Super Monk

Chapter 1992

"Zhao Fugui was defeated after all!" There are less than three Fusang warriors who can escape from the avalanche. After the battle, Fusang Warriors must be seriously injured. The survivors are still scared when they see Zhao Fugui fall into the crater.

Who could have imagined that some martial arts practitioners wanted to break through the situation when they were going to watch a peerless war, but they didn't expect that this war triggered an avalanche, which killed most of Fusang martial arts practitioners. I'm afraid that after this war, Fusang cultivation world will not be able to recover for decades or hundreds of years.

However, Zhao Fugui is still dead. As long as Zhao Fugui is dead, these Fusang martial arts practitioners can get some consolation. After all, even if Fusang martial arts circles suffer heavy losses, as long as Zhao Fugui is dead, the Chinese real martial arts circle will also suffer heavy losses.

"I didn't expect that Zhao Fugui, the damned Fusang man, should have done so much harm to us Fusang warriors. This guy is really damned!" There is also the angry shouts of Fusang warrior. The rest of the warrior's eyes show deep fear. The battle of myth is so terrible that it can trigger such a power of heaven and earth. It's incredible.

However, seeing Zhao Fugui fall into the pass of Mount Fuji, a group of fusangwu people smile. Although Zhao Fugui's strength is beyond expectation, he is going to die after all.

"Zhao Fugui, you are dead!" Chiba Fengsheng, holding Qiushui in his hand, saw Zhao Fugui fall into the Fuji pass. He jumped directly from the Fuji pass and chopped Zhao Fugui in the air.

"Zhenshan river!" Now it's extremely dangerous. The golden flame is burning in Zhao Fugui's eyes, and an ancient sword flies out of the sea of knowledge again, directly facing the blade of Chiba Fengsheng.

Chiba Fengsheng's face is expressionless. He cuts the sword light of Zhenshan River, and the sword is split. The light of the knife in his hand flashed again, and a sword awn cut Zhao Fugui's body in an instant. Zhao Fugui's body protection power was cut off, and his blood burst in an instant, and he accelerated to fall to the bottom of the crater again.

"The yellow spring falls!"

"Nine swords in one!"

Zhao Fugui's face was cold, as if the injured person was not him at all. A sword light from the yellow spring flashed out and was killed by Chiba Fengsheng. Nine ancient swords buzzed in the crater, and one by one flew up, bringing a strong streamer in the sky. Several ancient swords flew together, forming the only magnificent sword light. They fell from the sky, like a falling meteor, cutting to Chiba Fengsheng with the most powerful sword intention.

"What a strong kendo. With this Kendo, if you didn't meet my Chiba Fengsheng, you would be able to cross and support mulberry and be invincible again!" Chiba Fengsheng looked up and saw the huge sword light falling from the sky. His eyes showed a look of admiration, and then the look was replaced by a look of jealousy. He is very successful and boasts of being a rare talent in the world. However, it took decades for him to achieve what he is today. Compared with Zhao Fugui, his genius is just a joke.

"Since you are so talented, how about waiting for me? If I don't kill you, the world is so big, how can I have the chance to dominate the world! "




"Kill all the talent and pride in the world!"

The powerful light of the sword bloomed from the hand of Chiba Fengsheng. The autumn water in his hand danced as if it was heavy. The icy autumn water seems to move at the beginning of thunder, which brings a terrible storm. A huge tornado appears with the autumn water of Chiba Fengsheng.

This terrible tornado is completely composed of gang Qi Dao mang. Chiba Fengsheng's control of Dao Li's gang Qi has become more and more subtle. The tornado composed of gang Qi Dao mang is the evolution of Chiba Fengsheng's strongest Dao Dao, and it is with this Dao that Chiba Fengsheng proves the world's mythological realm.

"Taigu imperial sword, breaking the stars!"

The huge tornado swept out, and the whole huge Mount Fuji crater was shaking. The surviving Fusang strongmen immediately realized that it was wrong. With the previous lesson, these Fusang strongmen rushed to the foot of the mountain without looking back. No one dared to stay on Mount Fuji. They did not dare to look up to mount Fuji until they reached the foot of the mountain, but Zhao Fu did Guihe and Chiba Fengsheng have already entered the crater, and they can't be seen at all.

In the crater, broken stars and nine swords collided with each other, and the sound of "boom boom" and thunder suddenly sounded in the crater.

Huge rocks peeled off from the crater and fell to the bottom of the volcano. The whole crater seemed to be collapsing. The bursting gas devoured everything in the crater. Deep cracks with a depth of several feet appeared on the wall of the crater, and then these extremely hard walls, which had existed for many centuries, began to collapse.

Nine swords together with incomparable strong sword meaning and broken star tornado hit together, nine swords together a little bit into broken star's interior. Tornado is like a huge beast in the roar, vigorous Qi, knife awn in the crazy rotation, a little bit to break the golden sword awn.

By the time the sword was half pierced, the awn covering the sword had been smashed. The tornado was spinning wildly, and the sword was still hard to pierce, but soon an ancient sword began to tremble.

"Boom!" With a loud bang, the huge sword burst and turned into nine ancient swords again. The ancient swords were dim. They were thrown away by the tornado that still had a small half left, and disappeared deep into the surrounding crater."Ha ha ha, Zhao Fugui, what if you have supreme Kendo? After all, your martial arts are far from me. I Chiba Fengsheng broke your Kendo, and then cut off your way, destroying your hundred years' fortune in Chinese martial arts circle! " Chiba Fengsheng laughs with pride, but his eyes are extremely cold. Zhao Fugui's strength is completely beyond his expectation. Because of this, he wants to kill Zhao Fugui and destroy the enemy who has not yet fully grown up.

As soon as Chiba wind wields its sword, the huge tornado changes its direction and rolls to Zhao Fugui. In the huge tornado, Zhao Fugui is like a rootless duckweed, instantly submerged by the tornado.

"Boom!" The tornado rolled Zhao Fugui into the ground of the crater, and the rocks on the cliff fell like raindrops, which soon devoured Zhao Fugui's figure. Chiba Fengsheng looks at the crater coldly. The autumn water is a little bit on the rock wall, and his body suddenly rushes out of the crater.

"Zhao Fugui is dead, and Mount Fuji is his tomb!" Chiba Fengsheng rushed out of the crater, carrying his hands behind him, like an ethereal immortal. His voice was not big, but he could be heard clearly by those Fusang strong people at the foot of Mount Fuji.

"Lord Chiba, the martial arts are connected with the gods. From then on, I will surely prosper the martial arts, and the strong will come forth in large numbers!" A group of Fusang strongmen bowed deeply to the ground and yelled in unison.

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