Super Monk

Chapter 1944

Just after Zhao Fugui and ye Qingmei and ye Qingzhu left the village, a group of well-equipped and well-trained people entered the village. Most of them are wearing advanced combat suits, and some of them are even equipped with exoskeleton armor that is more pitfalls than the Dragon guards.

Some of the rest carry special detection instruments, and others are equipped with equipment similar to flamethrower, but it is not flamethrower, but a high-intensity electric shock device. Ordinary electric shock device can corona a normal human, but the current released by this electric shock device at one time can electrocute several elephants in an instant.

"Did you find it?" A person in charge of the appearance of vigilant attention around, he watched a few people with instruments busy outside the village, seriously asked.

"Sir, the reading level here is very high. It is preliminarily determined that there will be contact within 24 hours!" Said a man with the instrument, pointing to the rising curve on the instrument.

"Set up a cordon and seal off the village. No one is allowed to enter or leave the village. It may still be in the village. Set up a defense zone and a surveillance zone. I'll keep an eye on everyone The man's face of the person in charge was more obvious, and he said in a deep voice immediately.

"Yes, sir!" Several people received the order and immediately began to arrange. In less than an hour, they set up a complete blockade line and defense system around the village. At the same time, a group of real fighters began to watch out. This group of real martial arts practitioners can no longer be regarded as the people in the real martial arts circle, but the ones who work for this mysterious organization.

These three people are busy in the small village as a group. One is responsible for installing equipment, one is responsible for walking with instruments, and the other is responsible for guarding. In a short time, these people installed a lot of things in the village.

"Yes, sir!" At this time, a group of people rushed over, said to the person in charge.

"Go The person in charge took a slight breath and said to a fighting group nearby. Then, in the alert of these people, the person in charge came outside Granny Li's house.

"Sir, according to our conjecture, this person may come from Taihu Lake. He may be a tourist resort near Taihu Lake, or a person from a nearby village. He came from the village and didn't know why he wanted to attack the people who lived in the house before, but before entering the house, the people in the next house found him. This person may have come out to check, and he killed everyone, and then ate this person's heart! "

"But the first dead man was an old man. He was about seventy years old. His whole body was full of Qi and blood. Even his heart was the same as charcoal to them. In this case, he still ate the old man's heart. We speculate that he was the one who had just changed!" A man who seems to be a researcher, under the protection of two fighters, said as he looked at the body of the old man.

"Burn the body. You said it was the first and the second?" The person in charge looked cold and fierce. He didn't have much expression when he saw the corpse. He seemed to have been used to this bloody scene.

"Yes, sir, but this second corpse is special. The people who lived in that house before killed the changed things. The corpse belongs to the changed people!" Said the scientific researcher, pushing his glasses.

"What?" After hearing this, the person in charge was not happy, but looked a little ugly and walked quickly to Granny Li's house.

On the side of Granny Li's house, the soil layer in the yard has been excavated. Xia you's body, which was buried by Zhao Fugui, has been dug out. However, Xia you's body has almost recovered to human form. Only a few traces can show the appearance of the monster before, such as his mouth. When he became a monster, Xia you's crime was terrible, but now his mouth just looks a little bit ugly Deformity, can't see how much it looks like when it becomes a monster.

"Are you sure this is the changer?" The person in charge looked at the body separated from the head and asked cautiously.

"Sure, we have scanned the corpse. Although it looks like the corpse is still in human shape, the inside of the corpse is completely different from that of human beings, and we have measured extremely high readings on the corpse!" Said the researcher.

"Check to see what stage it is in?" The person in charge took a deep breath and said solemnly.

"Yes, sir!" Several people immediately busy, one of them with a syringe, inserted into Xia you's body for blood. After death, the blood stopped flowing, and it was difficult to draw out. Even if a wound was cut, it was difficult for blood to flow out. However, the person who drew the blood forced to draw out a tube of blood and put it into a special instrument.

This special instrument soon began to make a slight "buzz". A few minutes later, the "buzz" disappeared and the machine stopped working. However, seeing the number displayed on the machine, the researcher's face immediately appeared a little panic.

"Sir, the result has come out. This changer is at the beginning of the first stage. He is a new-born changer!" The scientific research personnel's face is ugly to say.

"Damn it The person in charge's face was ugly, and he said, "have you heard me clearly? A changer in the first stage is dead. From now on, you should not only keep an eye on everyone in this village, but also on everyone around you. Anyone who finds someone abnormal must report immediately! ""Yes, sir!" The people around immediately replied with a dignified look.

"If a mutator in the first stage dies, the thing must have escaped. Either it has not found its host yet, or it has parasitized again. The parasitized people may be the villagers of a small village, we may have just come here, or the people who lived here before! Have you noticed the people who live here? " The person in charge asked with an ugly face.

"The people who live here seem to have left, and there must be some Zhenwu among them. This changer's head was cut off by a sharp sword Qi. If that thing parasitizes a real warrior, it will be troublesome! " The researchers said.

"There was a big war yesterday near Taihu Lake. It was Zhao Fugui, the leader of tiger demon alchemy sect and Lingwu sect, who started again. It is said that both of them were injured after the war. Maybe one of them was here to recuperate. It's very likely that Zhao Fugui is the one who uses the sword. This is consistent with our intelligence. Contact support immediately. We must find Zhao Fugui immediately! " The person in charge said solemnly.

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