Super Monk

Chapter 1875

"Sir, during the time when you were missing, no one could contact you. Later, there was news that you were killed!" Leng Xi sighed and said, "after that, some people in the provincial capital and Chengdu began to do it. At the beginning, they tried to do it, and then they began to be unscrupulous!"

"On the third day after you disappeared, Li Zhaoji was framed, raped and arrested. I have found evidence to prove that he was framed, but it's useless. The evidence will sink into the sea. After Li Zhaoji's accident, Jingwu guild hall and Wan Village delicacies were sealed. Cheng Dalong and Zhang Chunhua were all arrested, but their lives were not in danger! "

"Later, those people began to target Xiaowan village. They smashed it in Xiaowan village, forced the village to close down, and wanted Aunt Liu and uncle Zhao. Aunt Liu and uncle Zhao didn't want to be stigmatized by them. They wanted to make it clear, and they were also arrested!" Cold Xi said here, angry clenched his fist, eyes instantly red. "Lin kuangdong, they want to help. On the way, he and ten members of the Dragon finch special team were killed!"

"Lin kuangdong, they were killed?" Zhao Fugui showed a trace of fury in his eyes and hit the car with one blow. The four tires of the car burst instantly, and the wheel hub was even smashed into the car. The whole car was smashed by Zhao Fugui.

"It was the family of the king of sword who did it. This time, it was the family of the king of sword and sun Cheng who did it! The sword king family is going to marry Zhang youwan. Zhang youwan is your disciple. They want to set an example to others! " Leng Xi wiped her eyes, took a deep breath and said.

"Make an example of others? I think Zhao Fugui is a chicken or a monkey. What a prestige Zhao Fugui said coldly and expressionless, "I've avenged kuangdong for their revenge. I'll uproot them from the sword king family!"

Although the young drivers were surprised by Zhao Fugui's strength, there was still a trace of disdain in their eyes when they heard this. The sword king family has been handed down for thousands of years and has been standing in the Zhenwu circle. This generation of sword king is even the top power and one of the elders of the Presbyterian Association of the Zhenwu circle in China. Such a family can be crushed. Zhao Fugui is so young, even if he is the first genius of China It can't be their opponent.

"What's the meaning?" When he heard Lin kuangdong's death, Zhao Fugui's heart had already surged with great anger. It's OK to suppress Zhao Fugui's power. He can speak by his strength, but he can't say whether he is strong or weak. But killing Zhao Fugui's people is immortality.

"Miss Chen seems to have been banned by the Lin family. It seems that she is going to be taken back to Beijing after a period of time! Lin's group, who was dead, said that she was dead. Suddenly miss Lin Zhi Nuo was missing for two days. Now Lin's group is Xu Feng who has the final say, and Sunson is behind the scenes. Leng Xi said.

"Sir, no one dares to do this when you are here, but as soon as you leave, you can't get in touch. Many people think that you are dead, so they have such courage. Sun Cheng is certainly not your opponent, but the sword king family is very troublesome. They are the martial arts family close to the top of the pyramid. Their strength is too strong! "

"The sword king family will talk about it later. Save my parents first!" Zhao Fugui's eyes twinkled and said coldly. In fact, hundreds of these people around Zhao Fugui are all tied to Zhao Fugui. If Zhao Fugui is there, no one dares to move. If Zhao Fugui is not there, ghosts and ghosts will come out.

"Yes, sir, I'm ready to prove that Aunt Liu and uncle Zhao are innocent. In addition, there is a gangster elder brother rising in recent half a year in Chengdu over Xiaowan village. The gangster elder brother has taken refuge with sun Cheng, and tourists are not allowed to enter Xiaowan village, and villagers are not allowed to do business in Xiaowan village. Do you want to go there first?" Leng Xi said.

"Now that I'm back, what evidence do I need? Do you think I came back to reason with them? " Zhao Fugui's divine sense is integrated into the golden pagoda, and soon realizes the position of mandrill Dahei. After Liu Erjie and Zhao Hongqi go to surrender, mandrill Dahei stays in Xiaowan village, but it doesn't understand the situation in front of it, and it has been waiting in Daqingshan without orders. Now it finally waits for Zhao Fugui's orders.

"Kill Zhao Fugui's order is very simple, as simple as one word.

"Into town!" After Zhao Fugui gave the order, he stopped talking about Xiaowan village and said directly.

"That man was a little familiar just now?" A middle-aged man looked at the direction of Zhao Fugui's car leaving, and suddenly frowned and said to himself, "no, isn't that Zhao Fugui? He's still alive? "

The middle-aged man was surprised. He was a member of a martial arts family near Zhongzhou. Recently, the Zhenwu circle in Zhongzhou was in chaos. Many Zhenwu families wanted to come to pick up bargains. This middle-aged man's family is one of them. There are two great masters in the middle-aged people's family, and their strength is fairly good. There are many families who want to take advantage of the chaos in Zhongzhou Zhenwu circle, but they dare to come because Zhao Fugui is not here. Once Zhao Fugui comes back, things will be different.

"Damn it, who said that Zhao Fugui is dead, and he is still alive?" The middle-aged man's face became very ugly, and then he quickly stopped a car and ran to the distance. "No, I have to leave Zhongzhou immediately if I want to tell the news to the owner of my family."

Zhao Fugui's car is heading for the Chengdu urban area. Meanwhile, on the other side of Xiaowan village, a Mercedes Benz drives by. In the car, a man in his thirties with a scar on his face, wearing a windbreaker, is smoking a cigar.

"Brother bin, why are you here?" More than a dozen ferocious looking men saw him appear and trotted to ask politely."I'm here to see if any of you are lazy. I'll be smart. It's not easy to hold Sun Shao's thigh this time. It's up to me whether I can become a boss in the future. I'll do everything well. If a tourist comes into the village, don't blame me for not being polite!" Bin elder brother a face impatient of shout a way, now the day is already dark, if it is not for worry to Sun Shao's work is not beautiful, he early embrace a few girls to natural and unrestrained.

"Yes, brother bin, don't worry. We are sure that .!” A gangster was about to speak when a huge black palm pinched his head. With a "click" sound, his head was crushed. His white and red brain immediately sprayed on his face. His cigar fell to the ground and a smell of coquettishness suddenly appeared. He was scared to pee.

"Ah The shrill scream soon began to ring in the dark. The villagers of Xiaowan village occasionally heard it in the distance, but no one came out to check it. Recently, there are so many things in Xiaowan village that the villagers dare not go out at night.

The scream lasted for a minute before it stopped. Not long after that, a broken body was thrown by mandrill Dahei into a small Canyon outside Daqingshan ancient tomb and buried by thick white bones.

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