Super Monk

Chapter 1924

"That is, how can they get in? Why don't you stop them, you have to stop us! " He said that there was no obstacle for the boat to enter the park.

"If they have permission, you should turn around immediately, or your business license will be revoked and you will be banned from operating in the wetland park for life!" Several uniformed managers cheered to the owner of the sightseeing boat.

"Well, let's go, let's go at once!" As soon as the shipowners heard that these people were serious, their faces suddenly changed and they said, "let's take the boat to another place. Let's extend it for an hour and take you to another place to have a look!"

A group of tourists look ugly, but they can't help it. They can only agree that a few sightseeing boats will soon turn around and leave for the distance. Anyway, Taihu Lake is so big that it's good to look elsewhere.

"Wait!" Ye Qingmei and their boat are about to turn around. Xia you said discontentedly, "my uncle is the director of the tourism administration. We can do anything we want. The country now advocates being close to the people and facilitating the people. Even if you have any leaders to inspect, you should not seal up the wetland Park!"

"You can go in if you have permission, and turn around if you don't!" Several managers said impatiently.

"What, I don't believe it!" Xia you's face is ugly. The beauty can't even deal with this little thing. Where can he put his face. Xia you takes out his mobile phone and makes a call to his uncle. "Uncle, it's me. I brought some friends to Taihu Lake Wetland Park today. I don't know what's going on here. I've blocked the wetland park and won't let us in!"

"Xiaoyou, there are big people coming to the wetland park today. Most people are not allowed to go in. You can play in another place." Said the voice on the other end of the phone.

"Uncle, what's so great? You are the director of the Tourism Bureau. Here you are in charge of management. Others are ordinary people. Can you still be ordinary people? Uncle, just let us in! " Xia you says hastily.

"Today, I don't know what big people are coming here. The province greets directly from there, but it's not that everyone is not allowed to go in. There are still a lot of people going in. Well, I'll say hello. You can sneak over from the lake bank and have a look inside. Don't run around and make trouble! " Xia you's uncle said.

"Uncle, I see. Don't worry, we won't make trouble!" Xia you said in a hurry, then hung up the phone. "My uncle said that he could say hello to us. Let's go quietly. Let's go ashore first and pass by the wetland park near the lake bank!"

Ye Qingmei and ye Qingzhu had no choice whether to go to the wetland park or not, but now this situation has aroused their curiosity. What kind of big people come to the wetland park to play, and they even have to block the whole wetland park.

After a while, the sightseeing boat landed. Xia you and ye Qingmei got on a boat from the Tourism Bureau from a remote corner of the lake and entered the wetland park.

"Is there really a big man here today? These people in black suits seem to be professional bodyguards. I feel that they are all very powerful, even more powerful than the bodyguards around the big people I used to follow my father to see! " Xia you side of a boy said.

The boy's family is in business. He has met some big bosses with his father before, but none of the bodyguards around the big bosses can match those in suits. These people in suits look like electricity one by one, and their eyes are frightening.

"Don't be afraid. Calm down. Let's go with those people!" Ye Qingmei and ye Qingzhu have seen the world. They are not afraid. Instead, they walk calmly to the inside of the wetland park with other people.

However, ye Qingmei soon found that these people who can enter the wetland park are not ordinary people. They all walk with great momentum. At first sight, they are not ordinary people. On the contrary, many people frown when they see them.

"Where do you come from? You have such a poor martial arts foundation. It's a shame to let go and walk!" Someone glanced at them and said contemptuously.

Be swept by this person one eye, on a few people's bodies slightly a cold, seem to have been electrified the same, leaf light eyebrow, they suddenly face a white.

"We, we are Linzhou people!" The leaf light eyebrow facial expression peeps out a silk nervous, reluctantly says.

"Linzhou? There is only one humble Xue family. No wonder your strength is so weak. I think the Xue family will be removed from the Zhenwu circle when their ancestors die! " That person disdains of say.

"Oh Leaf light eyebrow ambiguous promise a, don't know what this person says at all, at this time, the crowd in front of suddenly spread a exclamation.

"Here it is Someone screamed, and ye Qingmei was surprised to see a man trampling on a piece of duckweed in the wetland park. Then he jumped onto an ancient tree growing in the wetland.

"Lightness skill?" Ye Qingmei and ye Qingzhu widened their eyes at the same time. It seems that this is not a movie. There is no camera around. There is no Weiya hanging on the man. How did he fly up.

"Look at the lake, there, there seems to be a man!" Xia you trembles and points to the lake outside the wetland park. A water wave rises up on the lake. It looks like a fast boat is rushing towards here, but there is no boat there at all. It seems like there is a person in it."How can a man be so fast and walk on the water?" Leaf light eyebrow stares big eyes to see past, can't believe of murmur to say.

Ye Qingmei and ye Qingzhu didn't believe what they saw at all, but there was not a trace of falsehood in what they saw. A tall and burly man was like electricity, running at high speed on the water, and the lake water separated at his feet, setting off a huge water curtain.

"It's the black devil, the leader of tiger demon alchemy sect. The black devil arrived first!" The man who jumped up the old tree looked at it carefully and cried out.

"The black devil is coming. He's like a dragon. Although master level masters can step on the water, it's impossible to be so powerful. The black devil is really a master!" Leaf light eyebrow their side someone mumbles of say.

"The first man in the list really deserves his reputation. The black devil has arrived. It depends on when Zhao Fugui comes. If he doesn't dare to come, he'll have a joke to watch!" Another said.

"Zhao Fugui?" When ye Qingmei and ye Qingzhu heard the name, they immediately looked at each other and saw an incredible look in each other's eyes. Is Zhao Fugui really that Zhao Fugui?

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