Super Monk

Chapter 1906

With the improvement of Zhao Fugui's strength, his knowledge of Taiping daoshu in the sea has rarely been able to react to anything. Even the secret treasures in the past can rarely reveal the Taiping daoshu's handwriting, but now these nine ancient swords have aroused the reaction of Taiping daoshu.

When Zhao Fugui held the ancient sword, the Taiping Taoist Scripture in the sea of knowledge slowly revealed its handwriting. Zhao Fugui sank into the sea of knowledge, and he soon saw those handwriting clearly.

Nine rob and kill sword: ancient sword, Pang, Pang kiss, Pu Lao, Pang, Taotie, Baxia, Jai canthus, lion dragon, Pang kiss, which can kill God and evil, has no upper power.

"It turns out that these are nine ancient magic swords. They are named after the nine sons born by the dragon. Maybe these nine swords are the products of the same era with Taiping daoshu and pagoda!" Zhao Fugui said in surprise.

"Master, what's the matter?" Zhang youwan saw Zhao Fugui holding an ancient sword and didn't respond. He asked in a worried voice. In the battle with the sword king, Zhao Fugui also consumed a lot, and he was injured a lot. What kind of secret injury did Zhang youwan inflict on Zhao Fugui.

"Nothing!" Zhao Fugui shakes his head. With one move, nine ancient swords fly up, but they are directly collected by Zhao Fugui into the sea of knowledge. These nine swords are really not ordinary. They can be easily put into the sea of knowledge. As soon as the nine ancient swords fell into the sea of knowledge, they were summoned by Zhao Fugui's Yin God and circled around the Yin God as if they were guardians. These nine swords may be of great use in the future.

"Let's go back to Rongcheng. There are still some things to be done!" Zhao Fugui took away the nine ancient swords, and then left with Zhang youwan and ye Qingcheng.

"Today, I didn't see the elegant demeanor of Ye Hongyi, but it's true to see Zhao Fugui and the sword King's swordsmanship! I didn't expect that the king of swords could cultivate ten thousand swords and return them to his ancestors. I didn't expect that Zhao Fugui had the skill of breaking ten thousand skills with one sword! I can't admit defeat either. When I go back, I'll shut up immediately and complete the Kendo handed down by my master. Then I'll try Zhao Fugui's sword again! " Ye Wuyou watched Zhao Fugui leave. His eyes were shining. He said slowly, "Zhao Fugui, you must live until I try your sword. Don't be killed by those people in the Presbyterian Council!"

When people around the mountain saw Zhao Fugui leave, they soon dispersed. The sword King's family was used to tyranny in Yizhou. Once all the families were destroyed, they didn't even have a family willing to collect their corpses. They were allowed to live in the wilderness. The sword King's family has done a great job. It's no surprise that this happened.

However, the aftermath of the sword King's family being slaughtered has just begun, and the whole Zhenwu circle has been shaken by the news. Bai Yu is a sword king of a generation. He has been famous for decades. He is the top strong man of the great master sanchongtian. In order to get the true variety of Kendo left by Ye Hongyi, he was killed by Zhao Fugui at the Shanmen gate, killing all the families and families with one sword.

This battle let the people of Zhenwu circle in China finally understand Zhao Fugui's real strength. Zhao Fugui was a top strong man who was no inferior to the great master sanchongtian. Hearing this news, some people were shocked, some people were surprised, and some people adored Zhao Fugui incomparably. They regarded Zhao Fugui as the idol of the younger generation in Zhenwu circle. However, some people were full of doubts about this news. They didn't believe that Zhao Fugui had such strength.

Even if the sword king family is destroyed and the sword King Baiyu is killed, it is definitely not Zhao Fugui who did it. They never believe that Zhao Fugui has such strength.

The news later spread overseas, which made Hongmen horrified. The leader of Hongmen, Mr. Tang, was still working together. He had to kill Zhao Fugui and reestablish the dignity of Hongmen. But when he heard the news, Mr. Tang immediately put down his banner and announced that Hongmen would be closed for one year. All the affairs of Hongmen would be handled by his granddaughter. The power of Hongmen has been shrinking continuously. Except for the important places, other forces are basically in a state of semi abandonment.

Even if Zhao Fugui, a huge underground organization in North America, began to pass on its name.

One day later, elder Ren and elder Tong are waiting to be summoned in a beautiful suburban manor surrounded by green mountains and waters outside Shangjing.

"Elder Ren, elder Tong, please!" After a while, a beautiful woman in traditional Chinese costume came out of an antique house and made a gesture to elder Ren and elder Tong.

"Thank you, Miss Hai!" Elder Ren and elder Tong nodded quickly. They did not dare to be slighted. They followed the woman in Hanfu into the antique house.

In this room, a man with pale hair, hanging behind him, seems to have at least 70 or 80 years old is cooking tea. In front of him, there are a dozen old people of different ages sitting in front of him. After elder Ren and elder Tong came in, the elder Jian didn't make a sound and sat down to wait.

These people are all elders of the Presbyterian Council. Behind them, each of them has a top family which is no less than the sword king family. It can be said that in the whole Zhenwu circle, except for the ten old monsters in the top ten of the tianbang, no one is stronger than them. These elders almost represent the top families in the pyramid of Zhenwu circle.

At the height of the Presbyterian Church's power, even the ten year old monsters in the top ten of the heavenly list have to obey their orders. Who dares to disobey the order of the real martial arts? But these elders are like a group of obedient primary school students in front of the old tea maker, and even dare not give out the atmosphere. The old man's power is really shocking.The old man was quietly cooking tea. He didn't seem to see elder Ren and elder Tong's ugly face. A smell of tea soon permeated the small building. The old man cooked the tea and filled each cup on a row of small cups. The woman surnamed Hai then carried these small cups to the old people one by one.

Tea, please The old man said lightly.

"Please More than a dozen elders took the cup, blew a few times, and then quickly drank up the tea. The woman surnamed Hai immediately put the cup back to its original place, and the old man filled it with tea again.

Tea, please


The old man repeated three times in a row. The water in the purple clay pot was just poured out. Then the old man wiped his hands, took a light look at elder Ren and elder Tong, and said, "say!"

"Yes, elder!" Elder Ren and elder Tong quickly arched and said, "elder, Yizhou sword King's family has been slaughtered, and elder Bai yubai has been killed. It's all done by a boy named Zhao Fugui. That boy didn't respect our Presbyterian, killed the Presbyterian family, and even killed the elder. He didn't pay any attention to our Presbyterian society. It's a heinous crime. Ask the elder to issue a real martial order to kill him! "

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