Super Monk

Chapter 1962

The kingdom of God is also composed of the spiritual realm, but it is far more powerful than the spiritual realm of the king of spirit that Zhao Fugui met before. Moreover, the "God" in the spiritual realm is real. Even if it is not a real God in fact, if Zhao Fugui is killed in the Kingdom of God, he will really die.

There are two golden flames burning in Zhao Fugui's eyes, and the flame quickly burns out of Zhao Fugui's whole body in the rushing flow of Daoli. In the blink of an eye, Zhao Fugui became a flaming man with a golden flame all over his body, and the flame quickly burned out along Zhao Fugui's body, and in the blink of an eye, it burned all the tens of meters around him into a sea of fire.

Rotten corpses and wailing white bones are purified and burned in the golden flame, and soon the kingdom of God within the scope of the sea of fire is burned, which is the collision of spiritual power and the purification of Daoli.

The kingdom of God was burned into a big hole. The huge God in the sky had a look of pain on his face. His body had been integrated with the kingdom of God for a long time. In fact, it was the kingdom of God, and the kingdom of God was it.

"Chop!" Zhao Fugui's cold voice rang out in the fire. He reached for the sky and said coldly without fear. The nine ancient swords buzzed. In the blink of an eye, they turned into streamers. The nine ancient swords came together and turned into a huge ancient sword. The nine swords united and cut off against the huge golden feet.

"Boom!" In the blink of an eye, the huge sword was slashed on the huge golden feet. The huge roar was like the sound of the collapse of mountains, and the whole kingdom of God was shaking. The bright light of the sword was shining to the extreme, and a huge crack appeared on the huge golden God foot, and then it was cut open by the huge sword.

"Damn reptile!" The huge God in the sky howled in pain, its whole divine foot was cut off, and black blood flowed out from the place where the divine foot was broken. Not only that, but also the sky behind it appeared numerous cracks, which spread throughout the kingdom of God.

"Poof In the office, a mouthful of blood gushed out from the water palace, even from her eyes. Her face was extremely painful, and her eyes also showed a look of panic. The God of heaven she believed in was badly damaged in the kingdom of God. Even if the power of the God had been greatly reduced here, she still could not accept it. How can a mortal kill a God?

"What's the matter with you, sir?" Yamada did not know what happened. She only saw that Zhao Fugui's body seemed to be stiff for a few seconds. Then suddenly a mouthful of blood came out of the water palace, and even blood and tears came out of his eyes. Yamada's face changed greatly. She asked nervously, was not even the leader of Jiahe God and ghost sect Zhao Fugui's opponent?

"Quick, kill him, kill him!" Shuigong Li opens her eyes and stares at Zhao Fugui, but she can't move, because Yamada suddenly finds that a foot in shuigong suddenly falls from her leg, but there is not much blood in her wound, but only some thick dark red liquid dripping down.

Yamada shuddered fiercely. The thick dark red liquid was like the blood of a dead man. Was it a dead man in the water palace?

Yamada picturesque subconsciously wants to release the water palace, but her arm is instantly seized by the dry palm of the water palace, and almost only her white eyes look at Yamada picturesque.

"God will be reborn in your body, you will get your body in the God making plan, and God will give you divinity to make you a perfect God in the world. You want me to be reborn in the kingdom of God, kill him quickly!" Water palace in the look crazy shout a way.

"I'll kill him. Yamada family will remember my contribution!" At this time, the servant of Yamada picturesque rushed out from the corner with a gun. He pointed the pistol at Zhao Fugui's head and pulled the trigger.

"Bang!" Huge roar reverberated in the office, a hot bullet from the muzzle of the gun, hard shot at Zhao Fugui. Almost at the same time, a blood line suddenly appeared on the neck of shuigong, and her head fell down from her neck.

After that, Zhao shouts at the God of wealth and cuts off his head.

This God is just like a giant spirit in Chinese mythology who can crush Mount Tai with one palm. The terrible Golden Palm patted Zhao Fugui like a fly.

"Little man, I will make you pay for hurting God!" The roar of terror rang out in the whole kingdom of God. The rotten corpses and wailing bones burst one after another in the sound, and the last trace of power contained in them all converged into the huge body of the God.

"The ghost is gone!" Zhao Fugui carried his hands behind him, looking at the falling giant palm calmly, and the cold voice appeared from his mouth again.

The nine swords in the war sky are destroyed by gods and ghosts. The powerful Dao power is injected into the nine swords in one giant sword, and the horror of the sword is also integrated into the giant sword. This sword can kill ghosts under the sword and kill gods on the sword.

The magnificent sword draws a bright golden light in the sky of the kingdom of God. The whole kingdom of God shudders in the bright golden light. The huge God has a look of fear in his eyes. He suddenly changes his direction and reaches for the sword to grasp it."Hum!" The bright sword made a huge roar and hit the giant palm in an instant. The giant palm was like paper paste. It could not stop the giant sword and was directly penetrated by the giant sword. Then the huge sword cut heavily on the neck of the huge God, and cut off the neck of the huge God.

The head of the God fell from the sky, revealing a ferocious face. The head was burning wildly in the kingdom of God. With a loud bang, the whole kingdom of God could no longer support it. It broke up under the power of the huge sword.

There is a roar of anger in the void. It is the roar from the spirit itself. The kingdom of God and the giant god came here with the help of the water palace, not the spirit itself in the mouth of the water palace. However, if the projection of the kingdom of God is destroyed, the spirit itself will still be severely damaged.

The huge God was destroyed, and the head of the water palace, which is the carrier of the God's power, was cut off at the same time. The old woman who had died long ago was finally turned into a corpse under Zhao Fugui's sword. But the moment Zhao Fugui opened his eyes, he saw a hot bullet appeared in front of his eyebrows.

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