Super Monk

Chapter 1879

"Brother, what can I do? How can Zhao Fugui not die? " When Zhao Fugui and Chen Yihan leave, Chen Yihan's sister-in-law asks.

"Yes, why didn't Zhao Fugui die? How can we force Chen Yihan to curry favor with sun Dashao if he doesn't?" Chen Wen also a face not reconciled to say. Sun Cheng is now in the arms of the sword king family. In addition, the sun family is a branch of the Zhenwu family. Although they are not valued, they can be related at least.

Now that sun Cheng holds on to the thigh of the sword King's family, he suddenly looks superior. The people of Chen's family have to hurry up to get married, but Zhao Fugui didn't die. They have been forcing Chen Yihan these days, and they must have offended Zhao Fugui to death. If they were not Chen's blood relatives, I'm afraid Zhao Fugui would have killed them all.

I'm afraid Chen Yihan's saying that he wants to break away from them is not just talking about it. Now they can only make up to sun Cheng.

"What if Zhao Fugui didn't die? Don't forget that sun Dashao still has the sword king family. If Zhao Fugui dares to find sun Dashao's trouble, the sword king family will definitely kill him. Chen Yihan will be completely helpless by then. I think she dares not to submit to him! " Chen Yihan's uncle said with a ferocious face.

"Yes, elder brother, you're right. There's the sword king family. It's said that the sword king family is a powerful and powerful party in the Zhenwu circle. There's also the Presbyterian Council in the Zhenwu circle. Even if Zhao Fugui is the monkey king, he can't escape from the Wuzhi Mountain of the Tathagata Buddha!" Chen Yihan's sister-in-law said with a bright eye.

As soon as they said this, the Chen family nodded. Originally they wanted to take advantage of Zhao Fugui's power, but now they can't take advantage of Zhao Fugui's power. They just want Zhao Fugui to die quickly, so as not to hinder them from fawning with sun Dazhao.

"Zhao Fugui is not dead yet. Please inform sun Dashao of the news so that sun Dashao can make arrangements early and find a chance to kill Zhao Fugui!" Chen Wen's face showed a trace of ferocity and said fiercely.

The Chen family is still calculating to get rid of Zhao Fugui, who has hindered them from living a life of paper and money. However, Zhao Fugui doesn't pay attention to them at all. Why care about the idea of a group of ants.

"Fugui, just come back. Master Lin was killed by sun Cheng and Xu's family. Now Lin's group is controlled by Xu Feng, and even zhinuo is captured by them. You must find a way to save zhinuo quickly!" Chen Yihan calmed down and said to Zhao Fugui.

"Send you back, I'll go to save zhinuo. How did master Lin die?" Zhao Fugui asked in a deep voice.

"Mr. Lin originally had a cold, but he didn't know what was going on. His condition deteriorated very quickly. Before zhinuo sent half of the longevity fruit to him, he suddenly couldn't do it! Lin old son can't, the body was forced to spark that day, zhinuo want to go back to stop, didn't expect Xu Feng suddenly in trouble, he and sun Cheng collude to control the Lin group and the Lin family, zhinuo also caught up, zhinuo hand Lin Group shares, they want to take zhinuo hand shares Chen Yihan said.

"Mr. Lin must have been killed by Xu Feng and sun Cheng. I'll help him get his revenge!" Zhao Fugui eyes a flash of cold light, coldly said.

"Rich and noble, sun Cheng is fawning on the sword King's family now. The sword King's family is not easy to provoke. You must be careful!" Lin zhinuo worried said.

"The sword king family can't run!" Zhao Fugui said faintly, but his tone was full of powerful aggressiveness. He had seen even the world's top Skywalker, not to mention a sword king family that could not even touch the edge of Skywalker.

Not to mention the sword king family, now even in the face of Alsace again, Zhao Fugui will never be as powerless as last time.

Chen Yihan is aware of Zhao Fugui's strong self-confidence, and immediately becomes silent. She knows that Zhao Fugui never tells lies. Since she says so, she has full confidence. It seems that what happened during this period has greatly improved his strength.

Just when Zhao Fugui sent Leng Xi back to Xiaowan village, many people in the provincial capital of Chengdu soon got the news. They didn't need Zhao Fugui. Li Zhaoji, Cheng Dalong and Chen Xi were all released. Even the seals of Jingwu guild hall and Wan Village food were quietly torn away.

Many people are watching in the dark and in the open. Zhao Fugui is now a fierce tiger returning to the mountain. No one knows what storm he will raise. It's better not to choose the side to stand in the team at this time.

At the same time, in a villa Manor on the top of the mountain in beidiyi state, the villa is huge and occupies almost the whole smooth mountain peak. The environment on the mountain peak is beautiful, with green mountains and green waters. It is almost like an outdoor fairyland. The manor is full of jubilant and colorful, and groups of guests from all sides come to the mountain to pay a visit.

Those with high status can stay in the manor and prepare for tomorrow's wedding ceremony. Those with low status can only go down the mountain after visiting and giving gifts. They can live in a small town twenty or thirty miles away from the foot of the mountain and wait until tomorrow's wedding.

Although sun Cheng now holds the thigh of the sword king family, he can only live in a small town as he is, and he is not qualified to stay in the mountains.

"What? Are you sure Zhao Fugui is still alive? " When sun Cheng receives a call from Uncle Chen Yihan, his face suddenly changes and he takes a cold breath and asks."Sun Shao, how dare I lie to you? He just appeared in person and took my disobedient niece away. He is really alive!" Chen Yihan's uncle said quickly.

"The damn bastard is still alive!" Sun Cheng's face showed a trace of panic. Before he left China for England, Zhao Fugui was already a top-level strong man with the title of the first genius of China. If he was not sure that Zhao Fugui was dead, he would not dare to ask Zhao Fugui for trouble. But now Zhao Fugui is still alive. If Zhao Fugui finds him, killing him would be like crushing one It's as simple as ants.

"Yes, Sun Shao, this guy hasn't died yet. He really deserves to die!" Chen Yihan's uncle quickly agreed and said, "you have to inform the sword King's family of this news and let them make preparations early. If Zhao Fugui finds the sword King's family, I'm afraid it will cause trouble!"

"Yes, you're right. I have to inform brother Bai immediately about it." Sun Cheng immediately reaction, without hesitation immediately hang up the phone, call the driver in a hurry, will go up the mountain to find Bai Jianfeng. When Chen Yihan's uncle heard the busy tone on the phone, his face suddenly became gloomy. Unexpectedly, sun Cheng didn't give him face so much. He casually hung up his phone and didn't take him seriously.

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