Super Monk

Chapter 1921

"Master, be careful!" Zhang youwan suddenly exclaimed. She didn't expect that this would happen. She let a sword Qi shoot at Zhao Fugui. This is the Kendo left by Ye Hongyi. It's really a kind of sword Qi. It's definitely powerful.

"Nothing!" Zhao Fugui stretched out his finger and caught the sword Qi in an instant. The sword Qi buzzed and solidified as if it were real. Two shallow blood marks were cut on Zhao Fugui's finger. It is worthy of being the sword Qi from the real species of Kendo left by the myth of the world.

Although the sword Qi of ordinary master and even great master level Kendo masters before cultivating their swords is also very powerful, it is scattered but not coagulated. It is impossible for Zhang youwan's sword Qi to gather sharpness and even hurt Zhao Fugui's fingers. This is just sword Qi. If Zhang youwan's vigorous Qi can become stronger and stronger, and support the true species of Kendo to form a sword, his power will be more extraordinary.

"As long as you master the sword Qi, you can kill the master. You should step up your cultivation and understand the true variety of kendo. There is also the sword meaning of Ye Hongyi in the true species of kendo. If you want to be a peerless swordsman like Ye Hongyi, you have to understand her sword meaning! " Zhao Fugui said.

"Yes, master!" Zhang youwan nodded solemnly. She has been working very hard these two days. She no longer wants to be a burden to others.

Cao man is now proficient in the first three fists of the seven step kungfu. After Zhao Fugui's strengthening and improvement, the seven step Kungfu directly points to the great master sanchongtian's perfect realm. As long as you can practice the seven step kungfu to the strongest seventh, you can earn the great master's triple heaven perfect state. This boxing method is many times better than when it was originally in the hands of Luo zhantian.

These three days, Zhao Fugui stayed in the Mountain Gate of Lingwu sect to guide his disciples. Cao man and Zhang youwan made the fastest progress, and others began to practice boxing and kendo. These three days have been calm. Many Zhenwu aristocratic families think that the Presbyterian fury has not appeared. Some Zhenwu aristocratic families begin to doubt whether the Presbyterian society has no way to deal with Zhao Fugui, and they can't invite experts to deal with Zhao Fugui.

"Chief, at present, the situation in Zhenwu circle is getting more and more chaotic. Changsheng organization has penetrated into Zhenwu circle, and many strong family members have become their vassals. In addition, the conflict between Zhao Fugui and the Presbyterian Council in Zhongzhou has been very acute recently. The Presbyterian Council has made up its mind to kill Zhao Fugui! " In a secret base in Shangjing, a secretary like man is reporting to an old man.

"Great changes are coming. Now all the demons are dancing, and all the ghosts and gods have appeared!" The old man had a dignified look. After a while, he said, "the longevity organization must keep an eye on them. We can't let them make a mess, especially at this critical moment!"

"In addition, the contradiction between Zhao Fugui and the Presbyterian Church is also beneficial. We can secretly interfere and provide Zhao Fugui with protection! Now the biggest problem of the Zhenwu army is the opposition of the Presbyterian Council. At this critical moment, these people are still sticking to their prejudices for their interests. Damn it The old man said angrily.

"Chief, we have added Zhao Fugui to the seed plan. Can we let him have access to some plans?" The Secretary asked again.

"After Zhao Fugui has dealt with the matter with the Presbyterian Council, he may not be able to pass the test. Moreover, Zhao Fugui's situation is very complicated. He used to be just an ordinary person. In just one year, he has changed from an ordinary migrant worker to a top strong man of great master sanchongtian

"His situation is somewhat similar to those of those people. From the current situation of our investigation, although Zhao Fugui has no big problem and doesn't look like the one who was taken away, he should be cautious. After all, those things are too weird. If we are not careful, we will make a big mistake! " The old man was silent for a while and said, "we still have to investigate Zhao Fugui for a while now. Besides, in order to control the Zhenwu circle and suppress the rise of other martial arts families, the Presbyterian Council has killed many talented people, so that no one can use us now."

"Those who are strong in tianbang also have their own thoughts and are hard to trust. What's good for them if there is a big change and chaos? These people are so selfish The Secretary said angrily.

"These days, those who don't know the news are trying to break through. They always think that they become a myth in the world, and even surpass ye Tiannan to survive the great change. They are really frogs in the well. What is their strength before the great change?" The old man said, "those people don't have to worry about them. Now observe Zhao Fugui. I hope they can survive this disaster safely and do something for the whole mankind in the future."

"Yes, chief, I understand. I will try my best!" The Secretary nodded solemnly and said, then he put down a pile of documents and turned to leave. There were several pictures under the documents. The picture was a special prison with strict security. What was held in the prison was not human beings, but some strange things.

After three quiet days, the elder waited for three days. A group of elders became more and more dissatisfied, but Lao Zhang was still waiting, and they could only wait.

"Elder, eight of the top ten have returned our posts. Among them, ye Tiannan, our people didn't see it at all. The post was returned by his disciples, and there was no explanation! " "After ye Tiannan became the God of war in China, he didn't pay attention to the Presbyterian Council any more," said the elder of the law enforcement hall"Ye Tiannan is now the first person in the Zhenwu circle of China. It is said that he has already completed the myth of the world and is exploring a stronger realm. How can the Presbyterian Council get into his eyes?" The elder's eyes flashed a cold light and said, "what about the others?"

"Other tianbang strongmen all have their own excuses. Some say that Zhao Fugui is a junior and is not worthy of their hand. Some say that he is practicing martial arts behind closed doors and is unable to do so. They send all our posts back. Only two people left our post, but they didn't say they wanted to deal with Zhao Fugui! " Hong Changlao's face is ugly and says that if the Presbyterian Council is the most powerful, how dare those who are strong these days.

"Our Presbyterian Council is no longer in the eye of those who are strong these days. There are only two people who can save us some face!" The big elder's face said coldly.

"Elder, what shall we do now? Is Zhao Fugui allowed to be arrogant? If you can't kill Zhao Fugui, I'm afraid our Presbyterian Council won't even pay attention to ordinary families! " Elder Hong said.

"I've arranged this. Someone in Liangzhou is willing to fight Zhao Fugui on behalf of the Presbyterian Council at the price of a Presbyterian position!"

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