Super Monk

Chapter 1983

No one in the lab thought that Zhao Fugui would kill the snake mother directly. The snake mother is just a primary experimental body. Yamada pharmaceutical didn't want to make it extremely powerful. Its strength is a little stronger than Zongshi. Basically, the great master can kill the snake mother without damage if he is careful.

Yamada pharmaceutical made this snake mother just to collect information and prepare for making a stronger body. The success of this divine body means that Yamada pharmaceutical is not far away from making a perfect first generation divine body.

The first generation of God bodies were defined as God slaves by Yamada pharmaceutical. In the future, they will be God slaves in the kingdom of God. The second generation of God body will be the God servant in Yamada pharmaceutical plan, the God servant in the kingdom of God. The third or the fourth generation of God body will be the real Royal God and the Lord of the kingdom in Yamada's plan.

The snake mother, broken into two pieces, struggles and squirms desperately on the ground. The wall in the laboratory is smashed by the creeping snake mother. The experimenters are frightened and hide in the corner, shivering. Zhao Fugui has been watching the snake mother stop struggling.

Then the snake mother's cut upper body slowly opened the gap, seven girls with a viscous liquid fell out of the snake mother's body, and even their scales began to slowly disappear.

"I guess it's right. This snake mother is a biological weapon developed by Yamada pharmaceutical. They haven't mastered the method of extracting consciousness and transferring it. They can only transplant it directly to the snake mother by human. The snake mother's body is like their weapon. Once the snake mother's body dies, these" drivers "will also fall off!" Zhao Fugui breathed a sigh of relief and said in a deep voice. This inference is also Zhao Fugui's guess, but he can't take a monster back to Shuya, even if it's a risk, he can only do so.

Zhao Fugui saw that the bodies of Shu Xiaosu and Ji Ling were restored to their original state, without the characteristics of snakes. He immediately found several white coats and put them on Shu Xiaosu and Ji Ling and the innocent Zhao Fugui. These girls are all Chinese. Apart from the innocent kidnapped from Southeast Asia, Yamada pharmaceutical's experimental body is Chinese.

"How many innocents are still in the lab?" Zhao Fugui asked coldly.

"Answer the master!" Yamada pulled out an experimenter hiding under the table and asked aloud.

"There are dozens of people in the B area!" The experimenter trembled all over. He was so scared that he didn't dare to hide anything. He said quickly.

"Tulisa, you go to area B, release all the girls there, and get out of the lab!" Zhao Fugui said coldly.

"Yes, master!" Shantian huilisha nodded and was ready to leave. She used to be the head of Shantian's family, but now she has Zhao Fugui's support. The people in the laboratory have long been frightened by Zhao Fugui's bloody methods, and no one dares to stop her. When she was ready to release the innocent girls, Shu Xiaosu and Ji Ling, the seven girls, woke up slowly.

"Brother Zhao!"

"Master!" When Shu Xiaosu and Ji Ling wake up and see Zhao Fugui's eyes, they are immediately surprised. They are kidnapped to Fusang and immediately put into the snake body of the snake mother to do the fusion experiment. This is a double torture of body and spirit. Shu Xiaosu and Ji Ling feel that they are in hell, and Zhao Fugui is the dawn of hell.

"It's OK. You'll go with Marisa and get out of here first!" Zhao Fugui touched Shu Xiaosu's head and said to her and Ji Ling. Then he looked at the other girls and said, "you're going to leave, too!"

"Thank you A few young girls were surprised in their eyes and quickly expressed their thanks to Zhao Fugui. Then they struggled to stand up and followed Shantian to release other people who were caught here.

As Zhao Fugui watched the young girls leave, his anger grew stronger and stronger. He glanced around coldly. Zhao Fugui walked directly to the storage area of the experimental body.

Yamada pharmaceutical carries out a large number of biochemical experiments, there must be many failed or semi-finished experimental bodies, all of which are locked in the culture tank, waiting to be observed to collect experimental data, or waiting to continue the next experiment.

Zhao Fugui found hundreds of culture tanks in the upper and lower laboratories. Looking at these tanks, Zhao Fugui wrote down the location of the tanks, and then went to the power room of the laboratory.

Part of the huge laboratory uses public electricity, and the other uses electricity generated by generators inside the laboratory.

The layout of this laboratory is similar to that of the laboratory in North Africa. It also has huge oil storage tanks. Yamada pharmaceutical's laboratory did not consider being attacked at all, so they put huge oil storage tanks in the laboratory.

"Boom!" Zhao Fugui hit the huge oil storage tank and directly made a big hole in it. The diesel in it gushed out madly, and the pungent smell of diesel immediately diffused out. Zhao Fugui easily pulled off a thick high-voltage cable, and the cable fell close to the ground with sparks. As long as the diesel spread over for a while, the high-voltage cable would ignite the oil tank and eventually cause a big explosion.

After finishing this, Zhao Fugui turned and walked to the upper layers of the laboratory. One by one, he opened the Petri dishes and released the bizarre experimental bodies inside. Each of these experimental bodies was extremely ferocious. Some were human, some were human, and others were deformed.Zhao Fugui opened the Petri dish, and immediately some of the awakened subjects wanted to attack him. Looking at these subjects, Zhao Fugui's eyes were cold, and directly released a terrible sense of killing. This sense of killing immediately scared these subjects. Most of them were scared to turn around and run away, and a few of them were killed by Zhao Fugui on the spot.

Hundreds of culture dishes were released by Zhao Fugui in an instant.

"What you have researched, let you taste their horror!" The shrill scream soon rang in the laboratory, Zhao Fugui heard the scream, his face showed a cold smile, and said to himself.

At the same time, Yamada and a group of young girls escaped to the exit of the laboratory, but the exit of the laboratory has been blocked by Zhao Fugui's alloy door, so these girls can't open it at all.

"Why hasn't the master come yet?" Yamada, looking at the surveillance video in the security room at the entrance of the laboratory, said in horror that the released experimental bodies in the surveillance video are chasing the laboratory experimenters everywhere. I'm afraid that it won't be long before those experimental bodies will come near the exit of the laboratory, and then they will be in danger.

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