Super Monk

Chapter 1981

"Mr. Chiba, according to our report outside jiukou mountain of Jiahe ghost sect, there was a world shaking war ten minutes ago at the gate of Jiahe ghost sect. The peak of jiukou mountain was flattened for more than 100 meters, and Jiahe gods and ghosts were destroyed. Neither the demon God in the shrine nor Zuomi Yushen could escape! "

At the same time, in a place that seems to be a paradise, the Green Valley is covered with snow capped peaks. In a small wooden house, a man in Samurai clothes reports to the old man sitting in the wooden house looking out of the window.

"Zuo Mu is dead, too?" When the old man heard the report, he was surprised. Then he turned calm and said slowly, "is it the Chinese Tianjiao who went to Fusang to the east?"

"Yes, my Lord, that man has a good command of the sword, and the power of one sword will uproot the whole Jiahe God and ghost clan. When the news came out, Fusang's dark world was shocked, and they were all afraid of this man! " The man in the samurai costume bowed his head and said, "there are many discussions in the interior. Several elders are going to kill Zhao Fugui and revive Wu Fusang's face!"

"The ghosts and gods in Jiahe ghost sect have lived for thousands of years. He was the first Yin Yang division of Fusang. Before he died, he wanted to shelter me and convert to the Shinto to, but his ancestors didn't agree. Now, thousands of years later, although his strength is difficult to increase, he can only rely on blood sacrifice to cultivate the Shinto, but he is also a half step myth level evil god. Zhao Fugui can kill it, and his strength is really shocking! " The old man murmured.

"Chiba, do I have to close the Mountain Gate in gaoye The man in the samurai suit said reluctantly. If Li gaoye does this, it means that the whole dark world of Fusang bows to Zhao Fugui. As long as Zhao Fugui does not die, the whole dark world of Fusang will tremble under Zhao Fugui's authority.

When ye Tiannan crossed to the East, Li gaoye was shut up and lost a lot of dignity. Now that Zhao Fugui is here, if Li gaoye doesn't do it again, I'm afraid Li gaoye will no longer have the face to call himself Fusang holy land.

"Just a Zhao Fugui, I don't have any fear of Gao Ye. How can today's Zhao Fugui compare with ye Tiannan 20 years ago? Ye Tiannan has been a myth in the world 20 years ago!" The old man sneered and made a move. Next to a stream that will not freeze all the year round outside the canyon, a huge rock appeared dense cracks. A few seconds later, the rock burst. A samurai sword flew out of the rock and fell into the old man's hands. Seeing this shining samurai sword, the man in Samurai uniform bowed his head in awe.

"Qiushui, Qiushui, I, Chiba Fengsheng, have been sealed for 20 years. Now I'll get together with you again. You and I will go to kill the Huaxia Tianjiao and let Huaxia Zhenwu circle know that Fusang is not without a strong man!"

The old man stepped out of the sky, just like an immortal on the moon. Every step he took made him look younger. Ten steps later, he stepped out of the valley. The 70 or 80 year old man's appearance has become a middle-aged man in his heyday.

"Myth, the myth of the time, you Chiba are going to fight at last!" Li gaoye's disciples all fell on the ground in awe when they saw this scene, watching the Chiba Fengsheng disappear outside the valley like a farewell God.

Half an hour later, the news that chieftain Chiba Fengsheng of Li gaoye was going to kill Zhao Fugui himself spread all over Fusang.

At this moment, Zhao Fugui and Yamada huilisha are still in Yamada pharmaceutical's largest laboratory. A group of laboratory security guards with guns and batons surround Zhao Fugui and Yamada huilisha in the middle.

"Mountains and fields, how dare you betray me?" Yamada, looking at the middle-aged man hiding behind the security guard, looked gloomy and cheered coldly.

"Erisha, how dare you betray the Yamada family and let the Yamada family recognize a Huaxia as its master? Damn it. The Chinese are all inferior people. I will never accept them as the masters of the Yamada family! " Yamada yelled, "alcohol, kill them!"

"Fire, kill them!" Sakai Nojiri's face sank, and he immediately yelled, and the piercing gunfire suddenly rang out.

"Do you dare to insult us like ants?" With a flash of cold light in Zhao Fugui's eyes, he reached for his hand to cut the void at will. Suddenly, a golden sword was cut out. The sword directly cut the bodies of the mountain and field, and then turned into small sword lights, smashing the bodies of a group of security guards.

The strong smell of blood filled out immediately. Yamada's face was pale. In her mind, Zhao Fugui was really like a living demon.

"Who else won't?" Zhao Fugui Sen cold eyes to the distance to the second batch of security and laboratory personnel to see, light asked. The Yamada family's experiment seems to have reached a critical stage, and the whole laboratory is conducting experiments day and night.

As Zhao Fugui's eyes swept by, the guards trembled and their guns fell to the ground. In front of Zhao Fugui, they couldn't stand and all fell to their knees in horror.

"Take me to the experimental area!" Zhao Fugui is too lazy to manage these wastes. He reaches out and grabs them. The heavy alloy gate makes a loud "bang" and blocks the exit. If Zhao Fugui doesn't start, no one here can escape.

"Yes, master!" Yamada said in awe, and then quickly took Zhao Fugui to the depths of the laboratory."Quick, quick, take away all the core experimental materials. These materials are the capital for us to make a comeback. The God making plan must not be destroyed!" At the same time, deep in the laboratory, a middle-aged experimenter with glasses is yelling. He is the person in charge of the laboratory. Every year, he throws hundreds of innocent people into the horrible biochemical experiments.

The whole laboratory is busy. All the experimenters are trying their best to sort out the data. They want to rescue all the data. But at this time, the middle-aged experimenter suddenly found that almost all of them stopped their work.

"Why stop? Come on, speed up The middle-aged experimenter's face changed greatly and growled angrily.

But at this time, he suddenly felt his arms and legs hurt fiercely. Then he was shocked to find that his hands and legs fell off his body and were cut off.

"It's too cheap to kill you like this. You shouldn't die in my hands!" Zhao Fugui's voice rang coldly and said.

"Ah The middle-aged experimenter gave a shrill scream. His limbs were cut off, but he couldn't die for a while. The experimenters in the laboratory stare at this scene, but no one dares to move.

Zhao Fugui looked at the huge Petri dish in the center of the laboratory, and a huge and terrifying experimental body appeared in front of him.

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