"These days, the Lin family is going to have a funeral. You should find a way to control Lin zhinuo and let her transfer all her shares to you. In this way, you can control the Lin Group as soon as possible!" Sun Cheng coldly said, "in addition, I've disguised master Lin's false will. You don't have to worry about his 20% shares. You just need to get Lin zhinuo's shares!"

Xu Feng is an old man of Lin's group. It will be smooth for him to take over Lin's group, and it will not cause chaos. When Lin's group is stable, Xu Feng will be useless, and his shares will not belong to him."It shouldn't be difficult to control Lin zhinuo, but I'm afraid it's not easy for her to hand over her shares, which are worth tens of billions of shares!" Xu Feng worried said.

"If you can't do all these things well, what good do I want you to do?" Sun Cheng said coldly, "if you don't think it's easy, I'll leave it to someone else to do it!"

"Young and old, I can do it, I can do it, I will do it properly!" Xu Feng was surprised and said quickly.

"I'll give you three days to do it well. If you can't do it well in three days, I'll let someone else do it!" Sun Cheng coldly said that in a few days, it will be the wedding day of the sword king family, Bai Jianfeng and Zhang youwan. The sword king family has a great face. There are many families in each of the nine states in China who will send people to attend the wedding ceremony.

The sword king family has made it clear that this wedding will be the most grand wedding in China in the past 100 years. I'm afraid that less than half of the families in the whole Zhenwu circle will send people to attend. Those families who have made friends with the sword king family will also send out the main members of the family. This wedding should be the most prosperous time in the Zhenwu circle in the last 20 or 30 years, so sun Cheng naturally wants to do it He can't attend. He doesn't have time to stay in such a place.

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