Super Monk

Chapter 1940

"You want to learn?" Zhao Fugui shook his head and said, "I don't suggest that you have anything to do with Zhenwu circle. Zhenwu circle is too dangerous and looks upon people's lives like weeds. As long as there is no chaos or threat to ordinary people, the state does not care much about Zhenwu circle. It is not a good choice to enter Zhenwu circle! "

"Green bamboo, don't talk! Mr. Zhao, you don't have to pay attention to her. She's just joking! " Ye Qingmei is obviously more rational than ye Qingzhu. She does not hesitate to reject Ye Qingzhu's idea. For women like them, it may be a better choice not to enter the Zhenwu circle.

Ye Qingzhu opened her mouth unconvinced, but she didn't say anything in the end. It seems that ye Qingmei's words still have weight in her heart.

"I'll stay here for another night and leave tomorrow. I'll send you back tomorrow, and then I'll go back to Rongcheng!" Zhao Fugui said that he also opposes Ye Qingmei and ye Qingzhu entering Zhenwu circle.

"Well, Mr. Zhao, your injury is not good, you have a rest early!" Ye Qingmei nodded and quickly began to pick up things. They also bought a lot of things for Granny Li. Now the weather is not hot, and the rest of the food is enough for Granny Li to eat for a few days.

Gradually, the village became completely quiet. Only bursts of Lake wind kept blowing. Occasionally, one or two barks of dogs could be heard from afar, breaking the peace of the village. Twenty or thirty families in the small village are scattered, some live by the lake, some live on the hills by the lake, and the furthest and nearest places of the village can't even see each other.

Ye Qingmei and ye Qingzhu cleaned up the things and put them in order. The old man had already fallen asleep. They cleaned up a little and soon fell asleep.

This small village is like a forgotten corner, gradually filled by the night, completely quiet down. I don't know how long later, a shadow came slowly from outside the village. The shadow hung his head, hands in front of him, shrugged his shoulders, and walked slowly towards the village step by step.

Moonlight shining on the shadow, the shadow behind the shadow drag very long, the shadow in the moonlight is very strange, strange as if it is living in general, slightly constantly creeping on the ground.

Soon the shadow came to the entrance of the village. He looked up at the entrance of the village and sniffed. It seemed that he was smelling something in the night wind. Soon he seemed to smell something. He adjusted his direction and walked slowly to the village. The direction was in the direction of Zhao Fugui and ye Qingmei.

"Woof, woof, woof!" The only local dogs in the village seemed to be aware of something and began to scream restlessly, but after a few barks, the angry and frightened barks suddenly turned into angry howls, and then even the howling voice disappeared.

The old man in the village sleeps very light at night. Old man Li, who lives at the head of the village, hears that his dog barks abnormally. He puts on a piece of clothes, gets out of bed, pushes the door open and goes out.

"Dahei, what's the matter?" Old man Li looked at the corner of the yard. The shivering local dog asked suspiciously. The dog is usually brave and has never been scared like this. Just at this time, a shadow flashed through the crack of the door in front of old man Li's house. Old man Li was too old to turn around. How could anyone walk around in the village so late?

"Who is still hanging around so late?" Old man Li strangely went to the gate of the yard and opened it. Looking out, there were only some old people left in their small village. The poor didn't even want to come. Old man Li thought it was a villager who was wandering at night.

Old man Li opened the old wooden courtyard door and saw a dark figure outside the courtyard. He was walking towards old woman Li's house not far away. This figure looked like a young man, which old man Li had never seen before.

"What do you do?" Old man Li asked suspiciously. As soon as he made a sound, the shadow in front of him suddenly gave a meal, and then began to turn slowly. Old man Li looked at the shadow's face and suddenly showed a look of fear. The canine teeth protruded from the face and showed a row of terrible fangs. His face looked like a dog's mouth or a wolf's mouth growing on a person's face, which was extremely ferocious and terrifying.

Old man Li wanted to scream when he grew up, but the shadow flashed fiercely and fell on him in an instant. His terrible fangs bit him on the neck. The monster raised his head and tore him off. The warm blood spurted out and dyed the night red.

The monster chewed the flesh and blood torn from old man Li's neck. After eating the flesh, the blood color in his eyes gradually expanded, and finally covered his eyes. In a flash, it turned into scarlet color, like the deep red color of blood. But after chewing old man Li's flesh, the monster was furious Spit the flesh out of your mouth.

This meat has no aura, no exuberant vitality, only a dead breath, which is not in line with the monster's appetite. But after the monster spits out the flesh and blood in his mouth, he looks at the old man Li's body on the ground, reluctantly pours on it again, digs out the old man Li's heart, and greedily swallows the old man Li's heart into his stomach.

After eating old man Li's heart, the monster stood up wobbly, his whole body looked more and more ferocious and weird, and then walked slowly to the house not far away, which was Granny Li's house near old man Li's home.Ye Qingmei and ye Qingzhu are sleeping soundly, and they are not aware of the danger at all. Granny Li sleeps lightly in the room, but she is not aware of the difference. In the most Eastern tile roofed house, sitting cross legged on the simple bed, Zhao Fugui suddenly opened his eyes.

By the time Zhao Fugui was in his present state, his six senses had already become very sharp. Just after the monster entered the village, Zhao Fugui had reached a strange warning sign, but he could not determine the source of the warning sign until now.

Zhao Fugui opened his eyes and smelled it in the air. I don't know when, there was a strong smell of blood in the cold night wind of the village.

"Someone must have been killed because of the heavy smell of blood. Are those warriors of the Presbyterian Council catching up?" Zhao Fugui frowned and showed a promising expression. At this moment, he suddenly smelled that the strong smell of blood was approaching. It seemed that he was going to the room of Ye Qingmei and ye Qingzhu.

"Light eyebrow, I come to see you!" The next moment, Zhao Fugui even heard a vague and strange voice ring from the door of Ye Qingmei and ye Qingzhu's room.

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