Super Monk

Chapter 193

"What's the matter? What happened? " The third man also stood up and looked into the hall. Everyone else in the box stood up.

"Grandfather, grandfather, what's the matter with you? Get up quickly In the hall of Linshui Pavilion, a seven or eight year old girl screamed in horror. Zhao Fugui could vaguely see an old man lying in the hall, but it was so chaotic that Zhao could not see the old man clearly.

"No, it's probably puffer poisoning!" As soon as Zhao Fugui's face changed, he quickly took out his mobile phone and called 120.

"It's the evening peak. It's estimated that 120 can't come so fast!" Old three facial expression also some dignified, voice says.

"Go down and have a look!" As soon as he got out of the box, Zhao Fugui went downstairs. Zhao Fugui doesn't mind helping if he can save people's lives with a little help.

Third, they quickly followed Zhao Fugui downstairs. The hall was in a mess. A young cook with a big spoon ran over in panic. When he saw that the old man's lips were black and fell to the ground, his face turned pale.

"Come on, call 120. Call an ambulance!" The young cook cried out in panic. He knelt down beside the old man with a face of despair.

"Is this your puffer meat? How do you cook food? You can't even get rid of tetrodotoxin. Do you want to kill us? " Next to him, a strong man grabbed the cook's collar and roared with an ugly face.

"No, I tasted the food before it was served, and it would be served only if there was no problem. I don't know what happened!" The young cook explained in a panic.

Linshui pavilion has its own rules. The chef makes puffer fish. Before serving the puffer fish, the chef must taste the puffer fish first. Only when there is no problem can he serve it to the guests. However, it's impossible for a puffer chef to eat too much. He usually takes a small piece of puffer fish and puts it on the table when he has a taste of puffer fish.

"Linshui Pavilion is an old shop. How can this kind of problem happen?"

"Yes, I eat puffer fish here every year. The last time I met someone who was poisoned was six or seven years ago. This old man is really unlucky. I'm afraid that he can't wait for the ambulance to come by when he is so old!"

"I look a little familiar with this old man. He seems to be Mr. Lin in our community. He's not an ordinary person. It's said that he used to be in Shangjing to see doctors for big leaders. I didn't expect to encounter this kind of thing."

The guests in the hall talked a lot, and they didn't dare to eat puffer fish any more. The manager of the hall also came over pale and called 120 with his mobile phone.

It's not a trivial matter to eat puffer fish poisoning. If people are not rescued, it's not a matter of losing money. The store will certainly be closed for a period of time. If the poisoning is not common people, I'm afraid the store may not be able to open.

"What's the matter? How can people be poisoned? " Meng Guang saw that the boss of Linshui Pavilion also ran over in panic and asked with a heavy face.

"Today, the chef in the kitchen asked for leave, and his business was very good. The supply of puffer meat in the kitchen was in short supply, so he had to let two apprentices who had been working for more than a year hold the knife. I didn't expect that something happened!" The boss of Linshui Pavilion said pale.

"Doctor, doctor, who is a doctor, please, help me!" The manager of the hall wiped the cold sweat on his head, and suddenly cried out to the people around him with a pleading face. He almost got down on his knees and asked the doctor for help.

All the people in the hall look at me and I look at you. No one comes forward to help. Even if there are doctors here, there is no cure for tetrodotoxin, and they are not working doctors. It's ok if people are rescued. If they are not rescued, if they meet unreasonable family members, they will get into big trouble.

A few doctors in the hall were silent, and no one came forward to help. The hall manager looked desperate and saw that the old man was dying.

"The old man should have eaten puffer liver. The toxin of puffer meat was cleaned up, but the toxin of puffer liver was not cleaned up!" At this time, Zhao Fugui stepped forward and said, "go and prepare some soapy water to induce him to vomit. If you vomit out the fugu liver, it should be OK!"

The processing method of puffer liver is much more complicated than puffer meat. If the puffer liver is not cut properly, it may leave the toxin in it. I'm afraid that young chef still hasn't learned.

"Come on, come on, get the soapy water!" The hall manager seems to have caught the straw and asked the waiter to get the soapy water.

"Who is this big black man? He dares to take care of all the things that the doctor dares not to take care of, and he is not afraid of people. What should he do if he is wrongly arrested if he is not rescued? " A guest whispered.

"This big black one looks familiar!" Another tourist thought about it and suddenly said, "yes, I remember that he seems to be the boss of happy farm in Xiaowan village. He was on the news a few days ago. He sent tens of millions to the villagers in Xiaowan village at one time. He is a big boss!"

"No wonder I'm a rich man. I have to be afraid of being wronged. Ah, if people are poor these days, they don't dare to see volunteers

"That's right. If you help an old lady on the road this year, maybe a house will be gone. Who dares to meddle in their business?"

While talking, several guests were watching the old man nervously. The old man lay on the ground and didn't move. Now even his face was a little black."Soapy water is coming, soapy water is coming." within two minutes, the waiter came running with a large bowl of soapy water from the baibulaji, and the crowd quickly got out of the way and asked the waiter to come with soapy water.

"Little girl, it's OK. I'll see your grandfather!" Zhao Fugui gently dissuades the tearful little girl, slightly raises the old man's head, and pours the soapy water in the soup bowl into the old man's mouth.

"Oh Soapy water a belly, the old man immediately vomit up, and soon vomited just eat things out.

"Spit it out, spit it out!" A tourist exclaimed excitedly. The old man vomited out the puffer fish he had just eaten. His breathing seemed to be quite normal.

"Spit out should be OK, now is the evening peak, the ambulance can't come so fast, you can go to the drugstore to buy some atropine for him, it should be OK!" Said a doctor standing in the crowd.

"Well, it's OK to buy some medicine!" Zhao Fugui doesn't know what atropine is for, but he also knows that tetrodotoxin has no specific drug. It is estimated that atropine can play an auxiliary role. It's a doctor who can tell the name of this medicine. It's a little useful.

"Good, good!" The manager of the hall went to buy medicine. There was a drugstore near linshuige, and the medicine came back in less than two minutes. The waiter fed atropine to the old man with water.

"It's OK, it's OK, I hope it's OK!" The manager of the hall was talking about it, but at this moment, the old man's face suddenly turned black, and he spat out a mouthful of dirt with blood in it.

Zhao Fugui's face was instantly ugly, and the old man's symptoms even aggravated.

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